Why 2024 is the Best Year to Sell a Home in the Bay Area - Seb Frey, REALTOR (2024)

The Bay Area housing market dances to its own rhythm. It hums a tune of demand and desirability that echoes nationwide. But some times are better than others, and in this article, we will explorewhy I feel 2024 is the best year to sell a home in Bay Area.

People always wonder about timing the sale of their Bay Area home. Sometimes timing is important due to life events like retirement or planning to marry someone in a different area, or expecting new children and needing a bigger home in the not-too-distant future.

But usually, people wonder if any particular year would be a good year to sell their home because the question really is about money: will I make more money if I sell this year, or next? Or the year after that? Of course, that’s a hard question to answer in any year, because the future is uncertain. But broadly speaking, Bay Area home prices have been going up for decades, and that general direction seems likely to continue.

But since the question is (usually) mostly about money, before I explain why 2024 is the best year to sell a home in the Bay Area, I’ll touch on the very key question of how to get the most money when selling a Bay Area Home in 2024…or in any year, for that matter.

How to Get the Most Money Selling a Bay Area Home in 2024

I’d like to share the honest truth about home prices: your home has no one set market price. It is worth somewhere within a range of prices, and where it sells within that range depends on these four factors:

  1. Overall economic and market factors,
  2. Your home’s condition(which may inform how it is prepared for sale),
  3. The way it is marketed, and, crucially,
  4. The manner in which the sale is negotiated.

The way that you you prepare your home for sale, the marketing that you do, and then the negotiations will all have to be harmonized to best adapt to those prevalent economic and market factors at the time you put your home on the market.

When it comes to timing, #1 on the list – economic and market factors – do pertain to the year (and month, and perhaps even the week) that the property is put up for sale. Ideally, you would put your home on the market when there is low supply, high demand, strong employment, positive consumer sentiment, and a favorable interest rate environment.

Unfortunately, we don’t have a time machine and cannot go back to 2021, when the market was at its absolute peak and behaving with utter insanity. However, overall market and economic factors do look to continue being favorable for 2024.

Item #1 on the list is the only item that you cannot control – but how you account for it will in fact make a big difference in how much you walk away with at closing when you sell your home.

But regardless of current market conditions (which can change at any moment, for bette or for worse), there is a strategy for preparing your home for sale, marketing, and negotiating that has been proven time and again to get you the most money when selling a home in the Bay Area. It really is the secret sauce for maximizing your cash out when selling a home in the Bay Area, quickly and easily – with the least amount of hassle and risk. There’s a little to it though, and if you want to learn more about it, you’ll need to click on this link(registration required).

The Secret Sauce for Selling

Bay Area Market Predictions for 2024

In 2024, the harmonic buzz is one of gradual normalization. After a crescendo of high buyer competition and soaring prices, the market is expected to modulate towards equilibrium, with a higher number of listings in 2024 versus the prior year. Nobody is predicting we will see a glut of homes for sale, so this doesn’t mean a dramatic drop in prices is coming, but rather a gentle easing into a more balanced market. This may mean more competition for sellers, but it should also bring more buyers into the market.

Amid predictions of a cooling phase, the Bay Area’s strong economic fundamentals—an enduring symphony of tech innovation and job creation—suggest the market will remain resilient. So while the tempo of sales may not be as brisk as in years past, most analysts are predicting that we will see higher numbers of sales in 2024 compared to 2022-2023.

Economic Indicators Driving Demand for Silicon Valley Housing

Economic fundamentals in the Bay Area remain robust, signaling a continued interest in housing. Of course, the tech sector strength bolsters the region’s appeal, maintaining a high baseline for housing demand…at very high prices.

With a thriving job market and an influx of talent, demand for housing outstrips supply, keeping prices firm. Projections suggest a sellers’ market in 2024 thanks to a still-tight supply of homes and unflagging demand, ideal for selling at peak pricing.

Even as 2024 begins there are reports that major high-paying tech employers such as Google and Amazon are shedding jobs, yet the unemployment rate in Silicon Valley remains overall very low.

Bay Area Home Price Forecast in 2024

Predictions for home prices in the Bay Area, particularly the South Bay Area in California, for 2024 show a varied outlook, with different sources providing slightly divergent views:

Bridgepoint Funding suggests that the tight inventory in the Bay Area might lead to an increase in home prices. This projection is based on the trend observed at the start of 2023, where high mortgage rates caused a decrease in the number of homeowners willing to list their properties, thus leading to a decline in inventory levels. Such a trend, if it continues, could potentially put upward pressure on home prices across the San Francisco Bay Area.

The Real Deal, referencing Zillow’s forecast, expects a decline in home prices in the San Francisco metro areas by 2.7% over the next year. This prediction is a slight adjustment from an earlier projected decline of 3.6%. Factors influencing this forecast include tech layoffs and banking crises, which have affected buyer demand and overall market dynamics in the region.

Norada Real Estate Investments: According to their analysis, the Bay Area housing market, which includes counties like Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma, has been experiencing fluctuations in median sold prices with monthly and yearly changes. For instance, Santa Clara County saw a 7.3% year-to-year (YTY) increase. Zillow’s forecast for the San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward area predicts a -4.8% change in the housing market over the next year, indicating a potential decline in overall home values.

California Association of REALTORS (C.A.R.): C.A.R. forecasts a moderate growth in the California housing market, including the Bay Area. They predict the median home price to rise by 6.2% to $860,300 in 2024. This forecast factors in economic elements like GDP growth, job growth rate, inflation, and mortgage interest rates.

In summary, forecasts for Bay Area home prices in 2024 vary, with some experts predicting slight declines and others forecasting moderate increases. The predictions are influenced by a mix of factors, including mortgage rates, economic conditions, housing inventory, and local market dynamics.

Personally, I am not expecting there to be much of a change in prices anywhere in the Bay Area in 2024. Prices will go up in places, and go down in others, but I don’t foresee the increase or decrease to exceed 5-10% anywhere in the region.

Millennials and Household Formation in Silicon Valley

In 2024, Silicon Valley’s housing market is witnessing an intriguing trend. Despite a general decline in the overall population, demand for housing is on the rise, primarily driven by an increase in household formation among millennials. This demographic, now in their prime home-buying years, is showing a keen interest in establishing roots in the region.

The tech-driven economy of Silicon Valley continues to attract these younger buyers, who are not just seeking employment opportunities but also a lifestyle that aligns with their digital-first approach. With a growing preference for home ownership over renting, millennials are significantly contributing to the dynamic real estate landscape in the area. This trend underscores the importance of understanding generational shifts and their impact on real estate markets, especially in high-tech hubs like Silicon Valley.

For Best Results

Federal Reserve Interest Rate Cuts

Now that inflation seems largely tamped down, there is a wide consensus that the Federal Reserve has stopped raising interest rates. In fact, many believe that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates several times in 2024 – perhaps by as much as 0.75% in total.

The prospect of these rate cuts has already had a notable effect on the stock market, with share prices rising significantly in the 4th quarter of 2023. This has fattened the portfolios of many would-be Bay Area homebuyers, allowing them to have significantly more cash available for a down payment – decreasing the amount they’d need to borrow, lowering their housing costs and enabling them to pay higher prices.

Mortgage Rate Forecasts

Mortgage interest rates are expected to ease in 2024, easing the financial pressure on buyers and, in turn, sellers. The influential Mortgage Bankers Association is forecasting that mortgage rates will hit 6.1% by the end of 2024. This creates a more favorable climate for real estate transactions.

Prospective rate drops encourage more buyer activity in the market, getting buyers off the fence and actively planning a purchase. With a likely plateau in mortgage rates, the investment in residential property becomes more appealing, possibly increasing the number of willing buyers for homes like yours in the Bay Area.

If rates align as predicted, creating borrowing cost balance, this could spur a surge in the housing market. A stabilized rate environment enhances affordability, likely expanding the buyer pool and amplifying your chances for a lucrative home sale, balancing the “cost-to-borrow” with buyers’ purchasing power.

Why Sell your Bay Area Home in 2024 Versus Waiting

Selling a home in the Bay Area in 2024 may be more advantageous than waiting for later years due to several factors, the chief among them being that we know inventory (in other words: competition for sellers) in 2024 is low and predicted to stay low throughout the year.The Bay Area housing market’s tight inventory, as noted by Bridgepoint Funding (again see above), is likely to continue putting upward pressure on home prices. This low supply coupled with the region’s strong desirability could create a seller’s market, benefiting those who choose to sell in 2024.

Furthermore, uncertainty in future market conditions adds to the rationale for selling sooner rather than later. Economic shifts, policy changes, and unforeseen global events can impact housing markets unpredictably. One only has to look at the COVID-19 pandemic to appreciate how uncertain life can be and the dramatic changes which could reshape the real estate market in short order and with little or no advance warning. Considering these factors, selling in 2024 might offer more predictability and potential for profit in the dynamic and often high-value Bay Area housing market, compared to the uncertainties of later years.

When Should I Sell my Bay Area Home in 2024?

If you’re exploring a sale of your Bay Area home in 2024, you may wonder which are the best months to do it? Let’s take it quarter by quarter. Each season for sellinga home in the Bay Area comes with its unique set of pros and cons, influenced by market trends, buyer behavior, and seasonal factors:

Q1 (January-March)

  • Pros: The first quarter is often marked by a fresh influx of motivated buyers who are acting on their New Year resolutions to buy a home. There’s generally less competition from other sellers, potentially making your property more attractive.
  • Cons: The buyer pool might still be recovering from the holiday season, leading to potentially lower demand. Additionally, the winter weather may not present your home in the best light.

Q2 (April-June)

  • Pros: Traditionally, this is considered the best time to sell due to higher buyer activity. The weather is more favorable, which can enhance curb appeal and attract more foot traffic during showings.
  • Cons: Increased competition from other sellers could mean you need to do more to make your property stand out. Also, if the market is leaning towards buyers, you might face pressure to negotiate on price or terms.

Q3 (July-September)

  • Pros: This quarter still captures the tail end of the high-selling season with families looking to move before the new school year. There could be a surge of buyers who didn’t secure a property earlier in the year.
  • Cons: The market often starts to cool down, leading to potentially slower sales. Buyers might be more budget-conscious after the peak season, impacting your selling price.

Q4 (October-December)

  • Pros: Buyers in the market during this time are often more serious and looking to close quickly. There’s also typically less inventory, which can work in your favor if you’re selling a property that stands out.
  • Cons: Overall buyer activity usually decreases as people focus on the holidays. You might need to be more flexible with showings due to holiday schedules.

Throughout the year, factors such as economic conditions, mortgage rates, and local market dynamics in California will play a significant role in influencing these trends. For instance, if mortgage rates are expected to rise later in the year as predicted by C.A.R., it might encourage buyers to act earlier, impacting the dynamics in Q1 and Q2. Conversely, if the market is expected to stabilize with slightly rising prices, as suggested by the diverse forecasts for 2024, this could affect buyer urgency and seller competition across all quarters.

My best advice? Get your home on the market and sold as soon as possible. You know what they say: “get while the getting’s good” – if conditions appear favorable (as they are predicted to be throughout 2024), why take a chance on a market downturn if you don’t need to?

Everyone wants to know…

Historical Real Estate Cycles in the Bay Area

Real estate in the Bay Area has been akin to a roller coaster, with its own unique patterns that expert homeowners like yourselves likely have witnessed.

  • Upswings marked by robust economic growth and tech booms
  • Downturns often tied to broader economic recessions or market adjustments
  • Recovery phases where the market corrects and begins to climb again
  • Unexpected anomalies like the Silicon Valley tech explosion, which reshaped the demand curve

These cycles are integral in understanding when to sell, with each phase impacting your home’s value differently.

Right now, we’re seeing signs of an upcoming upswing, making 2024 an intriguing prospect for sellers.

Financial Incentives for Bay Area Home Sellers

Traditionally, the Bay Area’s robust market trends towards sellers’ favor, enhancing potential profits.

In 2024, anticipated tax reforms and potential shifts in capital gains implications may make a substantial difference in your financial outcomes from a home sale, maximizing your take-home profit. If you’re interested to learn about ways to mitigate your capital gains tax, please watch this video on my YouTube channel.

Considerations around Proposition 19 may continue to provide advantageous tax re-assessment options for sellers like you, further sweetening the deal.

Tax Advantages in 2024

Deciding to sell your Bay Area home in 2024 could offer some attractive tax perks.

  1. Potential Capital Gains Exclusions: For eligible homeowners, the IRS provides a sizable exclusion on capital gains from the sale of a primary residence.
  2. Proposition 19: This may continue to afford tax breaks, particularly to homeowners over 55, via favorable property tax base transfers.
  3. Low-Interest Rates and Tax Deductions: Buyers benefiting from potentially lower mortgage rates may deduct mortgage interest, making homeownership more enticing.

These tax incentives create a favorable landscape for sellers. Capitalizing on these advantages can mean more dollars in your pocket post-sale.

Innovative Listing Platforms

Gone are the days of simple classified listings and basic online postings. Today’s Bay Area housing market is brimming with innovative platforms that elevate the visibility and appeal of your home. They use cutting-edge technology to showcase properties in ways that traditional methods never could, engaging buyers on a whole new level.

Since the tech boom, platforms like Zillow and Redfin have revolutionized the real estate landscape, becoming household names. They bring forth robust online interfaces, detailed search filters, and a wealth of market data at your fingertips. It’s these platforms that make your listing accessible to a wider audience, serving as one of the cornerstones of today’s property selling strategies.

Newer platforms have pushed the envelope even further, integrating features like 3D home tours, algorithmic pricing models, and automated matchmaking between buyers and sellers. These advancements make the selling process more intuitive and save you precious time. They enable potential buyers to virtually step into your home from anywhere in the world, which is particularly attractive to the global market.

Beyond mere listings, these platforms offer comprehensive services covering diverse aspects of the sale. From professional photography to staging advice, platforms put significant effort into presenting your home in the best possible light. This maximizes your home’s potential to sell quickly and at a higher price, capitalizing on the strengths of next-gen tech combined with traditional real estate wisdom.

The rise of these innovative listing platforms means that your Bay Area home can be broadcasted to a global audience with ease. It’s no longer just about ‘listing’ a home; it’s about launching it onto a stage set for maximum exposure and appeal, ensuring you capture the attention of serious, well-qualified buyers.

Change Happens

AI-Powered Home Valuation

In today’s vibrant real estate market, AI-powered home valuations are setting the stage for precise pricing.

  • Rapid Data Analysis – AI algorithms process vast real estate datasets almost instantaneously.
  • Machine Learning Insights – Continuous learning from market trends assures up-to-date valuations.
  • Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) – Automated CMAs consider local Bay Area dynamics for accurate assessments.
  • User-Friendly Interfaces – These platforms often feature intuitive design for easy homeowner interaction.
  • Adjustable Parameters – Homeowners can input specific upgrades or unique features for a tailored valuation.

These intelligent systems combine historical data with current market pulses to suggest competitive yet realistic prices. AI eliminates guesswork, laying the groundwork for a strategic liquidity event.

VR Home Tours Growth

Imagine touring a home without leaving your couch. VR home tours are making that possible, transforming the way we experience property listings. This will allow more buyers to see your home quickly – including family members who live out of the area who may be providing the down payment for your home’s buyer.

The immersive nature of VR technology allows prospective buyers to explore every nook and cranny of your home from afar, bridging the gap between a listing’s photos and the tangible sense of being in a space. With detailed views of each room and the ability to virtually move through the property, VR tours extend the reach to buyers who might not immediately be able to visit in person. Such convenience is elevating the standards of real estate showcasing, significantly boosting interest and saving everyone involved precious time.

Moreover, VR tours have shown to generate a buzz among buyers, increasing the likelihood of your home standing out in the competitive Bay Area market. By offering virtual walk-throughs, you showcase your home’s full potential without the constraints of scheduling traditional showings, catering to a tech-savvy audience that values innovation and convenience…and has the money to give you the best price for your home.

In essence, integrating VR tours into your home’s marketing plan sets a high bar for engagement. By providing a virtual experience that rivals an in-person visit, you not only cater to out-of-area buyers but also give local prospects the opportunity to revisit your space at their leisure. This constant access could be the decisive factor in a buyer’s journey, marrying the convenience of digital exploration with the comprehensive understanding of your home’s unique appeal.

The Bay Area Advantage

The Bay Area’s real estate momentum is a consistent beacon for sellers, fueled by innovation and an enduring allure for professionals. With its bustling economy and world-class amenities, the Bay Area boasts strong demand and high value retention for residential properties, driving desirable sale outcomes.

These characteristics cement the region’s status as a prime seller’s market, especially with the foreseeable future of real estate trends.

Tech Industry Influence

Silicon Valley’s tech titans have always been pivotal in shaping the Bay Area’s vibrant housing market. Buoyed by tech salaries, homebuyer demand remains robust, underscoring a resilient residential sector. The influx of tech workers fuels a competitive housing landscape. High incomes translate into greater buying power and market dynamism.

Tech companies offering remote work options have altered housing priorities, leading to a shift toward more space (both indoors and outdoors) and home office necessities. Investment in local start-ups continues to energize the community, creating jobs and maintaining a demand for housing, effectively underpinning prices in the region.

The anticipated future growth of tech giants promises to stimulate the local economy further, echoing the importance of proximity to innovation hubs and sustaining escalated property values in Silicon Valley and its environs.

Moreover, the tech industry’s push for sustainable living aligns with buyers’ growing desire for eco-friendly homes, enhancing property appeal and potentially expediting the selling process.

Concierge Services

Lifestyle & Climate Appeal

The Bay Area’s temperate climate is undeniably a major draw for residents. The lack of extreme weather means year-round enjoyment of the outdoors, an attribute not lost on prospective homebuyers.

Moreover, the area’s natural beauty, from the beaches dotting the coastline to the rolling hills, combined with its cultural vibrancy, creates a lifestyle that is both active and relaxed. The rich tapestry of arts, cuisine, and innovation shapes a community that is attractive to a diverse demographic. From outdoor enthusiasts to tech aficionados, the Bay Area’s lifestyle options cater to a multitude of preferences, potentially narrowing the days on market for listed properties.

The region’s commitment to sustainable living and progressive values also resonates with today’s buyers. With a strong push for renewable energy, green infrastructure, and eco-conscious policymaking, the area stands out as a leader in environmental responsibility, which is increasingly factored into homebuying decisions.

Finally, the Bay Area’s education system and health facilities are top-tier, making it an ideal location for families and health-conscious individuals. The proximity of world-class universities and medical centers not only supports property values but also contributes to the well-being and intellectual stimulus of its residents. This, coupled with the allure of California living, ensures the Bay Area remains an enviable place to call home, enticing buyers who value lifestyle as much as location.

Infrastructure Developments

The Bay Area is a blueprint for urban innovation.

With a surge in transit and infrastructure improvements, the Bay Area is poised for significant growth. Projects like the BART Silicon Valley Phase II extension and the revamp of the San Francisco International Airport are just a couple of examples showcasing how the area is adapting for the future. Increased connectivity and upgraded facilities make the region more accessible and attractive to prospective residents.

Various green initiatives shape our urban landscape. Local policy is supporting a transportation transformation. The push for new bike lanes, pedestrian paths, and electrified public transport – it’s all part of a larger strategy to reduce the region’s carbon footprint and prioritize sustainable mobility.

Our neighborhoods will be more connected than ever.

Investment in infrastructure is enhancing real estate appeal. The ongoing and planned public works are not just about enhancing transportation; they also aim to fortify the Bay Area against seismic events and climate challenges. These actions reassure homeowners 2024 will continue to bring robust property values and bolster confidence in the region’s future.

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Why 2024 is the Best Year to Sell a Home in the Bay Area - Seb Frey, REALTOR (2024)


Why 2024 is the Best Year to Sell a Home in the Bay Area - Seb Frey, REALTOR? ›

Federal Reserve Interest Rate Cuts

Is 2024 a good time to sell your home? ›

The home-shopping season is expected to “follow a similar pattern” in 2024, meaning that June should be the best month to list a home, according to Zillow. That's largely due to the first in a series of mortgage rate cuts that's widely expected in June.

Will 2024 be a better year to buy a house? ›

In 2024, homebuyers can expect high home prices and lower mortgage rates later in the year. Hopeful buyers should start preparing as early as possible by saving money and improving their credit. Look into affordable mortgage programs and down payment assistance to boost affordability.

Is this a good time to sell a house in the bay area? ›

The ideal time to list a home for sale in the San Jose metro area is May through July, with the first half of June seeing the largest increase in prices. Traditionally, the best time to put a home on the market is in the spring, when many families start looking to move.

Should I sell my house now or wait until 2025? ›

In a recent note, Chief US Economist Michael Gapen and his team revealed that they expect home prices to rise by 4.5% this year and 5% in 2025. Gapen doesn't foresee the market cooling down until 2026 at the earliest. With this in mind, current homeowners can sell for even higher prices down the road.

Will home prices drop in 2024 in the bay area? ›

In summary, forecasts for Bay Area home prices in 2024 vary, with some experts predicting slight declines and others forecasting moderate increases. The predictions are influenced by a mix of factors, including mortgage rates, economic conditions, housing inventory, and local market dynamics.

What are the hardest months to sell a house? ›

The worst time to sell a house is typically during the winter months, particularly in December, January, and February. During this period, bad weather can deter potential buyers from attending open houses, and many people are preoccupied with holiday activities and planning.

Are home values dropping in Bay Area? ›

The Bay Area housing market is one of the most expensive and competitive in the country, but in 2023, the frenzy settled down a bit. As interest rates hit their highest levels in 23 years and tech layoffs rippled through the region, buyers retreated and home prices saw declines.

What month do houses sell best? ›

Nationally, the best time to sell a house is March if you're trying to sell quickly, while the best time to maximize profit is July. Zillow recommends listing your home for sale in March, but no later than Labor Day, based on historical market trends.

What time of year is best to sell a house in California? ›

Best Time to Sell Your House for a Higher Price

April, June, and July are the best months to sell your house in California.

What is the market prediction for 2024? ›

Overall, Yardeni Research forecasts S&P 500 operating earnings at $250 in 2024, up 12% vs 2023. He puts them at $270 in 2025 (up 8%) and $300 in 2026 (up 11.1%).

Is it a buyers or sellers market in 2024 in the USA? ›

Housing Market Forecast for 2024

“The market will move toward more of a balanced housing market in the second half of the year, but prospective home buyers will still face competition.” Though affordability obstacles persist for buyers, other indicators suggest that the market is tilting toward buyers.

Should I wait to sell my house in Florida? ›

Generally, you should list your home in the spring or early summer for the best results - but you may have great reasons to put your house on the market at another time.

Should I sell my house now before a recession? ›

Should I sell my house now, before there's a recession? Recessions mean belt tightening and potential layoffs, and if your area is hard-hit by job losses, the number of qualified buyers will be severely limited. If you're concerned, it might be best to sell before that (potentially) happens.

What is the best month for selling a house? ›

Here's how each month of the year ranked for the best time to sell a house. The highest-earning months are, in ranking order, May, June, April and March. Just over 18 million purchase transactions took place during this period, according to ATTOM.

Is Texas a buyers or sellers market? ›

Study says majority of homes sold in Texas are now going for below asking price. It isn't a buyer or seller's market technically, but buyers are now seeing more inventory.

Is it worth buying a home to sell in 5 years? ›

While it's not a strict rule or guarantee, properties typically appreciate in value over five years. This also allows homeowners to build equity and recoup the one-time transaction costs. "Generally, the longer you stay put, the smoother and more predictable the price appreciation trend will become," says Jones.

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.