The South Bend Tribune from South Bend, Indiana (2024)

16. THE SOUTH BEND TRIBUNE, WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 15, 1950. BERRIEN JAIL BIDS REJECTED Supervisors Report All Are Above Estimates. The Tribune's Special Service. ST.

JOSEPH, Feb. Construction of a new Berrien county jail was delayed again Tuesday when 4 economy-minded supervisors rejected all of seven bids received a week ago on the project. Lowest of the bids placing the cost of the new jail at approximately $900,000 more than $150,000 over architects' cost. estimates. to changing state action The latest delay is tantamount demn State Jail the present 50-year-old Nestle Sell.

Inspector has threatened to close the jail if the supervisors did not take some form action. Cost Trimming Study. In view of the threat the board authorized the building committee headed by Supervisor Marion Rutherford, of Niles, to undertake a cost trimming study in an effort to bring the price of the structure into: the bracket supervisors are willing to pay. A representative of one of the three low biddember the project suggested of eliminations and minor design changes by which the cost, could be "materially reduced." New Bids Planned, Supervisors will be called into session again when the committee study complete, probably in about three New bids will have to be asked, it was reported. The jail as planned will house 200 prisoners.

It will be financed under a special one mill tax levy voted by the people three years ago and which is expected raise a building fund of approximately $750,000, About $100,000 has already been spent for architect plans and purchase of the property. TWO WILLING. -TO ENTER NILES MAYOR RACE NILES, Mich. Feb. Alderman George Stock and Alderman Leonard Thompson are both willing to accept the demonomination for mayor, according, to Tuesday statements night to made city by committee.

Edwin Donahue expressed willingness to run for the office of justice of the peace, thus assuring the democrats off a full slate. City Clerk Burt C. Luth and City Treasurer Ilah Warren will both be candidates to ceed themselves on the democratic ticket. The democrats will hold their ward caucuses March 2 and their city convention March 8. No convention site has been selected but the caucuses will be held in the following places: First and second wards, hall: Third ward, the police court, and Fourth yard, the Westside school.

SIX PENALIZED IN DRINK CASES BY CITY JUDGE Six men were penalized in city court today on charges of public intoxication. All pleaded guilty. In Ninth James F. Miller, 33, Mishawaka, of 107 East street, fined $11. Albert R.

Rieth, 51, no home, was fined $5, costs of $10 suspended. Ten-day county jail sentences and $15 fines were suspended for three. They are Bowen Doughton, 44, of Indianapolis: Silas 35, of 708 South Kendall street; and Robert Earl Terry, 37, of 3606 Langley drive. Lorenzo Smith, 52. of rural route No.

3, was given a suspended five-day jail sentence and fine of $15. LONDON RATHER WET. Associated Press. LONDON, Feb. 15.

-It rained today in London for the 15th consecutive day. this Government wettest weather men said is the ary since Banker Ends Life; Worried Over Employes By United Press. 15. Authorities said today that CRAWFORDSVILLE, Feb. Alonzo E.

Francis apparently over killed himself after brooding embezzlement charges filed against two bank employes he had hired. Francis, cashier of the Crawfordsville First National bank, formerly had cashier at the Bank of Walcott where Norma G. Benner, 28, and her fiance, Donald Heater, 28, were arrested recently in connection with a shortage of $13,722. Francis employed both of them before moving to Crawfordsville a ago. Police said he fired a year shot from a 1:45 caliber pistol through his head.

Convert Turns a Bedspread in The Goodwill Industries, richer today by one because of the conversion of a "dishonest" person. Rev. Roy Knight, superintendent of the Industries has reported the receipt of bedspread in good condition which he received this week with an attached unsigned note, The note read, "This bedspread was. gotten dishonestly. It not stolen but have been converted Sand I do not want 1 to keep it now." Rev.

Mr. Knight reported that the package had South Bend postmark. POLICE SEEKING TWO IN DEATH OF COLLEGIAN, 24 By International News Service. HAVERFORD. Pa.

Feb. Police today sought to establish a motive in the necktie-strangulation of a University of Pensylvania Shakespeare student, member of influential Lowell, David Roonsavelle Clement, aged 24, was found dead by a maid yesterday in his small, blood-spattered room: the swank Merion Cricket club where he was employed as a bellhop. Capt. William Shaffer, chief of Lower Merion township, said he was hunting two, young men believed to have vileted Clement the night before his death. Capt.

Shaffer emphasized that he was acting only on the assumption that murder was involved. He had two brothers. Everett 20, a teacher college, Angola, and Donald 34, employed ir. Boston. ROTARY CLUB HEARS TALK ON 'MATURE MIND' Mature Mind" was the subject of a talk by Rev.

Charles Tupper Baillie, DiD. pastor of the First Presbyterian church, at a luncheon meeting of the Rotary club in the Oliver hotel today. A synthesis of five insights is important in determing maturity, Dr. Baillie said. The insights mentioned were.

psychological age, fixations, conditioning. an insight into individual uniqueness and an understanding that adults are able to learn. He said that the degree to an individual is able assemble, knowledge assembled in these fields link facts together is a sign of maturity. COAL SHORTAGE HITS LAPORTE The Tribune's Special Service, LAPORTE, Ind. Feb.

The Laporte corporation closed production lines Tuesday night, because off a prospective coal shortage. It announced its office workers would continue work in rooms heated pro electric heaters. The corporation is the first large industry here to be affected by shortage. Coal dealers said there is no immediate danger of a shortage domestic consumers. of The Laporte, velocipedes, corporation did not reveal the mimber of employes affected by the layoff.

NILES FIRM BUYS ILLINOIS PLANT The Tribune's Special Service. NILES, Feb. purchase of all outstanding stock of the Reynolds Wire company, of Dixon, Ill. by the National Standard company, of Niles, was announced today. by Jack A.

Cooke, treasurer of the Niles company, The Reynold company, manufacturers of fine wire and wire and meshes, employes approximately 400 persons: The company, which a profit last year of $516,864, will be operated as a wholly owned subsidiary of the National Standard. ANTI COMMUNIST PAASIKIVI NEW FINN PRESIDENT By. Associated Press. HELSINKI, Finland, Feb. Juho Paasiviki was named 1 president of Finland today for a second term.

The 79-year-old statesman was chosen by the. 300-member electoral college for. a term of six years. He got 171 of the votes. Communist candidate Mauno Pekkala received 67 candidate, electoral Dr.

votes. agrarian Urho Kekkonen, received 62 votes. WEAVER WILL FILED. The Tribune's Special Service. GOSHEN, Ind.

Feb. 15. -The will of Samuel E. Weaver, rural route No. 3, Elkhart, Ind, who died Feb.

6, was Ailed in circuit court Tuesday, gaming Merrill C. Weaver, rural route. No. 2, Osceola, and Grace E. Ehret, Aibonita, Puerto Rico, as administrators.

The estate which is valued at 000, was left to the widow, Magdalena Al. Weaver, with the provision that she remain unmarried. Packard Woods to Be Site Of New Park for Plymouth The Tribune's Special Service. ris. jr, and Jay Creswell, both of PLYMOUTH, Feb.

Plymouth, and the necessary legal The Packard Woods, located in the steps will be taken soon to acnorthwest part of the city, will be quire the land. Ernie Bixel, chairman of the the site of a new park. Members park committee, said that work of the city council this week will begin as soon as the land is passed two ordinances, appropriat- acquired to provide limited and authorizing pur- ties but that the park set-up would chase of the land for park pur- not be complete this summer. poses. The action was taken at the An option was taken on the regular meeting of the city counland recently from Courtland Mor- cil.

1 GRANDMAS HEY. HOW CARELESS! SOME ONE MIGHT TRIP- HEART ATTACK AT BURIAL RITES ENDS IN DEATH 1 DANGER LIVE A heart attack suffered at burial service in Highland cemetery proved fatal to a cemetery sexton, Wilber B. Kizer, aged 75, of rural route No. 4, Niles, at 10:05 a. m.

today. He was pronounced dead on arrival in Memorial hospital where he was taken in an ambulance. Deputy CorToner F. Dale Nelson said he died a heart attack and -added that the man had a medical history of a heart ailment. The attack was suffered during burial, services for Paul Kurucz, 1024 South Lafayette boulevard, a traffic fatality.

Mr. Kizer's body was taken to the Orvis funeral home. CASS ARRAIGNS TWO MOTORISTS The Service, CASSOPOLIS, Feb. Two motorists facing charges as a result of fatal auto accidents were arraigned Tuesday in the Cass county circuit court. William L.

Marsh, of Cassopolis, charged with leaving the scene of an accident after his car allegedly struck and killed Mrs. Willie McGill. aged 37. of Niles, on Dec. 23, 1949 stood mute and his trial was set for later this term.

Richard B. Ernsperger, 21, of Elkhart, charged with negligent homicide in the death Jan. 13 of Daniel W. Stoddard, aged 21, of Elkhart, pleaded ed guilty. He will be sentenced later in the term, TRUMAN TO AID PARTY NOMINEES By Associated Press.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 15. President Truman was quoted today as saying he will make "an aggressive fight" in Pennsylvania and Ohio this year to elect democratic nominees to congress. Edward Lamb, Toledo, Ohio, lawyer and publisher of the Erie, Dispatch, told reporters after seeing the president: "The president said he would wage as aggressive fight to elect democratic congress this fall as he did to get himself elected in 1948." UNION FACING OUSTER BY CIO By International News Service. WASHINGTON, Feb.

15. special CIQ trial committee recommended today that the Minion Mill Smelter Workers be ousted from the CIO on charges leadership is communist controlled. NATIVES RIOT AGAIN. By Associated Press. JOHANNESBURG, South Feb.

15. The second race riot in two days flared in Johannesburg's native quarter last stores set afire, automobiles were stoned and several persons were fired wounded as each natives police on other. INDIANA MICHIGAN OBITUARY. INDIANA. NORTH JUDSON -Funeral of Mrs.

Lillian Murphy, 76, of New Jersey, who died Sunday, will held at 2. p. m. Thursday in McCormick funeral home. LAPORTE -Funeral at 9 a.

m. Thursday in St. Peter's Catholic church for Gerald T. (Gerry) Iliff, 50, 1301 Indiana avenue. He died at 6:30 p.

m. Monday. LAGRANGE Funeral today for John Edgar 75, who died Sunday nightonides, ELKHART Funeral of Mrs. Jay Losee, who died Monday, will be held at 2 Thursday in Walley funeral home, Funeral of Robert Earnhart, who died Tuesday, will be held at 2:30 p. m.

Friday in Kimmell, church. Friends may call in the Walley funeral home, where a prayer service will be held at 1 p. m. Friday. Mrs.

Ada Knisely Murray, 85, widow of Spencer Murray, 6:45 p. m. Tuesday. Funeral at 10 a. m.

Friday in Westbrook funeral home. Kathy Lee, four-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Baker, 3351 South Main street, at midnight Tuesday.

Funeral today. 80, Tuesday. Funeral VALPARAISO Mrs. Dora Dye, at 2 p. m.

Thursday in Bartholomew funeral home. KENDALLVILLE Edward S. Kent, 87, Tuesday. Funeral at 2 P. m.

Thursday in residence. -Body of Amzy L. Miller, 52, will arrive here at 1:17 p. m. Thursday from Sarasota, Fla.

He died there at 1 p. m. Monday. Friends may call in the Miller residence, six miles north of here, after Thursday noon, and until the funeral at 2 p. m.

Sunday in Union Center Church of the Brethren. GOSHEN- -Clyde E. Metcalf, aged 63, of 630 South Seventh street, died at 9 a. m. Monday in Goshen hospital after having been stricken with a heart attack while shoveling snow in front of his home.

Mr. Metealf, employed an accountant for the Bendix corporation in South Bend for 1886, in years, Five Points. Mich. In many was born Sept. 1919 he married Freda Swank.

Surviving in addition to his widow is a sister, Mrs. Carl Cousins, of Elkhart, Ind. Rev. Trever V. D.

Dillon, pastor of the First Presbyterian officiated at funeral services today in the Culp funeral Mrs. Mary Longcor, 89, 221 Queen street, 9:20 p. m. Tuesday. Wido of Longcor.

Among surviving children is Loyal Longeor, of South Bend. Friends may call in Culp funeral home Thursday noon and until 11 a. m. Friday. Funeral 2 p.

m. Friday in Burr Oak U. B. church, southeast of Millersburg, Ind. WAKARUSA- The funeral of Mrs.

Clara E. Shutts, aged 75, was held this afternoon in the residence, one and on miles north of here. Rev. R. E.

Green officiated. Burial was in the Olive cemetery. Surviving Mrs. Shutts, died Sunday, are a son, Kenneth, at home; two brothers, ClayEnders, of Wakarusa, and John Enders, of Elkhart, a sister. Mrs.

Mary Hunsberger, and Miss Frieda Swisher, -who was reared by Mrs. Shutts. MICHIGAN. GALIEN John W. Clark, 80, died Tuesday.

Funeral 2 p. m. Friday in Evangelical United Brethren church. Friends may call in his home. BUCHANAN Mrs.

Robert C. Carlon, 89, died Tuesday. Funeral 2 p. m. Friday in Swem funeral home.

Francis Wallace Carlon, of Mishawaka, is a son. DOWAGIAC--Marcellus Thompson, 81, died Tuesday. Body is in Lyon Son funeral home. services for Miss Emma Ritter. 91, at 2 p.

m. Tuesday in Connelly, funeral home. COLOMA- Clark, 51, custodian of the Washington school and civic and fraternal leader, died Tuesday. Funeral 2 p. m.

Friday in Davidson funeral home. STURGIS Services for Mr's. Ida Mae Wilson, 76, took place Tuesday. The body of Edward D. Hamacher, 67, who died Tuesday, is in the Fogiesong funeral home.

EAU CLAIRE Mrs. Anna Marrs, 80. died Tuesday. Funeral 2 m. Thursday in Chapel Hill Friends may call in Bowerman funeral home until 1 p.

Thursday. NILES- -The second of the twin daughters born and Mrs. Clifford Stanley, rural route No. 2. died Tuesday.

The first one died Saturday. BENTON HARBOR- Mrs. Anna Peterson, 90, died today. Funeral 2 p. m.

Saturday in Dean funeral home, LOCAL OBITUARY. John G. Modos, sr. John G. Modos, aged 59.

of 1718 South Douglas street, died at 5 p. m. Tuesday in St. Joseph hospital, Mishawaka, after an illness of three weeks. He was born Feb.

12, 1891 in Sarod Sopron Megye, Hungary, and came here 23 years from Pa. On Feb. 13, 1915 in Throop, he married Miss Catherine Gulyes, who survives. Other survivors are two sons, John J. and Emery four daughters, Mrs.

Harry T. Kindt, Mrs. William R. Smith, Mrs. Henry, Rakaw and Mrs.

Harold Shearer, and eight grandchildren, all of South Bend, and two brothers in Hungary. Friends may call in the Zahoran funeral funeral home services at Thursday time and until a as undetermined. He was a member of the Verhovay Aid association. The Holy Name society of Our Lady of Hungary Catholic church will recite the rosary at m. Friday in the funeral home and the St, Anne's society will recite the rosary at 8 p.

m. Friday. John N. Hively. John N.

Hively, aged 75, of 625 East Indiana avenue, died at noon Tuesday in his residence after an illness of one year. He' was born near Walkerton, this county, May 8, 1874, and came here 52 years ago. A retired businessman, he had been a schoolteacher, carpenter, and grocery store owner. In Lakeville, this county on May 26, 1898, he married Miss Minerva Price, who survives. Also surviving is a daughter, Mrs.

Robert Schumaker, of South Bend. Friends may call in the Hay funeral home after noon Thursday and until noon Friday when his body will be taken to the Broadway Evangelical United Brethren church for services there at 2 p. m. Rev. Wilson S.

Parks, pastor, will officiate, assisted by Rev. B. G. Thomas, pastor of Grace Evangelical United Brethren church. Burial will be in Riverview cemetery.

The Day's Record. Marriage Licenses. Wilburn Earl Lillard and Ann Vincent, Grand Rapids, Mich. Alvin Feuer, 1502 East avenue, and Gloria Stuart, 604 North Main street. Arthur Bradley, rural route No.

2. Osceola, this county, and Roland Arthur Bradley, 309 Union street, Osceola, John A. Helling. South Sheridan avenue, and Betty L. Duffield, Pawhurka.

Okla. Hampton B. -Leedom and Dorothy borne, 1133 Lexington street, Elkhart, Ind. Harry Ebel, 1343 West Sample street, BY CHARLES KUHN I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU DID, BUT THAT'LL TEACH YA NOT DO IT AGAIN and Eleanor Pilarski, 319 South Laurel street. Willard Baney, 912 North Meadowview avenue, suburban Ardmore, and tricia Crabill, 518 East Eckman street.

Donald Dale Smith, Berrien Springs. and Margaret Elleen Marsh, Syracuse. Ind. Gerald W. Bare, 822 East Victoria street.

and Gretia Grolick, 2202 South Twyekenham drive Carl Rozema, and Norman Ver Howe, Grand Rapids, Mich. Joseph G. Letcher, Plymouth. and Ruby Opal Kinney, North Liberty, this county. Paul I.

Cohen. East South street. and Gracie Mae Smith, 406 North Main street. George E. Parker.

Grand Rapids, and Virginia L. Frederick, Kalamazoo, Mich. Robert J. Pawlak, 1312 Woodward nue. and Juanita Koehler, 1043 Portage avenue.

Theodore L. Rodal. Frankfort, and Virginia Rare, Honor, Mich, James 1913 Panama street. Mishawaka. and Barbara Lee Ellis, 126 West Coflax avenue.

Mishawaka. Marcel Martin Sutter, 759 Portage avenue, and Alma, Hoy. 229 Laporte avenue. James B. Collins.

Orange. N. and Barbara O' Keele, 1314 Leeper avenue. Clarence Knitter, 1133 East Third street Mishawaka, and Mary Gartner, 1009 Lincoln Way West. Mishawaka.

Harry Lawrence Webb, 514 Russ street. Lakeville, this county. Mishawaka, and Emogene L. Schalliol. Leon Michael Cabanaw.

808 Meridian street. Mishawaka, and Shirley Rose Finn. 208 East Paris street. John 8. Nowak.

721 South Liberty street, and Theresa B. Kolacz, New Carlisle, this county. Richard Bruce Dork, 1189 North Johnson street. and Wilma Nicholas Grooms, 819 North Michigan street. Louis Lee Boyd and Vaughn Carr, both of 1 1632 West Linden avenue.

John Calvin Nelson, South Bend. and Mary Ann Giantomaso, East Howard street. Theodore Lemanski, 713 South Dundee street. and Evelyn Skaggs, 713 West Napier street, Births. SALTZMAN Mr.

and Mrs. William Saltzman, 537 West Colfax avenue, daughter. Feb. 15, Memorial hospital. Mr.

Saltzman is a member of The Tribune news staff. HARDACKER- Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hardacker, of rural route No. 2, Hudson lake, New Carlisle, this county, daughter, Feb.

14 in Memorial hospital. ABRAMS-Mr. and Mrs. William Abrams, 609 California avenue. daughter, Feb.

14 in Memorial hospital. EATON-Mr. and Mrs. William Eaton. 2538 Sampson street, son, Feb.

14 in hospital. OPACZEWSKI- -Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Opaczewski, 818 West Dunham street, son. Feb.

14 in Memorial hospital. GILMAN and Mra. Russel Gilman. 202 East Fox street, a son, Feb. 15 in Memorial hospital.

BURCHE Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Buecne. 3301 Pleasant street, a daughter.

Feb. 15, in 8t. Joseph hospital. HAWKINS--Mr. and Mrs.

George Hawkins, of the Broadway hotel: a son, Feb. 15 in St. Joseph hospital, HELAK---Mr. and Mrs. Leon Helak.

715 Juniper road, daughter, Feb. 14 in St. Joseph hospital. STARKWEATHER-Mr. and Mrs.

Edward W. Starkweather, of rural route No. 2. Box 365. daughter, Feb.

14 in St. Joseph hospital, PEIFFER--Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peiffer, 105 West First street, son, Feb. 14 in St.

Joseph hospital, South Bend. VURPILLAT- Mr. and Mrs. John Vurpillat, New Carlisle, this county, ter, Feb. 11, St.

Joseph hospital. BRITTON- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Britton, 918 South Franklin street, son, Feb. 14, St.

Joseph hospital, Mishawaka. Divorce Cases Filed. WAGNER- Maxine Wagner, 118 East Borley avenue, against Carl Wagner; married June 29, 1944, separated Feb. chargeR cruelty and asks custody. 'of child: circuit.

court. HAYNES-Marie Haynes, 115 East Lasalle avenue. against Roy L. Haynes; married in: 1937. separated Jan.

1, 1950; charges cruelty: circuit court, HANING- Haning. 634 South 29th street, against Victor Haning: married Sept. 7. 1932. separated Feb.

14. 1950: charges cruelty, asks custody of three children and three years' tion: circuit court. MAYWEATHERS-Sadie -Sadie May weathers, 504 South Chapin street, against Robert Mayweathers: married in January, 1948. separated Feb, 11, 1950; charges cruelty; circuit court. MILEWSKI Virginia Milewski, 1352 West Fisher street, against Clement Milewski: married Sept.

18. 1928. separated Feb. 13, 1950: charges cruelty and asks custody of two children; cricult court. 8ZTUCZKO Stanley Bernard Satuezko, 1204 West Jefferson boulevard, against Henrietta Veronica Sztuczko; married Feb.

24, 1945, separated Oct. 13. 1949; charges cruelty: circuit -court. ROBISON- Gilbert R. Robison, 1410 Lincoln Way West, against Marilyn M.

Robison: married March 19, 1949, separated Feb. 9, 1950: charges cruelty; circuit court. POSNER--Melvin Posner, South Lafayette boulevard, against Helen Posner: married Feb. 28, 1947, separated Jan. 1950: charges cruelty and asks custody of child: superior court No.

1. D'PAEPE-Florence E. De Paepe, 1235 North Elmer street. against Rudolph DePaepe: married June 14, 1936, separated Jan. 20, 1950: charges cruelty and anka custody of four children; superior court No.

2. DE GRY8E-Helen 8. De Gryse, 722 Gladstone avenue. Nov. against Etienne V.

De married 24, 1949, separated Feb. 9. 1950; charges cruelty: superior court No. 2. LASKOWSKI--Leonard F.

118 West Colfax avenue, against Genevieve N. Laskowski: married Jan. 3. 1948. separated June 6, 1949, charges cruelty; superior court No.

2. THE SOUTH BEND TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED WANT ADS When insertions are not consecutive day rate applies. Position wanted ads one-half above rates. Cash in advance. Ads are taken until: 5 p.

the das prior to publication, except lost and found and nelp wanted ads which ahe accepted until 9.30 a. m. for publication the same day. Cancellation and corrections are accepted until 9:30 a. m.

the day of pubtication. Sunday ads by noon Saturday. Large type ads must be in by noon day before publication. Sunday ads by noon Friday. Office hours a.

m. to' 6 p. m. daily. Want ad users should check their advertisem*nts in the first issue they appear and report any error at once as no allowance can be made after the first Issue.

Funeral Directors. HICKEY FUNERAL HOME Beautiful Chapel. Hammond Organ. AMBULANCE SERVICE. 403 Lincoln Way West.

Ph. 3-4050. Monuments and Cemetery Lots. ATTENTION memorial buyers! You depend on the MISHAWAKA MONUMENT CO. Thirty yeara' service to this community.

our display at 421 N. Cedar, or 2902 Western, Bend. Call 5-2343 for free tion. Open Sun. aft.

for your convenience. ALL RAINBOW AND ROCK OF AGES MEMORIALS Are guaranteed forever. Direct to you, warehouse prices. For estimate or free chauffeur service, phone 3-1669 day or night. Display at 3601 Western west of Harrison school.

MILLER MONUMENTS, INC. BEAUTIFUL St. Joseph Valley Memorial park. Call us for rates and terms. 311 Bidg.

4-6251. RIVERVIEW CEMETERY invites you to go through Its beautiful grounds and see what perpetual care means to you. 2300 Portage. 3-2420. Personals.


13 GENERAL hauling. Rubbish and ashes preferred. 4 -ton truck. Reasonable rates. Pa.

2-0980. GRAVEL load or haul for you. Gravel pit located on State Rd. 23. mile E.

of Crumstown Rd. William Kopansei, 6-7905. ICE SKATES sharpened. Fast service. Berman's Sport Shop, 112 W.

Washingtoo. RADIO AND TV service on all makes. Batteries and tubes for all radios. Bucher's Appliance 113 W. Jett.

4-5550. UPHOLSTERING -HavE your old furniture Free estimates. Terms. Phone 5-5151. TRU NU FURNITURE 545 Ballard Mish.

VERY GOOD road gravel. Other gravel and sand on L. W. W. We load it or haul it for you.

Phone 6-1611. WHEN you need an electrician call 3-2050. B. T. Electric Co.

WASHED cinders, road gravel and white crushed stone for driveway. Phobe 5-4553 WE RAVE competent carpenters available for new building, repair or modeling. Make your wishes knownwe'te bound to please ou. INDIANA LUMBER MFG. 738 8.

Mich. St. Ph. 6-6355. PERSONALS.

ANTS TERMITES MOTHS -ROACHES Scientifically Exterminated South Bend Exterminating Co. FREE ESTIMATES 501 E. Lasalle, Ph. 4-1151. A-J DECORATORS 2-15 CHAS.

RUNN- PHONE 4-4203 NEWEST FABRICS DISPLAYED IN YOUR HOME. DRAPERIES AND SLIP COVERS MADE TO YOUR ORDER. BE READY for spring -Let us restyle your fur coat into lovely cape or jacket. reasonable price. Phone 3-7623.

SACHS FURS, 507 W. WASHINGTON. DEATH- roaches, moths, rats. mice, etc. Written guarantee.

Service and products for pests. Clay Exterminating 915 E. Sample. 6-8911. CONFIDENTIALLY, a new hardwood floor can be laid right over your old one for leas than it would cost to carpet the room.

Phone, write, or visit SOUTH BEND LUMBER 1535 8. Main. Ph. 6-5555. EXCELLENT care for elderly lady.

Best reference. Call 65F03. New Carlisle. Ind. or write Bertha Blough, New Carlisle.

Free 10-Day. Home Trial New fully automatic Whirlpool washer with Sudemiser. Try before you buy. Detalia at Kitchen Mart 129 N. Main.

Ph. 3-1604. 1 IT'S REALLY the doings how odorless Fina Foam cleans rugs and uphostery. Third Floor, Wyman's, -Phone orders filled. I WILL not be responsible for debts contracted prior to Jan.

13, 1950. Bill's Grocery, corner Mayflower Fillmore R.da. Abne: O. Hill. JAMES DAVIS: Unable to locate you.

Please phone 2-2101 any time before Boon. JUST picture your baby's first shoes beautifulty bronzed on nice mounting. Ph. 3-5098. RENT NEW car for pleasure or bustness.

Rent new truck and do your own moving or hauling. Phone 2-1416. THE U-DRIVE-IT co. 223 W. next to Oliver hotel.

RENT or buy card tables, poker tables, banquet tables. folding chra. We deliver. Ind. Rental 710 Niles.

4-0879. RIGID STANDARDS of drug purity, DOtency and freshness plus skillful and accurate compounding exactly as your doctor directs, make MORNINGSIDE Drug Store's prescription department one to trust with your family's health. 419 W. Colfax. Ph.

4-6721, Free delivery. TRY-OUTS for students' orchestra. Under 18 years old. Call 6-4479 for particulars. FINE ARTS SCHOOL.

WEDDING invitations, announcements, ception cards. Fine quality, reasonable prices, quick service. Phone 5-1991. WILL party who wishes to contact Albert Buysse from Munson St. please call WHY WAX linoleum? Glaxo plastic type coating gives long lasting protection.

Third Floor, Wyman's. YOUNG married couple wishes to take young baby in their home for adoption, All replies confidential, Write Box 386, Tribune. Announcements. H. C.

"JACK" HELMS. Auctioneer, 25 years In So. Bend. Long years of expetience enables us to give the best in AUCTION SERVICE. For sale datePhone 6-8040.

PAWNED. articles numbered 1949; 4601- 4632- 4692- 4701- be sold Friday, February 17, 1950, at 8:30 at 730 Western Ave. RELIANCE PHARMACY has filled a lion prescriptions and each contained the most priceless Ingredient of their profession, HONOR and INTEGRITY." 230 W. Washington. Ph.

4-1191. Travel Opportunities. 10 ARE you Foing west? You drive for the transportation, we furnish the car, gasoline and necessary car expenses. Good Incal references required, Ph. 6-6814.

DRIVE to Canada, Mexico or anywhere in the U. B. Rent new car, All oil and adequate Insurance furnished. PM. 2-1416 for complete details.

THE U-DRIVE-IT Co. 223 W. Wash. Next to Oliver Hotel. DRIVE new cars- Los Angeles- -San Texas--gas -Leave now--no Pascall, 1127 W.

Lawrence, Chicago. PARTY that found prayer book with child's school book, money at Kennedy school Boy Scout banquet Tuesday. Feb. 7, please return to St. Bavo Rectory or 327 W.

11th Mishawaka. Phone Lost and Found. BLACK billfold at Celfax school, Monday noon. Please return, Reward. Ph.

2-1946. LARGE, brown female airdale lost. Chain and tag on neck with owner's name. Call 5-6781. Reward.

LARGE BLACK co*ckER spaniel male. last seen vicinity. of Miami and E. Ewing, Sunday. Ph.

6-1901. LOST -Pink floral pattern one-strip drape. Between Linden Ave. and Vermont. place.

4-2321. SILVER earring, lost- in vicinity of M. R. Faicons club and Western Friday evening. Valued as keepsake.

Call 6-4105. RED male. Irish setter. lost vicinity Tamarack Rd. Ans.

to Return to 123 N. Huey. Reward. TAN BILLFOLD lost between Walker's and Kreage. Reward.

2-8370. WALLET lost Sunday evening cor. Colfax and Michigan by mail box. Return to Palace theater candy counter. Business Service.

Business Services Offered. 13 BETTER type of landscaping. Tree trimming. Tree moving. Nursery and greenhouse products, VAUGHAN'8 NURSERY and Greenhouse.

Ph. 4-9900 mi. out Edwardsburg Hwy. COMPLETE tree service. Licensed and fully insured, Hadaway Fruit Farm.

3-3065. ALL cesspool, septic tanks and vaults cleaned and repaired at low cont. Work guaranteed. Richmond, 715 E. Cedar.

2-4709. ALL -TESTED mari, black dirt and peat mORN mixed. Basem*nts dug under houses. Francis Brown, R. R.

5. hart. of Ph. 5-5110. Mishawaka.

ANY kind of washer or vacuum cleaner repaired and guaranteed. Parts for makes. DEPENDABLE APPLIANCE co. 1520 Mish. Ave.

2-4115. APPLIANCE repairing. All makes washers, sweepers, ranges, irons, fans, heaters, lamps, Guaranteed work. Wringer rolls. HOME SERVICE CO.

727 L. W. 2-2621. ASPHALT TILE CARPET and LINOLEUM laying. Beautiful patterns, SINK TOPS REPAIRED.

Free estimates. E. 1 terma. FOURNIER. Ph.

4-8797. ASHES and rubbish banied. Monthly semimonthly service if desired. Phone 6-5416. APPLIANCES REPAIRED.

Washers. sweepers. Parts and wringer rolls, GLEN SEELY 532 80. Michigan. 4-3191.

BACK-FILLING, yard grading. Black dirt. bulldozing. crane service or excavating Call 5-2781. BOOKKEEPING and Tax Service Com pany, 106 L.

W. Mish. 8:30 Ph. 5-5842 or Office hours to 5. p.

m. Mon. through Sat. CALL L. A.

Van Paris for general hauling. black dirt. cinders, sand and gravel. Also crushed limestone for driveways. peat.

moss, A1 dirt. flagstone, manure. Ph. 4-8627 or 116 W. Monroe city.

FLAGSTONE for sale for all purposes. Also contract laying. Ph. 6-3826. PAINTING, PAPERING, DECORATING.

21 FLOOR sanders, table sanders, paper steamers, Boor polishers for rent. C. Lee 225 8, Main 8t. 4-3197. BARTHOLOMEW'S for O' Brien paints.

Wallpaper, 2-4675. 3-7875. 6-5509. 1305 W. 803 80.

Mich, 1019 Lincoln Way West. BETTER paper hanging, painting. 33 years exp. 60 cents up. George Murphy, 2-2836.

BUFFALO Wipr. and Paint Store. O'Brien paints, Boor sanders and edgers, and wallpaper (movers. 1225 W. Washington Ave.

Ph. 3-0525. DAVIS Decorators. Painting and decorating contractors. Fully insured.

Phone 6-4418. FOR RENT. heavy duty floor sanders, polishers and wallpaper steamers. SMITHALSOP. 507 8.

Michigan. 4-0161. FOR YOUR interior and exterior painting, wall washing, paper cleaning and the. call Mack. 2-4207.

FLOOR sanders, edgers, polishers and wall paper steamers for rent. Thompson, 1015 8o. Mich. 6-8310. BETTER decorating service.

Int. exterior painting. texture painting. per hanging. steamin door sanding.

Terms. Call 6-9424. James D. Holm. FLOOR sanders, edgerk, table sanders, polisbers and wallpaper steamers for Pent.

Call us for painters, paperhangere or spray painting. We deliver. Mishe awaka Paint Wallpaper Store, 5-2366. 112 L. W.

W. Mishad IMPERIAL washabie wallpaper. 1.200 patterns to choose from. SMITH-ALSOP. 507 8.

Michigan. INSIDE painting. decorating, papering. Wall washing. References.

Ray Whitinger. 6-6014. PAINT ODOR make you sick? use odorless paint. Donald Holloway. Ph.

2-9251. PAPER HANGING. painting, all redecorsting. Floor sanding and refinishing. Winter prices, 4-5541.

Ed Lobaugh. PAPER HANGING. steaming. Hundreds of See them in your home. Reasonable prices.

Lee Gentry, 6-2727. PAINTS and experienced painter available for every job. Call us for advice and estimates. BELLEVILLE LUMBER SUPPLY CO. 220 E.

Jefferson, 3-9401. PAINTING pa steaming, wall washing. Best of references, Paul Kring, 5-1101. PHONE us for free estimates for interior and exterior painting, paper hanging and wall cleaning. Ph.

6-1828. Beauty Parlors. 13a THIS AD good for $1 off on any nent. Hollywood cold wave, permanent so lovely it defies imagination, DO bot heaters. nO harsh chemicals, sO natural co*king to rival nature's own.

Not $50, not $35, not $15, but $3.95 com plete Other permanents, $5.95. $7.95 $9.95, $1245. Written guarantee. 'm appointment necessary. BEAUTERI SUPER BEAUTY, W.

Wash. Ph. 4-6213. Building and Contractinq. ALL KINDS of mason work.

fireplaces and chimneys and blocks. Call after 5 m. D. Ruffner, 4-1074. ALL.

KINDS of mason work. Brick. block. Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates, D.

H. Nash. 2-5227 ANY BUILDING Job expertly done. Homes, garages, remodeling financed. Tharp, 5-6543, BAsem*nT tepairs.

Floors leveled, steel posts, steel girders, foundations, chimness ani piers repaired, steel sash installed. H. W. Johnson. Ph.

6-4377. BAsem*nTS built under houses. Free timates. Ph. 5-9821.

BUILDING, Lemodeling and all types of carpenter work. Cabinets specialty. Free estimates. C. K.

Case, 2-3911. CARPENTER Work- Also inside trim and cabinet work. Roofing siding. Fully insured, Phone 6-6160, Hugh Wright. CABINETS -COUNTERS INVESTIGATE OUR LOW PRICES FREE PLANNING SERVICE KITCHEN MART Designers of Beautiful Kitchens.

129 N. Main Ph. 3-1604 ELECTRICAL construction, repair and WirSmall Jobs Big Jobs. Phone Jack Brehmer, electrical contractor. 3-9287.

IF YOU have any carpenter work or floor sanding to be done phone 2-8902. KITCHEN cabinets made to order. We do kitchen modernizing of all kinds. BELLEVILLE LBR. SUPPLY 220 E.

Jefferson. 3-9401. PLASTERING and patching. Carpenter work. Do extra good work.

Reduced prices, Ph. 5-5728 or 5-9900. PLASTERING and patch work. cialty. 2-9901.

REPAIRING and remodeling. Small homes and garages moderately priced. Phone 3-8541. STEEL scanolding sent. Safeway.

Cneaper, faster, safer. SOUTH BEND SANDBLASTING, 4-1345. Cleaning, Dyeing, BE SHARP! Get your upholstered furniture cleaned before the spring rush. $6 to $10. Spec.

on upholstery and furn. pair. 20 yrs. exper. PHILLIPS UPHOLSTERING CLEANING CO.

5-5443. Dressmaking and Millinery. $16 ALL KINDS alterations and repairing OD men's, women's clothing. E. E.

Ebberts, Lynn's Dress Shop, 319 L.W.W. 3-3958. ALTERATION. dressmaking. ladies' suits and coats from men's.

Tailoring. Neat. Reasonable. 4-7209. 825 Lawndale, DRESSMAKING and alterations for ladies and children.

Suits for both boys and girls. 310 N. Sunnyside Ave. Phone 3-2201. FURS restyled and repaired.

Capes and cape stoles made. Prompt service. 1261 Diamond. 4-5297. TAILORING, dressmaking.

Also alterations on coats; suits and dresses. Alter and repair men's suits, topcoats, replace pockets, zippers and linings. Buttonholes, all kinds, Clare Cole. 629 E. Monroe, rear of 631.

Ph. 4-8814. Heating, Plumbing. Roofing. 17 AUTOMATIC gAS and electric water heaters.

New and used plumbing fixtures. Pipe fittings, L. STOLL PLUMBING HEATING 428 L.W.W. Ph. 4-1535.

BUY all your plumbing supplies direct and save the difference. Hamilton Plumbing Heating Inc. THE HOME OWNER'S FRIEND." 1600 W. W. Wilber.

Ph. 4-6860 or 4-7807. COPPER tubing and fittings- All popular sizes. Cut and dared free. Sinton Supply 124 E.

Jefferson. DELCO stoker. Used only one season. Excellent condition, $100. See at R.

Campbell Sons. Ph. 3-8156. FURNACE CLEANING and repairing-Ail makes. Oil burners installed.

Prompt service. NO. IND. HEATING Ph. 2-7373.

HARRY NICODEMUS says: A clogged sewer can be opened quickly and cheaply with our electric sewer cleaning machine. No digging, no muss. Work guaranteed. Just remember to call Harry Nicodemus, the expert sewer cleaner. 1225 So.

Fellows. Ph. 3-8633. H. electric sump pump.

1 diecharges, $49.50. Home Plumbing and Heating, 721 Sample. 4-6888. IF YOUR SEWER iS clogged the original ROTO-ROOTER is at your service low cost. No job is too large or too small.

Written guarantee. FREE ESTIMATES. L. B. FLECK SONS, 434 So.

Fellows, Phone 4-3451. INSTALL YOUR own furnace. Complete oil furnace. $159. No down payment, 36 months to pay.

Mason's Oil Heating Service, 316 E. Sample. 6-3603. OIL conversion burners. Gun type and wall fame rotary for economical continuous service, Install now.

1st payment in May. 3 yrs. to paye BELLEVILLE LBR. SUPPLY 220 E. Jefferson, 3-9401.

PROMPT service on furnace repairs, of burner installation and furnace cleaning: BEUTTER-ACHTON CO. 4-5891. WATER softener salt delivered to your basem*nt. Use also for ice removal, Call Carl J. Castleman Coal Ice 400 8.

Main, (Mish. 5-3154. WATER WELL DRILLING. 2" and modern machine and equipment. Deep well Jet pump installations, complete.

See us before you buy and save GILMER PARK ELECTRIC and SUPPLY. Ph. 6-4213. WELL PIPE, already cut, 5-fL lengths KAHN'S. Well points, pitcher pumps.

Try KAHN'S for plumbing supplies, 1033 Western Ave. Ph. 2-4791. Laundering. 19 BLANKETS, spreada, rugs, washings fluff dried.

Ironing, curtains, Picked, up and delivered. Ph. 4-5089. WASHINGS, troping, mending. blankets, rugs.

Curtains stretched. Ex perienced. Each wash separate. 4-3172 WASHINGS and ironings done in my home. Phone 2-4780.

Moving, Trucking, Storage. 20 BETTER auto and a truck. trafter rental Co. Move yourself and save up to We furnish all gas and oil. Local long distance.

Anywhere, anytime. Phone 2-1416 for estimates and reservations. THE U-DRIVE-IT co. 223 W. Wash.

Next to Oliver HoteL BETTER deal. Rent new truck and save more than half on that moving of hauling Job. Local or long distance. AB gasoline furnished. Interstate Auto Rentals, 8.

W. cor. Main and Lasalle, 3-0512. 221 N. Michigan, 2-6331.

AUTO truck rental Co. Save more on incal or long distance moving Everything furnished. Call Hertz Drive-Self System. Largest in the world. 710 N.

Niles Are. Ph, 4-0879. DICK'S Moving, Transfer and Storage, 20 years of satisfactory service- local, long distance. Insured carrier. Main office, 918 E.

Sample St. Phone 6-8888. BOTLERS. safes and heavy machines moved and hoisted. Dick's Moving and Transfer.

Ph. 6-8888. Painting, Papering, Decorating. 21 BETTER JOB painting. paper hanging and wall washing.

Call Don Thompson, 3-9741. $13 So. Arnold. FEW immediate dates open for painting and paper hanging. Paper samples 5-6118 of 5-6962.

Tailoring and Pressing. 25 WE DO alterations and repairing on men's and women's clothes, Reweaving as well, Prompt service. YOUNG'S Tailoring ice, 127 E. Jeff. Ph.

3-1541. Ill -Employment. Help Wanted- -Women. 27. GIRl.

or woman for maid work Apply in person. Morningside Hotel, 413 W. Colfax, A YOUNG lady for stenographic and general office work. See Mr. Newman at Newman Altman, 613 80.

Michigan St. AT WYMAN'S Do you like to sell nice things? Are you an experienced ready-to-wear salesperson? We have an opening for fulltime fashion salesperson. Excellent pay arrangement. Pleasant working conditions. Liberal discount privilege.

If you think you qualify, apply personnel fice. street floor balcony at Wyman's. BABY sitter, age 25-35, 5 days. 9 a. m.

to 6 p. $15. Occasionally stay nights. Extra Compensation. Phone 6-1080 after 6 p.

m. BEAUTY OPERATOR Experienced all around. salary commission, 5-day week. Box 454. Tribune.

BOOKKEEPER- TYPIST Must have experJence for small office. Apply 205 Western Ave DICTAPHONE TRANSCRIBING machine operators, experienced only, wanted by Studebaker Corp. Excellent salary. Apply Personnel 635 Ho. Main.

EXPERIENCED girl for general office work, typing, receptionist and answering of telephone. Box 458. Tribune. HIGH SCHOOL graduate. Shorthand, type ing.

bookkeeping, filing. Must have good telephone voice. To trained, to take complete charge of local branch office. See Mr. Macon or call for appointment between 9 and 10 m.

Victor adding Machine 1913 8e. Michigan. 6-7136. HOSIERY, bag and cashier girl desired by local shoe store. Must have experience.

Apply Gilman Store, 126 8. Michigan. HOSIERY sales and cashier, age 25-35. Neat appearance. Experience important.

Apply Widener's Shoe Store, 123 W. Washington. HOW would you like to supplement the family income by working few hours day? A pleasing personality and cat will earn you from $30 to $60 week. Call 5-6438. LADIES who can devote 2 to 3 hours day to pleasant dignified work and wish to add $15 to $25 per week to family come, write Box 391, Tribune.

LADY. age 25 to 40, to operate a popcorn stand in Mishawaka business district. Late afternoons and evenings. imately 40 hrs. per week.

Experience not necessary. Reply, giving age, previous positions and references. Box 460, Tribune. LUNCHEONETTE WAITRESS We wish to add neat, refiped waitTess to our present staff. No Sunday oF night; work.

Uniforms furnished. Salary plus 'meals and discount in store purchases. Apply PERSONNEL 7TH ROBERTSON'8. MIDDLE-AGED housekeeper for eiderly couple and child. Stay nights.

731 26th st. Ph. 4-1435. NURSEMAID for care of 3 children. Live in.

Call 3-2071. STANLEY Home Products has opening for ambitious person. No experience sary. Will train. Earnings excellent.

Car necessary. So. Bend and surrounding territories. Call Mae Krogh, 3-9173 of write 1015 8, 27th So. Bend.

RELIABLE woman to take complete charge of small home while mother works. One 6-yr -old child. References required. Ph. 2-2462.

REFINED, experienced waitress with reference. Must be alert. Top wages, $35 to $40 per week. Box 389, Tribune. WAITRESS wanted, experienced.

Good pay. Also morning shift. Sweetows, 118 L. W. Misn.

WAITRESS wanted. Night work. Apply White Spot Drive Inn, Liberty Dr. and U. 8.

20, Mish. WOMAN or girl to care for 2 children evenings. Hours or nings week or will give room and board to working woman or girl Sundays free. 2-3548. YOUNG LADIES Accustomed to earning $45 to $60 week to teach.

dancing at ARTHUR MURRAY'S. There are few ings in ARTHUR MURRAY'S South Bend studio. No previous teaching experience necessary. We will train you. Age 21-29.

Some college preferred. Apply 2 p. m. to 8 p. Mon.

through Regional Office ARTHUR MURRAY STUDIOS, 120 East Wayne, Help Wanted- Men. 28 ABOVE average earning while training. See our add under Industrial Training I- Institute. ADD TO YOUR income. Sell beautiful plastics, Including dishes, on home party plan.

No deliveries to make. Hostess gifts furnished by the company. Good commission. Car essential. Ph.

5-3202. ALL AROUND truck mechanic, G.M.C. and Studebaker. do not apply if not a truck man. A.

C. Service, 625 8. St. Joseph. AN EXPERIENCED radio and television service man to take charge of department.

Excellent opportunity. Perman. ent positi.n. RIES FURNITURE Lafayette at Monroe streets. AN experienced salesman with real ability to sell new Hudsons.

A good proposition to the right man. See Mr. Wheeler at Bill Nichols, 125 S. Lafayette Bivd. AN OPPORTUNITY for full or part time work pin setting at Bowl-Mor tion.

CONTRACT truck driver with 1-ton truck to haul coal. Webb Coal Co. Ph. 3-9431. COLLECTOR-SALESMAN must have late model car and be experienced, Installment collector.

We pay largest commissions in South Bend, average earnings are $85 per week. Apply in person, States Equipment 1830 So. Leer, South Bend, Ind. EXPERIENCED cattle butchers and beet boners. Good wages, steady employment.

Schmidt's Packing Niles. EXPERIENCED mechanics on treks and semi trailers, none other need apply. See Bill North, Norwalk Truck Lines, 1040 W. Sample, EXPERIENCED coal truck driver. Apply ready for work Thursday m.

833 6. Fellows. EXPERIENCED hardware salesman of knowledge of tools. Some mechanical -ability is desirable but not necessary, Our employes know of this ad. Write Box 439.

Tribune. PAINT n. Must be practical and exp. in set up machinery and mig. Adential Box 448, Tribune..

The South Bend Tribune from South Bend, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.