True Luna: Finding My True Mate (White Wolf #3) (2024)


364 reviews2 followers

July 6, 2023

By this point I wished I had stopped reading it already because I was pissed at literally everyone in these books but again it’s like crack you can’t stop once you start.


711 reviews7 followers

March 20, 2023

DNF- I hate Logan- he is a terrible mate

I hate Logan - she should be with Jake. Although even Jake went off a little bit too, but I don’t understand why she would be a doormat for Logan.

I am done with this series as The main character who is supposed to be so powerful does nothing and is not even allowed to visit her friend Amy without a chaperone for 4 years because Logan is an evil control freak.

Sorry but show don’t tell how someone is powerful and even if she is not at least give her a mate that loves her and not treats her as a possession. She is not even allowed to make any decisions for herself and any time she challenges Logan like can I go get my packages for school or meet the witch or see my friend he controls her and says no

Olivia Imbier

13 reviews1 follower

October 3, 2023

Best plot and writing out of the first three books.

Mel B.

411 reviews14 followers

January 16, 2024

Felt like it needed more…

Considering that this was the conclusion of the trilogy I guess I just expected…more.


4 years have passed and Emma and Logan are blissfully happy. Emma’s brother found his mate, Daisy and they’re about to have their first child. Emma couldn’t be more thrilled with her life…the one exception is the fact that rogues are attacking her friend Alpha Drakes pack.

When Drake comes to visit and speak to Emma and Logan they’re interrupted by the arrival of a strange woman. This woman, Anna is a witch who is a direct descendant of the first witches and knows everything there is to know about the powerful and magical White Wolf (Emma).

Anna delivers devastating news; Emma has TWO MATES, one is Logan and the other is an Alpha named Nathan who has been working with the rogues who have been attacking Drakes pack in order to get Emma’s attention. The Moon Goddess gifted one of Emma’s mates to her, the 2nd mate is the product of a witches curse. If either mate is killed before the curse is lifted Emma would most likely die. Her only hope is to discover who her true Moon Goddess mate is and get a bite from him. Emma knows in her heart that Logan is her Moon Goddesses chosen mate for her, but Logan is too afraid to bite her again when he’s not 100% sure that he’s not her cursed mate, because if he bit her and he was the cursed mate Emma would die.

Alpha Nathan comes to Logan and Emma’s pack with the intention of taking Emma home with him. He believes whole-heartedly that he’s Emma’s Moon Goddess mate and that when she meets him she’ll discard her “fake” mate, Logan, and return with him to be the Luna of his pack. What he didn’t expect was Emma’s complete rejection of him and their bond, because even though Emma feels the bond between Nathan and herself she LOVES AND LIVES for her mate and husband, Logan. But Nathan won’t just give her up. And after trying to woo her and failing he makes a disastrous decision that changes all their lives.

I thought that the twist in the plot line was fairly good, I just felt as if Nathan’s role (considering he IS ONE OF HER MATES) wasn’t all that big or significant. Emma had already chosen Logan before and after meeting Nathan, so all Nathan really does in this final book is posture, threaten, and make a stupid mistake! I felt like if the curse of the White Wolf by the witches, if it was THAT strong, Nathan would’ve appeared earlier and had a larger significance in the plot. I just felt as if his character wasn’t utilized appropriately or enough. I also felt as if the book was way too short for everything that is heaped on Emma and Logan, mostly Emma though. All this news is delivered to her - she barely is made aware of her powers and the curse before Nathan shows up acting like an arrogant ass.

None of the books were overly long, but since this was the conclusion of the trilogy AND so much was discussed, I really thought it ought to be much longer than it was. I felt as if everything discussed in the book, and the hurdles placed in front of Emma weren’t thoroughly developed or fleshed out. It was almost like eating a slice of cheese pizza WITHOUT the cheese. It didn’t feel complete! Even with the epilogue it felt totally unfinished!! To add to everything, the secondary relationships were ALL TOO CONVENIENT and just sort of odd! Alpha Drake and Emma’s best friend Amy are together and Aloha Drake is about to propose to her (strange since there was NOTHING about the two of them in the prior novel) their relationship comes out of nowhere…and is especially odd since Drake was in love with Emma and had no interactions with Amy until it’s suddenly mentioned in the conclusion that they’re together and going to be one another’s chosen mates…oh and in the epilogue they’re together and about to become parents since Amy is pregnant…again, just weird!!

In addition the moon goddess forgiving Nathan AND GIVING HIM A MATE - one who is already in his pack - probably the girl he had been regularly screwing even though he knew Emma was his mate (yuck, what a man whor*, and cheating bastard) was ridiculous!! He totally should’ve played a bigger role in the book - maybe kidnap Emma and bring her back to his pack…where Emma comes into her powers and escapes him. But his cowardly action and subsequent quick fight with Emma left a lot to be desired!! And again, he didn’t deserve to be forgiven and most certainly didn’t deserve a true mate.

In conclusion this third book just felt unfinished or not well fleshed out. The ideas for the plot were huge but the execution was poor and left a lot to be desired.


107 reviews

March 24, 2024

There wasn‘t happening as much in this one


308 reviews

May 30, 2023

Okay so this was an interesting plot twist and I actually loved the outcome for Emma. You could tell the women are so kind (besides Sienna of course lol) and they calm their men down. I’m actually in love with Amy and Drake as a couple, they both deserve someone great. But like Jacob cmon man, move it along. All in all, I love this series and can’t wait to read more.

kasey motes

1 review

February 28, 2023


I've enjoyed this entire book series and I'm excited for book 4! Some thing are a bit repetitive but the series keeps getting better and better.

April 18, 2024

Unpopular opinion I actually liked this book and I really like Logan. I’m curious to see how the rest of the series goes since we end here with a happy ending. I do think I’ll be taking a bit of a break though because this series has successfully controlled my life for 5 days now and I think I need a break 😂

Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️/5


434 reviews21 followers

June 24, 2023

📚True Luna: Finding My True Mate (The White Wolf Series Book 3)📚 🌕🐺❤️

"True Luna: Finding My True Mate (The White Wolf Series Book 3)" is a passionate and suspenseful addition to the series, taking readers on a rollercoaster ride of emotions and thrills! 💔🔥 Emma and Logan's love story continues to captivate, while new obstacles and secrets threaten to tear them apart.

Tessa Lilly skillfully portrays the complexities of love, trust, and the lingering fears that plague Logan. The emotional struggles faced by the couple are realistic and relatable, creating a strong connection between readers and the characters. Their unwavering support and deep affection for each other shine through, providing a heartfelt foundation for the story. ❤️💪

The introduction of rogues attacking Alpha Drake's pack injects an element of danger and suspense into the narrative. The looming threat of Emma being targeted adds urgency and raises the stakes, keeping readers on the edge of their seats. The author expertly weaves together the suspenseful elements with the unraveling of the intriguing story surrounding the White Wolf, leaving readers eager to uncover the truth and the connection to Emma and Logan's lives. 🌙🔥

The chemistry between Emma and Logan remains palpable, and their moments of intimacy and tenderness are beautifully depicted Readers will root for their relationship and become invested in their journey.

While the book offers a passionate and suspenseful storyline, there were moments where further exploration of certain plot points and secondary characters could have added more depth to the overall narrative. Additionally, tightening the pacing in some sections would have maintained a more consistent momentum.

In conclusion, this is a compelling addition to the series, delivering a blend of romance, suspense, and supernatural elements. Tessa Lilly's engaging writing style and well-developed characters make for an enjoyable reading experience. Fans of paranormal romance and thrilling narratives will be enthralled by the challenges faced by Emma and Logan as they fight for their love and face the secrets that threaten to tear them apart. 📖🌟

Ghost Booklover

115 reviews4 followers

April 17, 2024

Este libro es el tercero de la saga True Luna. Debo decir que es mejor que los anteriores, el comienzo 4 años después de los eventos del segundo fue una buena decisión porque vemos que un poco mas evolucionado y a los personajes mas asentados y maduros.

Por suerte no hubo tanta tortura de por medio, en el libro anterior ya era no sólo cansino sino repetitivo.

Amo la relación de Logan y Emma por momentos, más que nada que ella siempre estuvo segura de que él era su verdadero mate.

Por otro lado me gustó la decisión ejecutiva de incluir esa maldición porque no me la esperaba y me sorprendió. También que desde un comienzo Nathan sea un ano ayudó a que ella nunca se sienta atraída, aunque hubiese preferido que ella sienta un poco mas de amor por él como para generar ese triángulo amoroso que no fue bien ejecutado.

Nathan era un ser súper odiable, celoso y machista. Nunca la quiso por ser ella sino por sus "poderes"

Bueno me gustó un poco mas que los anteriores, excepto los caps finales. Creo que la premisa que dejó el epílogo es lo suficientemente interesante como para seguir con el cuarto libro.

Las frases son tan repetitivas y cringe que me dieron gracia y hartazgo en partes iguales.


    ccbbb fantasy

Isabel Luna

1,158 reviews11 followers

March 7, 2024

La trama nos ubica cuatro años después de la historia anterior. Logan&Emma están felizmente casados, Drake&Amy están en proceso de emparejarse, Andrew conoció a su pareja, la hermana de Drake, Daysi y estan a la espera de un cachorro; y Jacob sigue irremediablemente enamorado de Emma. Y...aparece un nuevo Alpha para disputarse a Emma en el contexto de la maldición del lobo blanco. Vendría a ser una versión más complicada de todo lo q motivó a Samuel en la historia anterior.
El conflicto es mucho más elaborado y a cambio tenemos mucha más tensión e intensidad; especialmente xq, gracias a la maldición, hay una gran posibilidad de q Emma tenga q decidir entre ambos Alphas, Nathan y Logan.
Sin embargo, siguen estando las cosas q no me terminan de gustar: la redacción cablegráfica y la intervención del punto de vista de Andrew, q sigo sin entender para que. Y otra cosa: tampoco entiendo la necesidad del personaje de Jacob, todavía perdidamente enamorado de Emma, aunq eso se soluciona al final...q es el motivo x el cual sigo sin entender la necesidad de mencionarlo.
Pero en fin...veamos q pasa con los hijos de Emma.

Alyson Buxey

399 reviews1 follower


May 30, 2024

I couldn’t star this book, for different reasons I could give it each of the stars
1. The lack of editing nearly killed me. I read it on the Kiss app, I believe the print version has been professionally edited, I really wish I’d read that. That said I just discovered the author doesn’t have English as her first language so so much kudos to her
2. I imagine for readers who like their heroes with touch her and die vibes this will serve them well but I’m not a fan of torture and killing and the heroes are forever tainted for me because of that and when they took glee in it i was truly nauseous
3. I enjoyed the different take on werewolf lore and the addition of magic to the shifter story
4. Emma had a great character arc and really came into her own, I’m not sure other characters got quite the same opportunity but I’m glad nonetheless that their stories got tied up
5. It is compelling, even when I was frustrated, disappointed, nauseated or whatever else I couldn’t DNF it. Not quite enough to read Sophie’s story but I was finishing this no matter what and was happy with how the curse was dealt with, even if once again the heroes disappointed

    kiss paranormal


2,418 reviews87 followers

January 1, 2024

The time jump with the last book to this one was a bit much. I had a hard time trying to figure out why the time jump happened. This one did resolve the issues of those who were coming after Emma. It didn't turn out as crazy as I originally thought. It was still a bit insane just not as complicated. Emma really came into her powers and being the bad ass Luna she was always meant to be. I knew it was Logan always. A true mate would never do the things Nathan tried. The controlling, threatening aura towards Emma and those she loved would never be a Moon Goddess chosen mate. I knew he wasn't her true mate.

"I was powerful and strong because I grew and became a better person than I was. I was powerful and strong because of the people around me. I was powerful and strong because of the love I received and all the love I gave."

Emma is honestly the reason I loved this book as much as I did. Her strength and loyalty to those she loves is second to none. She is so strong because of their love. I'm so proud of her. I love all the happily ever afters with everyone and their mates!

Mariana Montecillos

211 reviews2 followers

July 19, 2023

Vaya! Pues a comparación de los primeros dos libros este mejoró bastante. Para empezar aquí si hubo trama, si había una historia y no sólo eran capítulos de relleno, considero que solo los primeros capítulos tuvieron relleno pero en sí la historia aquí avanzó. Finalmente pudimos ver un poco de la famosísima magia de la loba blanca. El antagonista me cae muy mal, es insoportable, sus capítulos eran lo peor, el era el claro ejemplo de no entender un NO por respuesta.
Este libro me dejo con ganas de leer los siguientes, igual y lo haga. Pero bueno, costo dos libros aburridos, repetitivos y sin casi nada de trama, para por fin llegar a este, donde vemos un pocos más desarrollada la trama.
No puedo decir que hubo mucho desarrollo de personaje porque a mi parecer siguen siendo las mismas personas de los libros pasados.
Es un libro adictivo de leer, no esperen encontrarse con una obra de la literatura. Es bueno para cuando no tienes nada que leer y quieres descansar un rato. Nada más.



56 reviews2 followers

June 23, 2023

This is not a stand alone. It is a series. Each book ends unknowingly. Apparently this provides a cliffhanger type vibe a little frustrating but the story is good and worth the purchase of series. Lots of emotions throughout the whole series definitely gave it a five star would’ve given it a 4 1/2 star but because I don’t have the option to do that we will do five star. I don’t understand why they keep some people alive but I’m glad it ended the way that it did after book 3 definitely purchased book 4 and five. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have a good first time reader series, even for mature readers.

Lourdes Varela

209 reviews9 followers

June 12, 2024

Debo admitir que no es el mejor libro de todos pero es Adictivo, ya que, apenas terminaba uno tenía que continuar con el otro.
Es prácticamente la misma historia que encuentras en la mayoría de este tipo libros pero como dije antes es adictivo; además como ya sabes para donde va y más o menos que va a suceder, son buenas historias para leer cuando quieres relajarte un poco, inclusive podría decir cuando tienes un bloqueo lector.
Probablemente no sea para todo el mundo, pero como dije si buscas algo adictivo y que te ayude a pasar el rato esta buena la historia.
Otra cosa que comentar, algo que no me gusto fue el hecho de las relaciones en parte ya parecían tóxicas.


261 reviews5 followers

December 31, 2023

This was an up and down

The book was okay. It had a story line, as with the last book, it had to much s*x as a filler. It wasnt spicy, it was forced. I skipped all those scenes as I found them unnecessaryly and didn't add to the story. It wasn't romantic at all. That was what filled chapters that could have explained more or went more indept about pack life and the witches and more about Emma's actual powers.
I finished it because I started it.

Plus they could focused on the pack as a whole. Emma is always the victim is boring.


1,276 reviews14 followers

January 11, 2024

Exciting, Mind trip & Happiness

Okay this book was crazy and will keep you on the edge of your seat wondering what is going to happen to our favorite Alpha and Luna! Logan and Emma have learned she is cursed to have two true mates because one is from the goddess and the other is from the curse and there are crazy circ*mstances around this curse placed upon the white wolf. Her second mate shows up and it is crazy. You will love their journey and the twist and turns will keep you wanting more! Can't wait to see what happens next. Happy Reading!!

Lakin Smalley

4 reviews

August 1, 2023

The best of the first three books

This is by far the best of the first, three books in this series. The writer has progressed on her story telling. The storyline was great. The world building needs some work still and there is still repetitive statements that are redundant. In all three books, the words “baby”, “my love”, and “f*cking” are used all too frequently. Same with burning the world down. Definitely getting better though.

teri l paddy

183 reviews1 follower

January 11, 2024

Alpha Nathan.....

I was so upset by the appearance of Anna and the cursed mate crap. It was a good story line but I'm team logan! At least she gave good information and Emma was able to harness her power and energy to protect her family. And Jacob finally got a mate....yay! I was starting to wonder about him. I was excited, sad, nervous and worried...all in all I liked the book. I'm to the next

Pamela Schalk

356 reviews4 followers

April 27, 2024

Another great book in this series!

A Goddess given mate and a cursed mate, but no way to tell which one is which. If the cursed one is Logan and he marks her again he could kill her and then he would want to die. Emma doesn't want anyone except for her mate and husband, but if she gets near the other mate she may not be able to stay away from him. You will have to read the book to find out what all happens.


132 reviews

April 8, 2024

omg I cried so much in this sad

I cried sad tears as well as happy tears I couldn’t put it down I had to know she was ok everyone was ok I kinda had some hate for Jacob but this was awesome it could be turn into a movie or even a series I would love to watch thank you you are awesome

Vanessa Maldonado

37 reviews

July 1, 2024

Creo que me gustó más que lo anteriores aunque me deja la sensación de que podría haber estado muchísimo mejor, haber explotado mucho más algunas situaciones para hacerlas mucho más interesantes. También me gustó que Emma toma más fuerzas propias en la trama que era lo que venía esperando hace rato. Lo malo, malísimo, es la traducción del libro.

Ronda Williams

141 reviews

July 4, 2024

Fantastic series

I accidentally started reading this book off my phone years ago in a whole other app. When I seen this book in my kindle, I read about and noticed it was the same!! I downloaded all 3 books and enjoyed EVERY SINGLE ONE!! thank you for putting this series on amazon. It was amazing


28 reviews

July 8, 2024

La historia me sigue gustando, no me esperaba ese giro de la maldición, bien hecho.
En los primeros libros sentí que Logan era súper posesivo peeeeroo en éste tercer libro se puso a prueba la seguridad y confianza que tiene en su pareja y la supo librar bien.
Me agradó el final aunque me hubiera gustado más detalles de su vida siendo padres.

A ver qué tal los otros 3 qué tratan de su gemela...

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Krystal Caloia

911 reviews3 followers

October 8, 2023

The writing was so bad. Something about it drew me in though and each book was "unique". Not sure if I will read the 4th book or not since it's not the same couple but their daughter.....guess I will see how I feel later.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


11 reviews

April 13, 2024

I was waiting for a lot more to happen... If Nathan was Emmas mate, even though cursed, she should have been more attracted to him. The story could have been so gripping but it turned out too predictable.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Avril Rees

1 review

April 19, 2024

Good reading

Much to Much of the "F" word for my liking I don't see the need for it. The story is brilliant so doesn't need swear words. Also the sex parts were way to much it needs to be tempered and leave something to the imagination. These bits did spoil it for me personally.


133 reviews1 follower

May 30, 2024

It was a great book to read. I’m glad the current people finally got some sense in the situation and realize. That you can’t mess with Fate. Or what is meant to be. That you have understand why things are what they are. And just go with the flow of it all.😊☺️😉

Mayaa Dubey

20 reviews

June 10, 2024

Last part is nice and interesting but the author tries to fix every character to someone like a child that wants every person engaged with someone... I have never read this kind of book but it wasn't wast of time... This book aims to believe in yourself and encourages sibling bond!

True Luna: Finding My True Mate (White Wolf #3) (2024)
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.