How to Login to Facebook Without a Code Generator (2025)

Quick Links

  • Why Does Facebook Want a Code?

  • How to Sign In to Facebook Without Code Generator

  • Tip: Log Out of Your Facebook Account on Suspicious Devices

Key Takeaways

To sign in to Facebook without a code generator:

  1. Open Facebook and enter your email or phone number and password.
  2. Choose "Need Another Way to Confirm That It's You?"
  3. Select either "Text Me a Login Code" or "Call You With a Login Code."

Want to log in to your Facebook account but can't generate a two-factor authentication code as you've lost or misplaced your phone? Don't worry; you aren't completely locked out of your account. There are multiple alternative ways to get the code, and we'll show you how to use them.

Why Does Facebook Want a Code?

After you've turned on two-factor authentication for your account, Facebook will ask you to enter the verification code from your code generator app each time you try to log in to your account on your devices. This verification helps keep unauthorized users away, as despite knowing your Facebook username and password, they can't log in to your account (as they don't have the code).

Related: Here's Why You Should Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

How to Sign In to Facebook Without Code Generator

If you've lost your phone or don't have access to your phone for any reason, logging in to Facebook will be hard as you can't sign in successfully without entering the code from your phone.

Luckily, there are alternate ways to get the code and gain access to your account. Here are those ways.

Let Facebook Send You the Code by Text or Call

If you have access to the phone number linked to your Facebook account, you can get the site to send you a login code via text or call. This way, you can receive the code for your account and sign in to your account successfully.

If you've lost your SIM card along with your phone, request your carrier to provide you with a new SIM card with the same phone number. You can then use this SIM card in another phone to receive the code.

To use this method, first, launch Facebook on your device. Then, enter your username and password to log in.

On the page where it asks you to enter the two-factor authentication code, select "Need Another Way to Confirm That It's You?"

How to Login to Facebook Without a Code Generator (1)

On the following page, in the "Use Text Message" section, click "Text Me a Login Code."

How to Login to Facebook Without a Code Generator (2)

You should have received a code on your phone via a text message. If you haven't received it, then choose the "Call You With a Login Code" option. Facebook will call you on your phone to provide you with the login code.

How to Login to Facebook Without a Code Generator (3)

Once you've obtained the code using either way, enter it on the login screen, and you'll have access to your account.

Approve Your Facebook Login From an Authorized Device

If you're logged in to your Facebook account on another device, like a phone or tablet, use that device to approve your login request from your current device. This way, you don't need a code to be able to access your account.

To do that, open Facebook and sign in using your login credentials. On the code page, select "Need Another Way to Confirm That It's You?"

On the device where you're logged in to your account, launch Facebook and access the notifications. Here, select the notification about your new login and approve it. You're now logged in to your Facebook account on your current device.

Use a Backup Facebook Login Code

Facebook lets you download backup login codes that you can use to sign in to your account when you can't access a code generator or your phone. These are one-time use codes, and you can either print or download them to your devices.

If you downloaded those codes in the past, use one of them to log in to your account. You'll enter this code just like you would a regular two-factor authentication code.

If you have difficulties finding these codes on your device, use your file manager's search feature to find them. You may have saved these codes with names like "recovery codes," "Facebook backup codes," and so on.

Contact Facebook

If you can't use other methods because you don't have access to your phone number, you aren't logged in to your account on your other devices, and you never saved any login backup codes, your last option is to get in touch with Facebook and ask them to help you recover your account.

Related: How to Contact Facebook For Account Help

To do that, open Facebook on your device and sign in with your username and password. On the verification code page, choose "Need Another Way to Confirm It's You?" and select Other Options > Get More Help.

You may have to provide Facebook with your identity card to prove that you're the account owner. Once you've submitted the required details, Facebook will get back to you to help you regain access to your account.

Tip: Log Out of Your Facebook Account on Suspicious Devices

Once you gain access to your Facebook account, the first thing to do is check if there are suspicious devices on your login list. You may want to log yourself out on all these devices to ensure your account's safety.

To do that in Facebook's desktop version, head into your profile menu > Settings & Privacy > Settings > Security and Login. On the right, review the device list. Next to the device that you find unrecognized, select the three dots and choose "Log Out."

How to Login to Facebook Without a Code Generator (4)

In Facebook's iPhone or Android app, navigate to Menu > Settings & Privacy > Settings > Security and Login. Next to an unfamiliar device, tap the three dots and choose "Log Out."

How to Login to Facebook Without a Code Generator (5)

Facebook will log you out of your account on your selected devices, and you're all set. You may want to change your Facebook password to make sure anyone else using it isn't able to log back in.

And that's how you log in to your Facebook account in the absence of a code generator. We hope the guide helps you regain access to your account.

How to Login to Facebook Without a Code Generator (2025)


How do I get the login code for Facebook if I can't log in? ›

You can use a six digit text message (SMS) code sent to your mobile phone. By tapping your security key on a compatible device. With a security code from a third party app you've associated with your Facebook account. You can approve your login attempt from a device we already recognize.

How do I recover my Facebook account without authentication code? ›

Recover Your Facebook Account if You Can't Log In.
  1. From a computer, go to the profile of the account you'd like to recover.
  2. Click below the cover photo.
  3. Select Find support or report profile.
  4. Choose Something Else, then click Next.
  5. Click Recover this account and follow the steps.

How do I log into Facebook if I lost my phone with two-factor authentication? ›

If you've turned on two-factor authentication, you can get 10 recovery login codes to use when you're unable to use your phone. Once you have your recovery codes, you can use one in place of your authenticator code when logging in.

How do I get my 6 digit code for Facebook? ›

Steps to receive a code for two-factor authentication:
  1. Open the Facebook app and tap the menu icon.
  2. Tap Settings & privacy.
  3. Tap Code Generator.
  4. Use the code to log into Facebook.

What if I lost my Facebook authenticator recovery code? ›

If you run out of codes or lose them, you can request new ones by clicking Get New Codes. If you're having trouble logging into your account and you have two-factor authentication turned on, learn more about how to troubleshoot login with two-factor authentication.

How to get Facebook code with another number? ›

I didn't receive the code from Facebook to confirm my mobile phone number.
  1. Tap here to view the mobile number you entered.
  2. If you entered the wrong number, tap Add Another Number. If you don't see this option, tap I didn't get the code.
  3. Enter the correct number and tap Add.

How can I recover my Facebook password without SMS? ›

2. Contacting Facebook Support
  1. Visit the Facebook Help Center.
  2. Go to “Login and Password” on the left side menu.
  3. Click on “Fix a Login Problem”.
  4. On the page, click on “Recover Your Account If You Can't Access the Email or Mobile Number on the Account”.
  5. Follow the prompts based on your individual circumstance.
Aug 19, 2023

How to get Facebook two-factor authentication code without phone number? ›

If you don't have access to your phone, or you no longer have access to your two-factor authentication method, select I don't have my phone, then tap Contact Us. Follow the on-screen instructions. Was this helpful? How could it be better?

What do I do if I don t get my verification code from Facebook? ›

To do that, try to log into Facebook. When it asks for a code, choose Resend. If you still don't get the code, click Need another way to authenticate and follow the instructions to use an alternate delivery method, like your account's registered email address.

What if I can't access my two-factor authentication code? ›

If you have forgotten your password and you've lost access to your two-factor authentication credentials, you can start account recovery to regain access to your account. You'll need to verify your identity using a recovery authentication factor, such as an SSH key or previously verified device.

Where can I find Facebook recovery codes? ›

Scroll to the bottom and tap Settings, then tap Security and Login. Tap Use two-factor authentication. Enter your password and tap Continue. Tap Recovery Codes, then tap Show Codes.

How can I get a Facebook login code by SMS? ›

You can use a one-time password to log into your Facebook account any time you feel uncomfortable entering your real password (such as in a library or internet cafe). 1. Send a text message (SMS) to 32665 with the message otp. SMS messages may sometimes be delayed.

How do I get an authentication code for Facebook if I can't login? ›

Here's what you can do in the event that you lose access to Code Generator or your third-party authentication tool.
  1. Let Facebook Text You a Confirmation Code. ...
  2. Use a Saved Recovery Code. ...
  3. Approve the Login From an Authorized Device. ...
  4. Confirm Your Identity.

What to do if I can't log into my Facebook account? ›

If you're still having trouble, you can try to recover your account: Go to and follow the instructions. Make sure to use a computer or mobile phone that you have previously used to log into your Facebook account. Check out these login troubleshooting tips.

How to fix Facebook not sending SMS code for 2 step login? ›

Mobile Helpdown
  1. SMS codes can sometimes take time to arrive. Check your phone again in a while.
  2. If you are logged in from another browser or device, check your notifications. You may be able to approve this login from there.
  3. If you already had Recovery Codes saved or printed, you can use them to approve this login.

What do I do if I didn't receive Facebook login code? ›

Here are some things you can try:
  1. Check the number that you entered. Log into the Facebook app and view your mobile number from the Account confirmation screen. ...
  2. Re-send the SMS. Log into the Facebook app and view your mobile number from the Account confirmation screen. ...
  3. Use an email instead. ...
  4. Re-send the email code.

How to log into Facebook if two-factor authentication is not working? ›

Troubleshoot login with two-factor authentication on Facebook
  1. Add a new mobile phone number to your account.
  2. Add a different authentication app to your account.
  3. Add a security key to your account.
  4. Turn off two-factor authentication from your Security and Login Settings.

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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

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Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.