Senior Member
- Nov 15, 2009
- #1
When the light bulb is not working, what do you say to describe this situation? Can you say "The light bulb is dead"?
What else can you say?
Thank you!
Senior Member
SD, California
- Nov 15, 2009
- #2
Out. (maybe AmE)
The light bulb is out.
Senior Member
San Francisco, California USA
English -- USA
- Nov 15, 2009
- #3
When light bulbs are not working around my house I tell my husband, "The hallway light is out."
That means that the bulb is not working. If it were just that it was not lit, I would say, "the light is off."
Senior Member
English UK
- Nov 15, 2009
- #4
Or "gone" (BrE - I expect there are alternatives, but this is mine)
Senior Member
Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
English, USA
- Nov 15, 2009
- #5
JohnDR said:
When the light bulb is not working, what do you say to describe this situation? Can you say "The light bulb is dead"?
What else can you say?
Thank you!
I would most often say The (light) bulb's burned out.
Senior Member
SD, California
- Nov 15, 2009
- #6
Loob said:
Or "gone" (BrE - I expect there are alternatives, but this is mine
Really? The light bulb is gone? Hehehe I like that.
Senior Member
- Nov 15, 2009
- #7
"Burned out" is good -- common and unambiguous.
"The bulb's burned out." Absolutely.
Senior Member
94044 USA
Français (CH), AE (California)
- Nov 15, 2009
- #8
BellaDancer said:
When light bulbs are not working around my house I tell my husband, "The hallway light is out."
You don't say: "You need to change the light bulb in the hallway"?
Senior Member
San Francisco, California USA
English -- USA
- Nov 15, 2009
- #9
SwissPete said:
You don't say: "You need to change the light bulb in the hallway"?
Ah, no. This is the secret to the successful marriage. Make an observation, not a demand!
Senior Member
SD, California
- Nov 15, 2009
- #10
BellaDancer said:
Ah, no. This is the secret to the successful marriage. Make an observation, not a demand!
Yeah, the husband should automatically understand that he needs to change it. If he simply says, "That it is", an argument would follow.
Senior Member
Northwest England - near Blackburn, Lancashire
British English
- Nov 15, 2009
- #11
I'm with Loob.
'The bulb's gone' is what we've always said in our house, too.
Senior Member
Belfast, Ireland
English-Ireland (top end)
- Nov 15, 2009
- #12
Rover_KE said:
I'm with Loob.
'The bulb's gone' is what we've always said in our house, too.
Us too. Or possibly, "The light <name of location> 's /not working/ /doesn't work/."
Senior Member
Maine, EEUU
- Nov 15, 2009
- #13
Him: The light (or bulb, or rarely, lightbulb) is out/burned/out/dead/shot in the aviary and the turkey hawks are complaining of great difficulties in reading
American Conservative.Her: Tell them not to worry. I've seen that issue, and it's just the usual nutty rantings of Buchanan and friends. Him: Oh, I get it. When I'm out telling them to get something better to read, you expect I'll change the bulb as well?Her: Yes, Darling. Most perceptive.
New Member
- Feb 10, 2013
- #14
When a light doesn't work because a bulb needed to be changed, what do we say in American English? "The bulb blew up"?
Thank you!
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Senior Member
North Kingstown, Rhode Island
American English
- Feb 10, 2013
- #15
Burned out is often used. (Burnt out in BrE, I think.)
Senior Member
- Feb 10, 2013
- #16
Hi jubilant,
although I`m not American, I would say "the (light) bulb popped
/ exploded / burned out."
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Senior Member
- Feb 10, 2013
- #17
...or 'the bulb is fused'
PS. Ah, sorry, I don't know if this would be good in AE...
Senior Member
English, U.S.
- Feb 10, 2013
- #18
I've only heard "the bulb is burned out" (the glass is intact, but it doesn't conduct electricity anymore).
"Exploded", to me, suggests broken glass flying in every direction.
"Popped out" sounds as if the bulb came out of the socket, and you just have to put it back in, securely, and there's light.
Senior Member
English - England
- Feb 10, 2013
- #19
BE: I normally say "The bulb is dead"
Maybe that's just me.
Senior Member
- Feb 10, 2013
- #20
Biffo said:
BE: I normally say "The bulb is dead"
Maybe that's just me.
Yes. I am very likely to say "the bulb died" or the "bulb is dead." It burned out is also very common. These are the two ways I've heard most in AE. I've also heard the bulb blew out but that's not the standard expression.
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Miss Julie
Senior Member
Chicago metro area
- Feb 10, 2013
- #21
Embonpoint said:
It burned out is also very common. These are the two ways I've heard most in AE. I've also heard the bulb blew out but that's not the standard expression.
I go with burned out as well. I also might say blew out if it happened spectacularly (i.e., with a pop/flash).
Senior Member
English - England
- Feb 11, 2013
- #22
I just thought of another very common version (at least in BE)
"The bulb has gone."
Could you look at my nearside headlight? I think the bulb has gone.
Senior Member
English - Canada
- Feb 11, 2013
- #23
I'd say "the bulb blew" with no preposition. "Blew up" to me means it exploded; "blew out" I would only use for a candle.
Not sure if this is standard Canadian usage, but I suspect it is.
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British English
- Feb 11, 2013
- #24
I speak British English. I would say 'the bulb blew'. If the bulb exploded and the glass shattered flying across the room, I would say 'The bulb blew up'.
New Member
UK English
- Oct 5, 2013
- #25
Clause said:
I speak British English. I would say 'the bulb blew'. If the bulb exploded and the glass shattered flying across the room, I would say 'The bulb blew up'.
I typically use the past participle. That is to say, "the bulb has blown" or "the light has blown". I would also usually include a location, such as "the kitchen light has blown". The same goes for pretty much anything electronic, such as "the fuse has blown" or "the kettle has blown".
The "bulb has gone", to me, indicates a possibility of theft or misplacement. For example, "the outside bulb has gone again". "Burnt out" is something I've never heard anyone in the UK say.
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