Kumo No Naka Ni Atama - Chapter 16 - Kumaraki_Ikeda (2024)

Chapter Text

Hey everyone!!! After yet another lengthy hiatus I’m back in action and continuously working to finish this story like I said I would. I mean…..you didn’t doubt me right? lol This chapter will be told in dual pov’s. It will start with Kumaraki and switch after every *** symbol break. I really hope it’s not too hard to follow since it’s the first time i’ve done a chapter like this with this story. And she’s a looooong one ya’ll! I think this is my longest chapter to date, over 10,000 words with a *spoiler* semi-spicy bonus scene at the end.

The song lyrics come from Special Affair by The Internet so if you so choose, you can- and I would recommend- playing the song when you get to the part where Kumaraki takes the stage to get the vibe of the performance. Group performance music although not mentioned is Baddie by IVE so listen to that too. Side note that I can’t remember if I included in an earlier chapter but Kuma’s stage name, Minaide, (if i’ve translated it correctly) means “Don’t look.” (So kinda an ironic name for a go-go dancer) Hopefully you guys like this chapter, so without further ado…here we go!!


A few weeks had gone by since my first full night as a Kanpai dancer, and my account balance had increased pretty nicely just in time for summer vacation. I had been looking foward to lazing about during the week, which is why for the first three days of the break I had slept in until noon. It was also nice having the house to myself since during the day Obito was at work. I had developed a little routine, after I woke up I would fix myself something to eat, hop in the shower, and then lay on my bed naked while I smoked a bowl and watched tv. ‘Now this is the life.’

I tried to alternate spending my afternoons and evenings between all my friends. I had gone to the movies with Hinata the other day, and had dinner at Shika’s the last night. Ino was at work today, which really just meant she was sitting at the front desk of her parent’s high end florist business, scrolling through her phone. I decided that it would be her turn today. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

Walking down the street in the humidity, I questioned my brother’s love for me. ‘Why don’t I have a car yet?’ I pondered how I could try and convince him it was time for him to buy a new car and give his current one to me. I had already considered the possibility of asking him to get me a new one, but decided the chances of him agreeing would increase if there was something in it for him. As it stood, I had to take the Shoelace Express everywhere, which limited my mobility to places I was willing to travel to on foot.

Luckily, most of my friends lived within walking distance, Ino being one of them. It didn’t take me long to get to her house, which was right down the street from the flower shop. I continued on past until I got to the end of the street. My bag slipped off my bare shoulder as I jogged through the crosswalk, only slowing down once my hand grasped the gold door handles of the building.

The fragrant cold air hit my nose the second I stepped into the doorway. I looked to my left and spied the long blonde ponytail of my best friend. Just as I predicted, she hadn’t even noticed my entry, her eyes were glued to her phone screen. As I got closer, I could see she was watching Lavender 5’s new music video.

“These were supposed to be carnations,” I said loudly while smacking my hands on the counter right in front of her. I practically saw the shiver travel up her body before she whipped her head up in shock.

“Rakkkkiiiii!” She screeched having almost come out of her chair in surprise.

“So you working hard, or hardly working?,” I laughed at the scowl on her face.

“Get out,” she pointed towards the door.

I laughed again before coming around the desk and sitting in the spare chair, “Seriously though, when do you get off?”

“Ugh five,” She propped her head on her elbow.

“Nooooo, that’s the whole day,” I whined.

“Don’t remind me,” she sighed. “Besides I’m only doing it so I can butter them up, remember? Have you had any luck with the I.D.?”

“Not yet. I sent Haru the picture. He’s supposed to ask his friend. I’ll check on the progress when I see him tomorrow,” I flipped through the little plastic rolodex of business cards sitting on the desk.

We had been trying to figure out how to get Ino into the Summer Nights event at Kanpai next weekend. We didn’t worry about Hinata getting in because she would be out of town that weekend. Sakura was eighteen and could enter legally, but Ino’s birthday wasn’t for another four months so she wasn’t getting in without some assistance. I hoped we had that angle covered. Haru supposedly had a friend that made fake I.D.s for “various clients” was the phrase he used. I didn’t ask questions, all I wanted was to party with my girls. In the meantime, Ino was trying to get on her parent’s good side by manning the front desk during business hours. We decided that maybe if she helped out, her parents would let her out Saturday night.

I visited a little longer before heading back to my house. I didn’t want to overstay my welcome and make the business or my friend look unprofessional by “hanging out”. When I got back in my room I flopped back down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. That only lasted about five minutes. I rarely ever found myself bored, but when I did I was rather good at finding something to occupy me quickly.

Sitting on the floor in front of my tv stand, I opened the doors to the cabinet and pulled out my gamestation controller. I sat back up on my bed and set up a game of Chef Momma, my guilty pleasure. I was usually roped into playing Shinobi Striker or EagleEye 003 with the guys, and the girls didn’t play video games. I didn’t often play by myself, but when I did I preferred more casual, not-so competitive games like this or Pocket Monsters. One of my favorites was Dance Dance Mania, but you had to go to the arcade for that and I had only managed to convince Shika to play with me a few times.

I played for awhile before puttering around the house for the next few hours and ended up fixing a large helping of rice to go along with a whole box of frozen takoyaki. Obito arrived home from work conveniently, just in time to help me eat it.We put on a movie in the living room and ate our dinner at the coffee table. After the first movie ended, he put on another while I rolled up a joint for us to share. I wanted my body to look good for next Saturday, so in my best effort to fiend off the munchies I decided to go ahead and go to bed once we had partaken.

I said goodnight and went to my room laying down on my bed. I got under the covers and pulled out my phone to text Shika.


Hey so what are you doing tomorrow?

I fell asleep waiting on his reply.



Hey so what are you doing tomorrow?

I had been talking with my dad last night when she had texted me. We were discussing the university entrance exams. They were still a few months away but now was the time to start preparing. Midterm results had come back, which meant my excuse to prolong this particular conversation was no longer valid. Overall, Tsukuba students had produced the higher scores. That usually meant that that school had a better program, so it looked like that was the university I’d most likely be attending.

The world of finance and accounting was far from exciting, but it was a stable and respectable career that would allow me to take over my father’s business in a few years. It was all a drag to think about the seriousness of it all, and I would have much rather spent the time texting my best friend.


Sry I never replied. I’m meeting the guys

at the arcade. I’ll hit you up later.

‘Better late than never, I suppose.’ I sighed as I hit ‘send’, hoping she wouldn’t be too pissed. In all fairness, we usually replied to each other pretty quickly, so it was unusual to have to wait for a response. I decided there wasn’t much point in mulling on it anymore as I made my way down the sidewalk.

The conflicting cacophony of the various machines and the flashing lights signaled my arrival at Bazooka Games. It was twice as big as Saturn Park and had more games, so the guys and I frequented it more often. About five steps in, I heard Naruto’s loud voice coming from the corner I was headed towards. Six more steps confirmed my suspicion to be true. Naruto was trying to beat Kiba at Nitro Racing by his usual method of ‘any means necessary’. I approached them right about the time Naruto resorted to giving his competitor a kidney shot, and threw a sympathetic look towards Sasuke. There’s no telling how long he’d been trying to wrangle them before I got here.

“It’d be a real drag to get us kicked out as soon as I get here,” I sighed.

“Oh hey Shikamaru! What’s up?” Naruto turned around to greet me, allowing Kiba to pass him and consequently win the race as I nodded in acknowledgement.

“Oh what the f*ck man?! Come on!” He whipped his head back towards the machine, only realizing his defeat once the victory music signaling the end of the race played.

“Hey don’t blame me! You gotta keep your eyes on the prize,” Kiba barked out a laugh.

“Shut up! I could beat you with my eyes closed! Let’s go again,” Naruto growled, not willing to accept defeat.

“Dude, you just lost,” Kiba retorted.

I motioned towards the EagleEye 003 machine, silently asking Sasuke if he wanted to play a round. He made his way towards the machine and we left the other two to bicker amongst themselves. I picked up the plastic gun after throwing a few coins in the machine and waited for Sasuke to do the same.

“How long have those two been at it?” I pulled the trigger, selecting the ‘2 players’ option on screen.

He released a heavy pent-up sigh, one that only came from having to wrangle our two most boisterous friends, “We met up with Inuzuka about forty-five minutes ago so…about forty-five minutes.”

I smirked and shook my head while guiding my player to the second level of the map, “Damn, sorry to leave you by yourself, they really are a two person job.”

“Count yourself lucky you missed out. I’ve already had to ream his ass about Raki, again,” he entered the same room as my guy and began firing.

I grunted in dismay not only from the knowledge she was still at the forefront of his mind, but because I was also down to sixty-three percent health, “What a drag. You’re right, I am glad I ran late.”

“So where’s your sidekick?” He asked, hot in pursuit.

“On another date with that Karui chick,” I answered assuming he was referring to Choji.

“Maybe he should give these idiots some pointers. If they had someone to keep them preoccupied, maybe we’d get some peace,” he rolled his eyes.

Suddenly I realized that wasn’t such a bad idea. I wasn’t concerned about Naruto’s love life, but as long as Kiba was enamored with my best friend I felt an overwhelming urge to step in and redirect his attention. We were supposed to be meeting up to figure out what Naruto wanted to do for his birthday. If I suggested we go to a club, as loathsome as it would be, maybe Kiba would find a girl to distract him long enough to forget about Raki. I decided to get Sasuke’s opinion on the matter.

“Not a bad idea, what if I’ve thought of a plan?” I shot at his guy before diving back behind a corner.

“Doesn’t surprise me. So..?” He ran across my screen into a conjoining room.

“We should go to a club for Naruto’s birthday, just the guys. Maybe while we’re there those two dweebs can find someone to hook up with,” I followed his guy, spraying gunfire into the room.

“Who’s hooking up?” The soul-shattering volume of Naruto’s voice right by my ear threw my concentration off, allowing Sasuke to finish me off with a headshot.

I sighed, “Damnit Naruto,” I hung the plastic gun back in it’s holster attached to the front of the machine.

“Hey let’s go grab a bite,” Naruto’s sporadic mind, thankfully, was already onto another subject.

Sasuke and I nodded as we followed the other two out onto the sidewalk and down the street to WcDonald’s. Once we had ordered and sat down we began discussing the whole reason we had met up in the first place.

“So my birthday is next Friday. I was thinking of doing something Saturday night, you guys game?” Naruto stuffed a handful of fries into his mouth.

“Depends on what you’re planning,” Sasuke looked at him pointedly.

“All I need is girls and alcohol,” he grinned wickedly while gesturing crudely.

“So have a house party. We can invite Raki and the girls, make it a BYOB,” Kiba offered what seemed like his ideal situation for Naruto’s birthday.

“Nah, my parents will be home, no chance my dad’s letting that happen. We’ll have to go out,” he slurped his drink.

I couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity. They took it upon themselves to steer the conversation towards an outing and all I had to do was seal the deal, “Best place to find girls and drinks is a club.”

Kiba’s ears perked up at my suggestion, “Hey yeah! He’s right, and I know just the place. Any of you heard of Kanpai? It’s this dance club that’s supposed to have these shows where hot ass girls get up on stage and dance in string bikini’s and sh*t. Eighteen and up.”

“Sounds exactly like what I’m looking for,” Naruto rubbed his hands together in excitement, but he paused, “eh but I don’t wanna hear the girls’ bitching about us being perverts.”

“So we’ll make it guys only,” Kiba shrugged it off as no big deal. “Besides without them there, we’ll really be able to have fun.”

I exchanged a glance with Sasuke, pleased with how everything had gone. We nodded, confirming our agreement to the plans. I heaved a sigh of relief knowing that while we were out getting drunk next weekend, Raki would be nowhere in Kiba’s sight, and preferably out of his mind.


Despite telling me he would, Shika never actually ‘hit me up’, so I was a little peeved as I walked into the club Saturday night. Once I had gone to the back and changed into my first outfit I became Minaide and switched into work-mode and completed my set. After getting off stage, I made my way over to the bar to get one of my free drinks and check on the progress of Ino’s ID.

“Haaaarruuuu!” I called out, hopping on a stool in the corner.

He turned with an already made ‘Sex on the Beach’ in his hand, “Hey Princess!”

He sat the glass on the counter in front of me. I took a healthy sip as I readjusted my hot pink fishnet tights. I pulled my mouth away from the straw, “Soooo….how are we looking on that fake ID?”

He sighed, which should have clued me in immediately, “I was hoping you wouldn’t ask about that.”

I groaned and looked at him expectantly, “What?”

“It takes a couple of days to print one up that looks authentic.”

And?” I questioned not seeing the problem, “It’s a week away.”

“He’s out of town and doesn’t get back until Friday,” he frowned.

“Whhhhyyyyyy,” I whined and pouted by huffing.

“Sorry Kuma. But hey-at least we’ll be here suffering together,” he offered.

I grinned and nodded, knowing he was trying to make me feel better, but my mood had considerably soured with this new revelation. Without Ino, I already knew Sakura would back out. She just wasn’t the type of person that would feel comfortable enough to come on her own, so it looked like I was going to end up solo. I took my drink with me so I could finish it backstage while I was getting ready for my next set.

After my second dance, my night was only half over. I still had a third routine to perform and then after that Ayane, Sato, and I were going to rehearse a group number we were doing for Summer Nights. I had texted Obito and told him that I was going to end up working a few hours of overtime tonight as a cover story. He had only texted back a thumbs up emoji, not caring as much about my late night activities now that school was on break and grades weren’t at risk.

I had saved my other two free drinks until after my third set to unwind before we started practice. As I sipped the last of my second mai tai, Sato appeared at the door signaling that it was time to start. I joined her and Ayane on the stage so we could go over the steps. We practiced the dance sequence at the beginning and then we split off into separate directions, each claiming one of the three catwalks. We synchronized our movements so we landed on our marks at the same time. Now at the end of the stage, we had a short series of choreographed moves we performed simultaneously before making our way back towards the center of the stage. After another brief sequence, we struck our finishing poses.

We ran through the routine three more times before Ayane was satisfied with our progress. As easy-going as she seemed, she was apparently a closet perfectionist and had worked us to the bone. Afterwards, I collapsed into my chair in the dressing room, feeling way more exhausted than I ever felt after Kiba’s Top Canine practices. I pulled a t-shirt down over my head in between yawns, not bothering to change out of my outfit. I waited for Ayane and Sato so we could walk out together. When we got outside I pulled my phone out of my sweatpants pocket. It was 4:22 a.m.

“Hey it’s pretty late. You don’t have a car do you?” Ayane put her hand on my shoulder.

I internally groaned at being reminded of my earlier woes. I shook my head no, preparing myself for the walk.

“Why don’t I give you a ride?” She asked, suddenly looking like a pink haired angel.

Normally I would have turned her down, not wanting to be a bother and not knowing if it was out of her way or not, but I was so damn worn out that just this once I decided to make an exception, “That sounds great, thanks.”

We said goodbye to Sato and I slid into the front seat of her red Subaru. It looked fairly new on the inside and I was thankful for this unexpected luxury. I gave her directions to my house and was relieved to find out that it was indeed on her way home. What would have been a twenty minute walk home turned into a ten minute car ride. We spent that time gossiping about whether we thought the new dishwasher, Yusuke, was dating Ami, the hostess.

When we pulled up to my building I thanked her again and told her I would see her Friday night. We said our ‘goodnights’ and I walked inside and to the elevator, now concentrating on coming in as quiet as possible so as not to wake up Obito.


“You never texted me back.”

I rolled my eyes as I picked up the paper wrapper Kumaraki had just shot at me, using her straw as a blow gun, “Yeah, yeah I know. Sorry, I just got a little busy.”

She rolled her eyes and gave me a pointed look, “Shika if there’s one thing you never are, it’s busy. Lazy? Yes, but busy?…I don’t think you’re capable.”

I scoffed before lobbing the now wadded up piece of paper at her forehead, “I’ll have you know that I do find ways of occupying my time outside of hanging out with you.”

“With what? Napping? I’ve literally seen you take a sleep aid to get out of family functions, lest we forget Grandma Nara’s sixty-eighth birthday,” she smirked.

“And nobody even remembered I was missing,” I crossed my arms.

“Because she tripped on the stairs and had to be taken to the hospital,” she scowled.

“That’s besides the point. So what are you up to this weekend?” I asked, changing the subject.

“Ughhhhh working,” she groaned. “We’re having an event so it’s supposed to be super busy, but I guess that means good tips. What about you?”

I leaned back up against the teal upholstery of the booth we were sitting in, “Going out for Naruto’s birthday.”

Her head perked up, drawing her attention away from her lunch, “Awww man and I’m gonna miss it. I bet Hinata’ll be bummed too.”

“Nah, it’s just supposed to be a guy thing anyways…wait, why would Hinata be bummed?” I wondered why she had mentioned our purple haired friend specifically.

She whipped her head around in several directions, as if to make sure no one was listening in to our conversation before she spoke, “Well you can’t tell anyone, promise?”

She goaded me as if I was Ino and the two of them were ten again. Nothing came out of my mouth but an exasperated sigh, which she took as a sign of my compliance and a signal to continue, “So Hinata has a crush on Naruto…like bigtime. I’m talking like, if the kid asked her to marry him tomorrow she’d say yes.”

I laughed, a little surprised. I guess what they said about ‘opposites attract’ held some truth, “She’s so shy though. I would have thought he’d be a little too…much for her, you know?”

“Apparently not,” she smirked. “So without spilling the beans, try to feel out the situation a little will ya?”

I rolled my eyes, “What a drag, how? Guys usually don’t ask each other to talk about their crushes.”

“Just do what you can,” she had stood up and dumped our trash in the bin before coming back to stand in front of the booth.

I drug myself up out of the seat and held the door open for her to walk outside, “Come on, let’s go blow off some steam.


When Shika had said “Let’s go blow off some steam”, what he had meant was we were going to find a place to smoke a joint. More often than not, he had one secreted on him. If we were out-and-about and the mood struck him, he would often say a code phrase and we would disappear for a short time only to rejoin our friends in a much lighter mood.

Based on the side of town we were on, I had an idea where we were headed. There was an old building, a box lunch factory, that was basically nestled against the side of a large hill. It was not unheard of for the local kids to find their way to the top of the hill, courtesy of an old worn out path in Konohagakure Park. From there, it was a simple matter of finding the loose corner of the chain link fence and pulling it back enough to slip through onto the roof.

There was the occasional sighting of the factory’s security guard, a bumbling old man who I’d imagined had worked for them for the past seventy-six years, but as long as you weren’t part snail you could outrun him. He’d shuffle his way around the perimeter of the roof while he puffed on a cigarette-no doubt his secret to everlasting life- looking to catch the local teenagers in the act of trespassing. I don’t think he ever actually caught or turned anyone in, he mostly just yelled idle threats at the local youths’ backs as they fled.

The shock of the cold metal against my bare midriff brought me back to reality as I slipped through the crack and onto the factory roof. Once I had weaved my fingers through the loops in the fence I wrapped them around the free piece and held it back for Shikamaru like he had held it for me. He wormed his way through, it becoming increasingly difficult over the years, the taller he grew.

We squatted down behind a large pair of pipes coming off of an industrial fan. The two of them together were tall enough to shield us from the door to the factory if we hunched over. I leaned back against the metal pipe, pleasantly warmed from the daylight, and waited for Shika to light the joint.

He puffed on it a few times before passing it to me. I shielded my eyes from the sun and took it from between his fingers. As I blew out a puff of smoke, I leaned my head back and basked in the summer warmth. I wondered how many of these carefree summer days Shika and I had left to spend together. Surely once he was the head of the Nara’s accounting firm he wouldn’t be able to sneak away on his daily lunch breaks to get high on rooftops.

“You think we’ll still be climbing up here in a few years?” I voiced my thoughts, looking at him as I blew another hit out in his direction.

“f*ck, I hope not. I assume I’ll be able to afford to buy us a house to smoke in by then,” he took the joint from my hand and knocked the ash off the top.

I quirked an eyebrow, “Us a house?”

He scoffed, “Yeah we’ve known each other practically our whole lives. I just assumed after high school you’d end up living with either Ino or me at some point. I figured you’d want your freedom from Obito first chance you get….plus I’ll need someone to clean and cook for me.”

I rolled my eyes and shoved his shoulder in protest, “Oh yeah, meanwhile you’ll be doing what?”

He chuckled and passed the joint back, “Going to class and working at the firm. One of us has to support our asses.”

I took the joint from him but stared at his face for longer than a moment. He was smiling, but he wasn’t joking. ‘He’s actually f*cking serious.’ I thought back to that night in the park and how he had dropped everything for me that day, no questions asked. Hell, we had been best friends for as longer than I could remember. I couldn’t recall a time in my life where he wasn’t in it, and to know that he planned to make sure that was the case in the future gave me a swirling of different feelings. I felt so incredibly lucky to have such a good and caring person in my life. Someone I knew’d be there no matter what. I swallowed the urge to voice my sappy opinions, knowing it usually made Shika embarrassed.

“Can we get a dog?,” I blew out a cloud of smoke.

He tutted, “What a drag, you’re already trying to find a way to-,” He was interrupted by the sound of a heavy metal door being pushed open.

We looked at each other, sharing a look of mild panic. It seemed the old man had decided to take his afternoon cigarette break. We heard the lighter click and the shuffling of feet on the concrete roof. I waited until the sound of footsteps receded before hitting the joint again. It was the last hit so I tapped it on the side of one of the pipes until it went out.

The black athletic shorts I was wearing had no pockets, so my hand reached towards Shika’s pants to secret the incriminating evidence. I slipped it in, but he flinched and pulled away at my touch. I shot Shika a questioning look. I ignored the voice in the back of my mind that noticed the footsteps getting closer again, the old man had rounded the far corner and was headed back this way.

He glared at me, “That tickles.”

I fought the urge to laugh. It wasn’t often that I was able to mess with Shikamaru, to make him embarrassed or react otherwise out of character. Admittedly, when stumbling upon the opportunity, I usually took it.

“Oh so like this tickles?” I provoked, my hands shooting out for the sides of his waist.

Within a second he had spun me around and grabbed both of my wrists with one hand. I ended up sandwiching him between my back and the metal pipes. The motion was so fast and fluid that I couldn’t help but gasp in shock.

“Heyyy-,” I began to protest but was interrupted by his large free hand covering my mouth, the motion tilting my head backwards into the crook of his neck

“If you’re not quiet you’re going to get us caught,” he whispered in my ear.

I considered licking his hand to get him to release me, but I thought better of it as the scuffling of the old man’s shoes came closer. Judging from the noise, it sounded like he was directly on the other side of the pipes at this point. I had no choice but to remain motionless and wait for him to pass.

Unfortunately, it gave me a chance to process a few things. Currently, I was plastered against the body of my best friend in a position that could only be described as indecent. Moreover, if I did choose to move, we would most likely be caught because we wouldn’t be able to both slip through the fence in time. Finally-and this one would require more thought later- was the fact that I couldn’t place what the hell I had felt when he had whispered in my ear.

That deep raspy voice of his coming out of lips that just barely ghosted the shell of my ear. The heat of his breath that tickled that spot on my neck. The vague words he had used that could’ve implied all sorts of suggestions. The fact that I could feel his toned body with every hesitant breath he mustered. The combination of all these sensations sent a tingling warmth traveling outward through my body from a place low in my stomach.

The footsteps receded but we remained motionless, waiting for the guard to disappear into the recesses of the factory. There was nothing but silence as Shika finally deemed it safe enough to release me. I was about to ream him for surprising me like that, but instead of hearing the sound of the metal door that would have been my cue to pop off, we heard the unmistakable click of the lighter again.

‘He’s doubling down.’ I rolled my eyes and groaned.

“Hey! Who’s there?!” An authoritative voice called out.

Shika grimaced and drug his hand down the length of his face while scowling at me. My frustration had gotten us caught despite his best efforts.

“Time to go!” I shrugged my shoulders and made a beeline for the chain link fence.

He yanked the corner of the fence back and practically shoved me through. He slid through right behind me and pulled the metal net back in place.

“Damn teenagers!” We heard the faint call of the old guard behind us, but we were already pulling each other through the grass of the park, laughing.


A week had gone by all too fast for me, and before I knew it I was out of the shower and getting dressed for Naruto’s birthday outing. I hadn’t seen Raki since the rooftop, for which I was secretly grateful. It helped me push the memories of a particularly inappropriate dream to the back of my head. I hadn’t planned on reacting the way I did that day, and so I had inadvertently avoided her rather than suffer through the awkwardness of an explanation. I suppose I should be thankful that she hadn’t felt the need to bring it back up. I sat on my bed and began tying my shoes when my dad walked past my open door.

“Headed out?” He leaned on the door frame.

I nodded, finishing the knot on the second shoe, “Naruto’s birthday.”

“Ah! A night out with the guys…sounds fun. I wonder if I should give Akimichi and Yamanaka a call for our own get together,” he stroked his beard in thought.

“Well I’ve got to get going. Gotta meet Sasuke in five,” I groaned, standing up and making my way into the hallway.

“Stay out of trouble…and don’t do anything I wouldn’t,” Dad called from behind me, still at the top of the stairs.

“I wouldn’t even do half of what you would do,” I called back at him, walking out the front door.

When I got to the street corner Sasuke was already waiting for me. I threw one hand up in a wave while the other ashed the cigarette I had lit a few minutes earlier.

“You hear from either of them yet?” I asked.

“Yeah they’re gonna meet us at the end of the block. The club’s within walking distance. Probably a good thing for later, the walk'll give us a chance to sober up,” he fell into step beside me as we continued to walk across the street.

I nodded in agreement, “Your brother let you off your leash for tonight?”

He scowled, scoffing in protest, “My brother’s not the boss of me.”

“You sound just like your cousin,” I blew out the smoke from another drag.

“Yeah, speaking of…you think this plan of your’s is going to work?" He looked over at me.

I shrugged my shoulders, “Eh, we can only hope.”

“If it doesn’t work we can always move to plan B,” he offered.

“Which is?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Get Raki a boyfriend that isn’t Inuzuka,” he said matter-of-factly.

I didn’t have a chance to reply or think of how to even explain the initial thoughts I had upon hearing his statement. We had crossed another street and at this corner stood Naruto and Kiba waiting for us.

“‘Bout time. You bring anything with you Shikamaru?” Naruto asked, hands in his pockets.

“You’re starting early,” I sighed, but tossed him one of a few joints in my jeans. I had brought one for Naruto as a birthday present, one for the group, and an emergency one for me to preserve my sanity.

“I mean yeah, I’m tryin’ to go all out,” he lit it up and took a few puffs.

We stood in the shadows up against the side of a building, a greeting card shop that had closed earlier in the day, and passed the joint around. It went around a few times before being spent up, and when it was done Naruto handed it to me. I threw it in my pack of cigs to conceal the smell. Sufficiently buzzed, we made our way further down the street.

We crossed into the entertainment district of town, where Kiba led us towards a building with a set of black doors and a crowd congregating around them. As we approached I could see that the windows were heavily tinted, but allowed brief flashes of light to shine through sporadically. Apparently, they were having some sort of event tonight resulting in a small line we had to wait in before getting inside.

The THC in my system had my head swimming pleasantly as we made our way into cool air of the club. Multi-colored strobe lights cut through the darkness of the room, giving just the right light to see where you were going but kept it dark enough to keep the playfully mysterious atmosphere. Again, we followed Kiba to a section of tables designated ‘VIP’ by the red velvet rope that encompassed them.

As we sat down, I noticed that our section was right up against the dance floor allowing us easy access. I guessed that the reason they were considered prime seating was because they were elevated to the same level as the stage, where a half naked girl with lavender hair was dancing provocatively.

“Now this is what I’m talking about,” Naruto’s gaze was zeroed in on said woman.

“Hey there, welcome to Kanpai! Tonight is our Summer Nights event, we have two-for-one specials on Kirin, Sapporo, and Orion and all our whiskey co*cktails are half off for the next two hours. What can I get started for you gentlemen?” A waitress with long black hair had come up to our table.

Naruto and Kiba managed to tear their eyes away from the entertainment long enough to give the girl their order and then resumed watching the show. Sasuke and I requested two Jack and co*kes and with a quick ‘I’ll be right back with those’ she disappeared, leaving us to resume our conversation.

“sh*t, even the waitresses here are hot. If Raki turns me down, I know where I’m headed to nurse my heartache,” Kiba smirked watching another woman, this time one with pink hair, start her routine.

I caught Sasuke glaring at the back of his head as I silently prayed for the waitress to hurry up with our drinks, and hoped the alcohol would take the edge off. It was only the beginning of the night, and I found myself wishing that I had made plans with Choji or Raki instead.


Tonight was finally the Summer Nights event at work. Coincidentally, it was the same night I was debuting my mesh catsuit. I had already done one set tonight but in a different outfit. Now that there had been a chance for the crowd and tips to increase I was pulling out the big guns. I had spent the last hour getting dressed and fixing this stupid ass green wig I had decided to put on. It was actually a good quality Captain Pluto cosplay wig from two Halloween’s ago when the girls and I had all dressed up as Pretty Space Guardian characters. I had refreshed my makeup and added glitter to the sides of my temples. After strapping on clear heels, I stood in the mirror and took a few pictures to send to the girls like I had promised I would do.

I ran my hands over the transparent mesh fabric and did a little jump test to make sure none of the rhinestones were going to come off. They were strategically concentrated in certain areas but otherwise my body was pretty much on display so I couldn’t afford for any to pop off. When the integrity of the garment seemed to still be intact I jiggled in excitement. The look was giving American pop star and I was here for it.

I slurped the last of my co*cktail, wishing that I was toasting with Sakura and Ino. I had broken the bad news to the latter a few days before, when the three of us had gone out for lunch. We had a nice, dramatic, group ‘bitch-and-moan’ and then resigned ourselves to the fact that our plan would not come to fruition. Sakura had squirmed uncomfortably so I had beat her to the punch and told her she was off the hook. I inwardly chuckled as I saw the relief flood her face. Sakura was usually down to hang, but she was the second most reserved of us four and preferred to be social in a group instead of venturing out on her own. I didn’t hold it against her, never wanting to make my friend uncomfortable.

In all honesty I was missing Hinata the most right now. She was the best one of my three girlfriends to talk ‘feelings’ with and my brain hadn’t let me forget the other day on the roof with Shikamaru. I hadn’t felt that particular feeling in a good while and it was overwhelmingly confusing that my best friend was the one that had produced it. She would be back in a week and it couldn’t come soon enough for me. I was planning on taking her to get boba and then maybe a trip to the spa to relax me into confessing the details of my newly acquired mental anguish.

I sighed and touched up my lipstick now that my drink was finished. I could hear Natsu’s voice ring through the speakers, “Give it up for the juicy little Ichigo everyone!” I waited a moment and sure enough Ayane came bursting through the door out of breath.

“They’re wild out there tonight girl. Maybe it’s the full moon,” she looked in my direction as she fluffed her hair with one hand and used the other one to dab the sweat off her neck with a blue handtowel.

“Good!” I smirked. “Maybe if I howl loud enough they’ll be compelled to empty their wallets.”

We shared a laugh before I put a congratulatory hand on her shoulder as I slipped out the same door and into the hallway. I took a deep breath as I always did before I performed. I emptied all the stress-filled thoughts out of my head and became my on-stage persona as I heard Natsu give me an introduction.

“Now I saw this next little honey pot getting ready back stage, and trust me, you won’t want to miss this. So stay put and give it up for Kanpai’s suuuuuper sexyyyyy Minaiiiideeeee!” I grinned as I passed her on the stairs.

“Knock ‘em dead kid,” she playfully smacked my ass and got out of my way.

I positioned myself in the middle of the stage behind the curtain. I waited for the first few beats of the low and sultry music to start as I threw back the large panels of velvet material and stepped out into the stage, the bright spotlight shielding the audience from my sight. I felt like I could dance like no one was watching.


“Kanpai’s suuuuper sexyyyyy Minaiiiideeeee !” I heard the announcer continue her routine as I sipped the last of my fourth Jack and co*ke.

I snorted a small laugh. ‘Minaide huh? What a stage name for a dancer.’ At least this one had a sense of humor. As the deep strums of the double base resonated through the speakers, a woman slinked out onto the stage from between the curtains and did a twirl so her back was to the audience.

‘Penny for your thoughts, I know what you want.’

‘I can read your mind even from behind.’

Her long green hair, which looked oddly familiar for some reason, went down to her knees. It covered her back until she dropped into a loose squat and rose slowly only to smack her round, and rather nice looking ass. Her outfit was completely see through except for the carefully placed gems that didn’t leave much to the imagination as she gathered up her hair and gyrated her hips.

‘And f*ck what’s in your phone, let me take you home.’

‘I wanna take you home.’

“sh*t take me anywhere you want baby,” Naruto was practically on the edge of his seat. He was so mesmerized the forgotten drink in his hands was tilted forward, threatening to spill on the carpet.

I had to admit, as I relaxed and leaned back into my chair, that she was fine as hell-at least from the back- and hypnotizing to watch. I glanced at Sasuke out of the corner of my eye and even he seemed into it. Matter of fact, she was commanding the attention of the whole room, Kiba included. ‘Maybe I should encourage him to ask for her autograph or something,’ I snickered inwardly.

‘Cause it’s so rare that I’m here,’

‘Don’t plan on staying too long.’

She continued to dance and writhe around stage, dropping to her knees and doing floor work. Her grinding movements were slow and sensual, keeping the same beat as the song she was moving to. I took a sip of my drink, finding my mouth particularly dry, and adjusted the crotch of my jeans that were all-of-the-sudden seemingly too tight.

‘It’s a special affair, better act like you know,’

‘Who I am…who I am.’

When the beat of the chorus came through she stood and spun around unexpectedly to an eruption of cheers. I half glanced at her face for a brief second, confirming she was in fact a knockout. Not paying much more attention, I quickly moved on to where she had intended for us to look. The front half of her body did not disappoint, and was as equally perfect as the other half I had been staring at. Her outfit left almost her entire figure bare, save for more strategically placed gems that I found myself wishing would fall off with every bounce of her body.

‘Playing in the dark, I might break your heart.’

‘I can get you high, if you wanna climb.’

She had dropped to her knees again and began crawling towards the audience down the catwalk. When she got to a certain point she stopped and came up on her knees gyrating her hips again, causing her breasts to slightly bounce with each movement. I gulped down the rest of my drink and adjusted my jeans again. I was starting to feel like a middle-schooler seeing his first p*rno mag. I began to think that this might not have been the best idea, looking over to my left all but confirmed it. I could see the drool practically leaking from the side of Kiba’s mouth.

‘Cause f*ck leaving alone, let me take you home.’

‘I wanna take you home.’

She stood up again and made her way to the end of the catwalk. As she got closer I was able to see her face more clearly. She looked naggingly familiar, and I began to think of where I had seen her. I looked over to find a similar look on Sasuke’s face. He had his arms crossed and head tilted to the side. I assumed he was pondering the same thing.

“Hey, does she look familiar to you guys?” Naruto had turned around, echoing my suspicion.

“Yeah…,” Kiba stroked his chin in thought, “her face does, but I can’t place the hair.”

He was right. I began searching through my head, where had I seen that hair before? Did she go to school with us? Was she a local model that we had seen in a magazine? Had we met her out anywhere? The color and hairstyle almost reminded me of a cartoon character.

‘Wait a minute….that looks like that f*ckin wig Raki wore last-’

‘But’s that’s not…’ I squinted my eyes and zeroed in on the woman’s face.

‘It is. It’s f*cking her. What the actual f*ck is she doing?’ I felt my breath hitch. Sure enough, under more makeup than I had ever seen her wear, was my best friend dancing practically naked in front of a full audience. I looked back over at Sasuke and saw his eyes widen in realization.

“Hey is that…it is! Sasuke, that’s your cousin!” Naruto spun around in his seat, eyes impossibly huge.

“Raki? Holy sh*t! This confirms it, now I gotta put a ring on it,” Kiba leaned forward closer to the stage where our friend had now ended her dance and was walking offstage leaving behind a boisterous round of applause.

“Yeah…it’s time for a cigarette,” I stood up, needing an excuse to go get some fresh air and gather myself.

“I’ll join you,” Sasuke, who looked like he might be sick, bolted up from the table and followed me out the door.

I hung a left after exiting the large black front doors and stood on the side of the building in the alley. I pulled a cigarette from the pack, taking in a whiff of the joint roach from earlier. As I lit the end, I felt Sasuke’s presence beside me leaned up against the wall. I sighed as I breathed out a large cloud of smoke. I would have to wait to be alone with the many thoughts swirling through my head.

He looked over at me and scowled, “I may not be a genius like you, but I’m smart enough to know that plan failed spectacularly.”

I hung my head and groaned in agreement.


After my catsuit performance, which Kubo said might have set a record for most made in one set, I had popped out to the bar, sans wig, and grabbed a drink. I was slurping the last of the mai tai through the straw now.

“Ok we’ve still got about thirty minutes until we go on for the group finale, you got everything you need Sato?” Ayane asked fixing the pink version of the garter belt, a part of the matching outfits the three of us were wearing.

“Yep I’m just about ready, you good Min?” Sato was fastening the buckle of her blue stilettos.

“Yeah I’m all set,” I looked in the mirror and attempted to stuff my breasts back into the lime green corset top they were threatening to spill out of.

The three of us stood in a circle and helped each other adjust our outfits. Standing side by side we looked like an adult version of the American Powderpuff Girls. We ran through some of the steps while dance music blared from the speakers out on the dance floor. Soon enough, we heard Natsu announce our group as the final live dance number for the evening.

We came out to whistles and cheers. We waved and blew kisses as we walked to our marks. I was on the stage left end, giving me the catwalk closest to the front doors. The upbeat bubbly music came on and we began our routine. Everything was going fine until we began the dance steps on the catwalk. At one point, we did a synchronized spin and when I planted my left foot down a hand wrapped around my ankle.

I didn’t feel it until I tried to lift my leg two counts later. I knew the crowd had been larger and more wild than other nights but I should have been paying more attention. I jerked my leg and when it didn’t move I looked down. A guy a few years older than me that looked three sheets to the wind had a hold of me. I shook my leg and yelled for him to let go. Instead of abiding by my request he began tugging on my ankle.

Sato and Ayane continued to dance as was expected. If one of us bit the dust or forgot the steps the others were supposed to continue without literally missing a beat. I was currently trying to recover and fall back in sync with them but this asshole would not let go. I wondered where Minamino and Kuwabara, the two bouncers, were posted up and why they hadn’t made it to me yet.

I had had enough and began to lift my leg in order to kick whatever part of this dickhe*d I could reach with my stiletto heel. Unfortunately I miscalculated, and at the same time that I threw all my weight into lifting my leg and bringing it down on him, he decided to execute a particularly aggressive yank towards him.

That was all it took to throw me off balance. I felt both feet leave the stage and waited for the impact of body parts and then subsequently the hard floor. I never felt the latter, just the firmness of a tall, strong body. One arm under my back balanced my top half as another rested under my mostly exposed ass.

“I gotcha Babydoll,” I looked up at my would-be savior. It was a tall, dangerously handsome man with the oddest shade of dark pink eyes and silver hair that reminded me of Kakashi’s, only this man wore his slicked back.

“Thanks,” I stuttered out, slightly shaken up.

“No problem Angel, you can fall into my arms anytime you want,” he grinned. “Name’s Terasoma.”

I was about to tell him my name but the ass who had started all this sh*t in the first place was walking up to us.

“Hey f*cker, you need to take a step back,” Terasoma raised his foot and kicked the guy to the floor all without dropping me.

I saw a flash of red hair in my periphery, letting me know that the bouncers were now taking care of the situation with the drunk guy.

“Hey Raki! You ok?”

I froze. I definitely recognized that voice, I had never heard it in this building though. I turned my head to my left and sure enough there stood my best friend. He looked at me with concern and then his expression began to change.

“I think you can set her down now, she seems fine,” he glared at Terasoma’s hand comfortably palming my ass.

The man holding me chuckled but set me down. I adjusted my top trying not to make a big show of it with Shikamaru right there. I glanced back up at the stage as Ayane and Sato were finishing up. I would have to apologize to them later. They had had to improvise most of the rest of the routine to accommodate two dancers instead of three.

I sighed, “Shika what the hell are you doing here?”

“What a drag, I could ask you the same thing. I thought you were supposed to be at work,” he crossed his arms.

“Uh yeah, this is where I work,” I echoed him and crossed my arms.

“I thought you said you were a waitress!” He replied exasperated.

“I started as one, but-you know what? No, we are not having this conversation right now. You still haven’t answered me. You don’t even like clubs so why are you even here?” I co*cked one hip out.

“Did you forget about Naruto’s birthday?” He rolled his eyes.

“I guess. Wait, that means-f*ck!” I groaned. Sasuke emerged from behind Shikamaru’s frame looking annoyed and disgusted at the same time.

‘Well this just gets better and better doesn’t it? How could it get any worse?’

“I saw Terasoma catch you, are you okay?” All of the sudden Itachi, who seemed to be acquainted with my would-be hero, appeared like a ghost out of thin air at my side.

‘Oh sweet merciful Susanoo if you’re up there….smite me now. Send a lightning bolt to fry me up, a wave to drown me, anything but this please.’

I felt the blood drain from my face and was half terrified that Obito would pop out next and it would all be over. As it stood, damage control was an absolute necessity, I thought in overwhelming discomfort. I looked at my two cousins and the almost identical scowls they wore on their faces, “Alright you two. Come with me a second. Shika I’ll meet you by the bar.”

I walked over to the back wall, patrons parting for me, as Sasuke and Itachi followed closed behind. Once I made it to the corner of the building I sighed and looked at them both.

“Ok what’s it going to take to keep this a secret from Ito?” I crossed my arms effectively pushing up my breasts, making Sasuke cringe.

“For starters I’d like the sight of you in that outfit burned from my memory. Can’t you go change?” He scowled.

“No I can’t. I’m supposed to be in costume while I’m on the floor,” I rolled my eyes.

“I won’t say anything to Obito, but I’m not going to help you hide anything either,” Itachi spoke up, stoic voiced as always.

I was honestly surprised. Itachi was twenty-three and closer to Obito’s twenty-six than to my eighteen. He more often showed his loyalty towards my brother rather than me when it came time to pick sides. His neutrality gave me some relief even though it wasn’t out of the realm of possibilities for him to request a favor later.

“Fair enough…what about you Sasuke?” I looked at him with a pleading face.

“I’ll have to think about it. But it’s going to be something you’re not gonna like,” he smirked.

Typical brother-like behavior. I rolled my eyes, “Sure just let me know. I have to get backstage but I’ll meet you guys at the bar. Itachi, if I don’t see you the rest of the night, tell your friend I said ‘thanks again’.”

They nodded as I disappeared through the hidden door to the back that was located on this side of the stage. I heaved a sigh of relief and fell against the door once I was on the other side, safe from prying eyes. I quickly hurried down the hallway, past the frequently used staircase to the stage and into the dressing room.

“Holy sh*t girl are you okay?” Ayane came running over to me.

“Yeah some dipsh*t grabbed ahold of my ankle and pulled me off the stage. I’m so sorry I messed up the routine after we worked so hard,” I bowed in forgiveness.

“Oh hush, we’re just glad you’re ok,” Sato tutted while patting my shoulder.

“At least on the outside,” I sighed, loosening the back of the corset. “I actually stumbled- literally- into some friends of mine. You think it’d be ok if I just got out of costume and went and said hi?”

“Sure hun, I’ll let Kubo know. We don’t have much left to do tonight anyway,” Ayane nodded.

I pulled the various parts of the costume off and traded it for a simple glittering black mini dress and more comfortable heels. I fixed my hair and touched up my makeup before heading out towards the front of the house. When I emerged from the door I turned to the bar to find Haru already holding out a drink for me.

“Here Princess, you definitely need it. You doing alright?” He asked concerned.

“Yeah, I think so. Thanks Haru,” I took the drink from him and lifted it in a toast motion before taking a healthy sip.

I glanced up and saw Shika scowling in my direction, standing there with the others. I sighed, anticipating a rather awkward conversation, as I walked towards them. Naruto was the first of the others to notice me approaching. When he did, he waved me over dramatically.

“Hey guys,” I forced out shyly. “Happy birthday Naruto! You guys having a good time?”

“It's definitely better now,” Kiba stepped closer and put his hand on my shoulder. “What about you?”

“Yeah we saw you take a spill you alright?” Naruto, clearly inebriated, motioned emphatically and almost tanked it off his barstool.

“Yeah I got out pretty much unscathed,” I shrugged and looked over to Shikamaru, who was being unusually quiet, given the circ*mstances.

The five of us stood there and conversed for a little while, stopping a few times to convince Naruto both that he didn’t need another drink and also that the little bowls of cashews sitting on the bar belonged to everyone. When they had announced that the club was closing and for patrons to begin making their exit, we said our goodbyes with Kiba and Naruto telling me they looked forward to coming back as Sasuke drug them out by the collar of their shirts.

When Shika went to walk away, I pulled him back by the front of his t-shirt causing him to stumble forward into me with a small grunt. He swayed on his feet before reflexively placing a hand on my hip to steady himself, he had been drinking too.

We were close enough that when I looked up, I was staring directly into his eyes, “I’ll come over one day this week and we’ll talk about it okay?” I said in a soft voice.

He looked down at me with an unreadable expression on his face before nodding, “Yeah just let me know when.” His voice was equally as soft.

He backed away slowly, his hand on my hip the last thing that was pulled away. I waved as he turned around and made his way out the door. I knew he wouldn’t tell Obito, but I also knew he wasn’t happy about this. I could tell from the look on his face. He wasn’t mad at me, but there was something else there. I sighed for what felt like the thousandth time that night before heading to the back to collect my tips from the night, gather my things, and catch a ride home with Ayane.


“Can you believe how sexy Raki looked in that diamond thingy? Can you believe we go to school with a girl that hot?” Naruto almost tripped over a crack in the sidewalk.

“Yeah I know. I’m definitely spending the summer there. I gotta figure out if they have a membership, or a punch card at the very least,” Kiba grinned, drunkenly stumbling himself.

“Shut the f*ck up guys,” Sasuke growled pushing them both towards a bush on the right of the sidewalk.

I hung back a few steps and pulled out the joint I had brought for me. I was probably just as drunk as they were, but I was steady on my feet as I squinted an eye for the proper depth perception to light it. I tried to control my annoyance at the comments that I had expected since we discovered the girl we had all had a hard-on for was Raki. I did feel bad for Sasuke though, he was probably scarred for life at the thought of being turned on by what was essentially his sister.

We eventually came to the corner where Naruto and Kiba needed to branch off. “Here man, before I forget. Happy birthday,” I tossed the joint to Naruto’s open hands.

He looked at it in awe like I had just thrown him a double cheeseburger before thanking me and pocketing it. Kiba told us Naruto was staying at his house tonight and proceeded to drag him down the sidewalk, leaving me and Sasuke.

“So you gonna snitch to Obito?” I asked passing him the joint.

“No, but I’m going to torture her by letting her think I might,” he blew out a cloud of smoke.

I chuckled as we walked down the street, thankful this night was over.


Bonus Scene


I stumbled into my bathroom and turned on my shower. While I waited for the water to get hot I peeled off my clothes and tried to quell the amount of stress I was feeling.

I had snuck in quietly enough, my parents already asleep and unbothered as I clumsily ascended the stairs to my room. I had shut the door behind me and crashed into my bed, resigning myself to sleep in my clothes, too lazy to remove them. I had laid there in drunken thought, a thousand things on my mind. After tossing and turning for at least a half an hour with no sign of sleep I got back up.

I tested the water with my hand before stepping into the shower. I sighed as the comfortably hot water cascaded into my hair and down my body. I rubbed against the now healed tattoo on my peck as I soaped up. Feeling myself become more relaxed I closed my eyes and tried to clear my head. I was already buzzed and was still stressed so I did the only other thing I could think to do to relieve enough of it to maybe help me get to sleep.

My hand traveled south and gripped the base of my member. The hot water and the soap allowed me to pump my hand up and down my shaft, sliding pleasantly from base to tip. I sighed as I picked up the pace, imagining different scenarios where the sensation I was feeling wasn’t from my hand. I pictured a pair of bouncing tit*, my dick sliding in and out between a splayed apart pair of legs and I found myself getting close.

Suddenly, my thoughts ventured to the other day on the roof with Kumaraki, but this time she was in that infuriating little bodysuit from tonight. I had her hands behind her back. She was pressed up against me, but I had her bent over, her shoulder leaning on one of the large pipes for balance as I pounded into her. Then all the sudden, she was down on her knees in front of me with her mouth around my co*ck, bobbing her head.

‘Fuuuck,’ I thought as I came hard with a groan. Water washed the white ropes that sprung forth from my tip down the drain. I shuddered in relief as I re-rinsed my body off before stepping out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around my waist and flopped back down on my bed. I was thankful that I felt sleep sneaking up on me, as I decided I would eventually have to deal with the fact that I had just masturbat*d and the thought of f*cking my best friend is what brought me over the edge.


So what did you guys think? Did anyone catch the Easter egg characters from another awesome anime? lol I’ll give you a hint: they’re all employees at Kanpai. We finally got some honest to god admittance of Kuma and Shika’s attraction for each other. It’s about time right? And of course the cat’s out of the bag now, I told you she couldn’t keep it a secret forever. Now the question is how will everyone handle this new discovery, and do we in fact have our first glance at the villian of this story? Also did you guys like the juicy little bonus scene? It’s the first time I’ve tried any outright sexual content so let me know if it flowed realistically.

A few things to note:

for Kuma’s catsuit think Britney Spear’s Toxic diamond bodysuit.

Also again the parodies make an appearance. Kuma uses a Sailor Pluto (Sailor Moon) wig and Powderpuff Girls are obviously meant to be Powerpuff.

Also I’m pretty sure you all know who Terasoma is based on the physical description, and with him not technically having a last name I didn’t want to really make up one so I went with the voice actor’s last name. He will reveal his first name in a future chapter just in case you don’t realize who he is yet.

As always I’d love to hear what you think so please leave me reviews letting me know!!

Kumo No Naka Ni Atama - Chapter 16 - Kumaraki_Ikeda (2024)
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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

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Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.