The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 1291-1300 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 1291

Xue Xinlong knew that he could not provoke Issac, so he could only compromise with him at this moment.

Marrying his daughter to Sun Dewang really makes it difficult for him to accept, but instead of angering Issac and then the whole family suffering, he can only choose to sacrifice his daughter’s interests in exchange for the safety of the whole family.

Seeing that he finally agreed, Issac snorted and said, “If you agreed early, don’t you need to talk so much nonsense?”

Xue Xinlong could only nod his head like garlic and said: “Chariman Issac, you are right. I will never talk nonsense in the future. Please keep my membership…”

Issac ignored him, but turned to look at Charlie, and asked respectfully: “Mr. Wade, what do you think?”

Charlie smiled slightly and looked at Sun Dewang and Xu Liqin, and said lightly: “Since Mr. Xue is already willing to marry his daughter, you should prepare quickly. It seems that it’s over 10 o’clock and the wedding is at 12 o’clock. Must start on time.”

Sun Dewang trembled with fright. He didn’t expect Charlie to really want to marry Mr. Xue’s daughter.

Marrying a girl who is more than 20 years younger than you is naturally a good thing.

But the key is how to explain to his wife Xu Liqin.

Also, Mr. Xue’s daughter, who is pregn@nt now, has a big black child in her belly, and married her in the door by herself. Wouldn’t he like to be a father after a few months? When she gives birth to a black child, wouldn’t she be the laughing stock of the entire Aurous Hill?

So on the whole, he really didn’t want to agree to Charlie’s black belly arrangement, but now that he is more than ten times stronger than himself, Mr. Xue has already compromised, what else can he do?

Orvel and even Issac are here. If he is really not exalted, he will probably end badly.

Thinking of this, he can only respectfully say to Charlie: “I would like to listen to Mr. Wade’s arrangement!”

At this moment, Xu Liqin on the side exploded, and she cursed hysterically: “Sun Dewang, you b@stard with no conscience, are you really ready to give me a mess? Don’t forget, I have been with you for so many years. The wind comes and rains, how much hardship did I endure, and how much contribution did I make to your grandson family? Are you actually going to kick me away now?”

Sun Dewang said with a very painful expression: “You can also see that this matter is not what I can do. If you offend Mr. Wade, Mr. Wade will blame me, and our whole family will be ruined!”

Xu Liqin’s whole life’s hard work has been spent on the Sun family.

Her family has no abilities either. When she married Sun Dewang, Sun Dewang had no abilities either. It was the husband and wife step by step that they made the industry the scale it stands at today.

Unexpectedly, when she was about to start enjoying the blessing, she would actually be kicked out. How could this make her stand it?

So, she scolded angrily: “I don’t care about any bullsh*t, if you dare to divorce me, I will fight with you! I will die with you!”

Issac did not expect that this bad Old Lady would dare to disobey Charlie so much, and immediately shouted to her coldly: “I will give you the last chance to honestly divorce Sun Dewang, then get out of Aurous Hill and never come back again, if you don’t do it, then I will find out all of your parents’ family and drive them out of Aurous Hill. Then, your family’s family will be destroyed in your hands. Don’t regret it!”

When Xu Liqin heard this, she almost fainted with fright.

Chapter 1292

She knows that Issac’s background is very big, and she also knows that he is true to one thing, and that his ability is well-rounded. If he really wants to drive her and her family out of Aurous Hill, he will do what he says.

In that way, instead of being able to defend her marriage, he will kill all her maidens.

The mother’s family didn’t have much abilities in the first place, and now they are considered well-off. If they leave their hometown, they will definitely have a mess.

If you say nothing, you can’t harm yourself and your mother’s family, otherwise, wouldn’t you become a mouse on the street, everyone shouting and beating?

Just when she made a painful decision to take over Charlie’s arrangement, she suddenly saw Isabella standing next to her.

So Xu Liqin seemed to have caught the savior, and quickly ran to Isabella, and knelt on the ground with a different sound, crying and begging: “Isabella, it was all aunts fault before, but the aunt was wrong. From now on, I’ll never object to your marriage with Carden anymore. Please tell Mr. Wade and beg Mr. Wade. Let’s take advantage of the time before we arrive, and quickly prepare to have the wedding. You will be my best friend in the future. Daughter-in-law, I will treat you like a daughter, okay? I beg you!”

Xu Liqin had already figured it out at this time. Everything today was due to Isabella. If she didn’t do everything possible to prevent Isabella from marrying her son, then Mr. Wade would definitely not target her.

The reason why Mr. Wade aimed at her must be because her attitude towards Isabella just now was really bad, which angered him.

Moreover, she desperately wanted to force his son to marry Mr. Xue’s daughter. This behavior must have angered Mr. Wade.

That’s why Mr. Wade punishes her and wants her husband to marry Mr. Xue’s daughter.

To solve this problem, we must start from the source, and Isabella is the source.

If I can persuade Isabella and ask Isabella to intercede with Mr. Wade, everything may be back to the original point.

Isabella didn’t know what to do at this time.

She is a kind woman, and she doesn’t want her fiancé’s mother to have nothing and leave her hometown.

But when she thought about her attitude towards herself, Isabella felt a little worried.

If I really pleaded with Charlie for her, and if Charlie really forgave her, will she retaliate against her in the future?

Seeing her entangled, Xu Liqin knew that she was worried that she must find her in the future to settle accounts.

So she cried and kowtowed to Isabella, and pleaded miserably: “Don’t worry, I will be good to you in the future. You will be my daughter and you in the future. Our mothers and daughters will abandon the misfortunes and live the lives. If I turn my face on you, I won’t die!”

Isabella’s heart softened, and she couldn’t help but look at Charlie.

After hesitating for a while, she stammered and said to Charlie: “That…Charlie…oh no…Mr. Wade…”

Charlie looked at her, interrupted her, and said in a cold voice: “I know what you are going to say, but I want to tell you that it is no longer between you and her, but between me and her. It’s useless for you to beg for things, between me and her. I won’t give you this face, nor can I give her a chance!”

Chapter 1293

Isabella was frightened by Charlie’s decisive attitude.

At the same time, she also realized that Charlie could not give her this face.

So she could only look at Xu Liqin with an apologetic expression, and said, “I’m sorry, Auntie, I can’t do anything about this…”

Xu Liqin didn’t expect that the life-saving straw in her heart didn’t work at all, so she turned to look at Carden and cried and said, “Carden, you have to save me! Carden pulling you so hard was not easy!”

Carden was also very uncomfortable at this time. Xu Liqin was his mother after all. He said that he didn’t want his mother to divorce his father and was then driven out of Aurous Hill.

Moreover, he didn’t want his father to marry a stepmother who was as old as his own after divorcing his mother.

So, he bit his head and knelt down to Charlie, begging: “Charlie, Mr. Wade, please give our mother another chance, she will definitely change in the future!”

Charlie said coldly: “I have already said that this matter is between me and your father, your mother, and this President Xue. These three people have no one to look at. They repeatedly ridiculed me, ridiculed me, and even threatened me to kill me, do you think you can solve these problems by kneeling? We only met today for the first time. Do you think you have such a great face?”

At this time, Harbin gave Carden a hand and blurted out: “Are you stupid, Carden? You still dare to disobey Mr. Wade at this time! Shut up!”

At this time, Harbin was gloating at misfortune on the one hand, and feeling a little scared on the other.

He was gloating because he was very upset with Xu Liqin a long time ago. His aunt relied on his own family to have a little money, looked down upon him in various ways, and ridiculed him repeatedly. Now she ended up like this. She really deserves it.

He was afraid because he was afraid that Carden’s family of three would continue to run into Mr. Wade if he was angry and guilty of the entire Sun family, and he would also be implicated.

So Harbin just wanted to watch the fire from the other side, not wanting the fire to burn to his feet.

At this time, in his eyes, his cousin Carden was playing with fire and setting himself on fire, and he might even burn the fire on him.

Only then did Carden fully realize that in front of Charlie, his words had no weight.

The reason why Charlie came to join him today was entirely because of the face of his wife Claire.

And the reason why Claire brought him here was entirely because she and his fiancee Isabella were high school classmates.

In this matter, Charlie didn’t even give Isabella’s face, so how could he give him face?

Seeing that no one could help her at this moment, Xu Liqin suddenly collapsed.

In her heart at this time, she was so regretful that she couldn’t wait to give herself hundreds of big mouths!

Unexpectedly, in order to prevent Isabella from entering the gate of Sun’s house, she would ridicule her, sarcasm, insult, ridicule, and even insult her.

But in the end, she became the one who was about to be kicked out of the Sun family.

This is really ironic.

If she had known today and killed her, she would not have done such a thing.

She couldn’t help asking herself, Xu Liqin, Xu Liqin, why do you have to get along with this Isabella? she’s all right now, I’ve gotten into big trouble. If I divorced Sun Dewang today and got kicked out of Aurous Hill, how can I live my life in the future?

Charlie looked at the time at this time, and said impatiently: “If you delay any longer, it will be almost 11 o’clock. Is this marriage still going to end?”

Hearing this, Orvel suddenly scolded Xu Liqin in a cold voice: “Hurry up and go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through the divorce procedures, and if you get the f*cking ink, you will be driven out of Aurous Hill!”

After hearing this, Xu Liqin trembled with fear, crying and said: “I will go, I will go, I will go…”

Only then was Mr. Orvel satisfied. He turned to Xue Xinlong and said, “Come, call your daughter up and follow me!”

Chapter 1294

Xue Xinlong hurriedly bowed his knees and said: “Great Mr. Orvel, wait a minute, I’ll go and talk to my girl. Let’s talk here, she doesn’t know yet…”

Mr. Orvel looked at his watch and said coldly: “I’ll give you three minutes, and then grind, I can’t forgive you!”

Issac also sternly said: “Xue Xinlong, I warn you, from now on, don’t play any tricks with me. If I can’t see the marriage certificate of your daughter and Sun Dewang, then you are done.”

Xue Xinlong nodded like smashing garlic, and said in a panic: “Chariman Issac and Mr. Orvel, you two, don’t worry, I will not dare to play any tricks.”

Mr. Orvel kicked him directly and scolded: “What is the use of our guarantee? Go to Mr. Wade to guarantee it!”

Xue Xinlong hurriedly climbed in front of Charlie and said: “Mr. Wade, don’t worry, I will follow your instructions and I will not play any tricks!”

Charlie waved his hand in disgust and said, “Hurry up and get business. I’m still waiting to drink your daughter’s wedding wine!”

“Eh eh eh!” Xue Xinlong nodded again and again, and immediately turned and walked out of the crowd to find his wife and daughter.

Just now, his wife and daughter hadn’t moved forward, just waiting for him to have a good talk with his grandchildren, and then the wedding would be held directly.

His daughter Bella was also anxious at this time.

She knows her situation very well, knowing that if she doesn’t hurry to find a picker to marry, it will be troublesome when her belly gets bigger and bigger.

If you are unmarried, give birth to a child, and give birth to a black child out of wedlock, then your reputation in Aurous Hill will be bad.

At that time, how will she live the rest of her life?

And now I am pregn@nt for two months, so I only have two months to get married.

In recent days, she has also been looking for a suitable marriage partner.

She has been thinking that if she is not pregn@nt with a black child, then she will simply pretend not to be pregn@nt, find someone to flash marriage, and then wait until the child is born before telling him that the child is born prematurely.

In that way, oneself can hide from the sky and keep secret.

But embarrassingly, this is a black child in her stomach, and as long as the child is born, everything will be worn.

So she can’t make people confused and accept the concealed plate, she must accept the concealed plate willingly.

However, after searching a large circle, she found that people with better conditions were not willing to take her plate at all.

Those with poor conditions and willing to take over, she really doesn’t look down on them.

Today, her father told her that Carden had taken over, and she was still very happy.

Because even though she didn’t know Carden very well, she had met Carden and he looked handsome, so Bella had a good eye for him.

Moreover, Carden went to a prestigious university again, and his family conditions are also pretty good. What’s more rare is that the two have business contacts. This is simply the best choice for her!

So she came over with joy and was waiting anxiously for the exact news.

Seeing Dad walked over quickly, he hurriedly asked excitedly: “Dad, is everything done? Is Carden really willing to marry me?”

Xue Xinlong looked at her with a complicated expression and said awkwardly, “Quietly, it is not Carden who married you today.”

“Huh?” Bella asked in surprise: “It’s not Carden who marries me, who would marry me?”

Xue Xinlong said in shame: “It’s Carden’s father, Sun Dewang!”

Chapter 1295


Bella and her mother almost fell apart on the spot when they heard these words!

Her mother scolded angrily: “Xue Xinlong, are you f*cking confused? Didn’t you say that you want to marry Bella to Carden’s father? Why do you want to marry Carden’s dad again? Sun Dewang’s age is like you It’s almost old, how can she marry him?!”

“Yes, Dad!” Bella said angrily: “Even if I am pregn@nt, I won’t marry a bad Old Master, right?”

Xue Xinlong looked at his wife and daughter, embarrassed, and while slapped himself, he cried and said: “Blame me, blame me, blame me for making lard cover my heart, and provoke annoying people. Now people treat Orvel and Issac The president is called over, and both sides only gave me a solution, which is to make Bella have to marry Carden’s father, or else we will be driven to a dead end…”

“Huh?!” Xue Xinlong’s wife’s eyes were black: “You offended Orvel and Chariman Issac? Are you crazy?”

Xue Xinlong said eagerly: “I didn’t know it would become like this…”

His wife was anxious to die, and blurted out: “What the h*ll is going on?!”

Xue Xinlong cried and told the whole story exactly.

After speaking, Bella sat down on the ground and cried.

“I don’t want it! I don’t want to marry that bad Old Master! I won’t marry if I die!”

Seeing his daughter’s a** sitting hard, Xue Xinlong hurriedly stepped forward and said, “Oh girl, be careful, don’t break my grandson! Although it is a wild species, it is also my grandson, anyway. This child has no father. After he comes out, he will bear the name of our Xue family, just like his own.”

Xue Xinlong’s wife scolded angrily: “When is the time? You are still a grandson! You hurry up and think of a way to say that you can’t let your girl marry that bad Old Master!”

Xue Xinlong sighed and said, “I can’t do anything about this. If the girl doesn’t marry, our family will be ruined. Do you think we can have any solution?”

Xue Xinlong’s wife couldn’t help crying in despair, “My God, what evil is our family doing!”

Xue Xinlong said: “Don’t think about it now, and get the certificate quickly. Mr. Wade said, he is still waiting for a wedding drink. If it is delayed, turn back, Orvel and President Issac will blame it. , Then our family is really over!”

Bella wailed: “Dad! You can’t just push me into the fire pit! Say nothing to let me marry a bad Old Master, I’m only 26 years old this year!”

Xue Xinlong said: “If you don’t marry him, the big guys above will blame it on us, our family will have nothing. By then, our family may not have enough money to give birth to the child in your stomach, let alone you are usually spoiled. It must be the best. By that time, our family may not even have enough food.”

“Ah?!” When Bella heard this, she was desperate!

She has been spoiled for so many years, and she has to spend hundreds of thousands every month.

If there is nothing left at once, then life is really better than death.

Xue Xinlong’s wife also looked desperate when she heard this.

She also didn’t want to abandon her billions of wealth and live a life of poverty and vain.

In that case, she would be killed.

So she hugged her daughter and choked, “Quietly, Orvel and President Issac are both people that our family cannot afford. For the life of our family, or you will marry that old Sun Dewang. Right!”

As she said, she whispered again: “And your belly can’t be hidden for long, at most one or two months. If you can’t find anyone to get married in these two months, it’s really over!”

“Yeah!” Xue Xinlong said hurriedly: “Marrying Sun Dewang is just a way of slowing down. After a while, after the limelight passes, we can divorce him.”

When Bella heard this, she gritted her teeth and agreed, choked up: “There is no other better way, so let’s get the certificate from him first…”

Chapter 1296

Here, in order to let Charlie spare her, Xu Liqin knelt on the ground and knocked Charlie’s head, but Charlie still didn’t buy her account.

Charlie knows how such a person is.

This Xu Liqin is simply an old beast, even more devil than his mother-in-law Elaine.

Although Elaine always wanted his wife Claire to marry a rich man, she never thought of letting his wife marry a man with children.

This Xu Liqin, for the 50 million dowry, even let her son go to a black man whom she had never met before, it was simply shameless.

So Charlie is also very clear that her current confession is not from the heart at all, but is forced by the current situation.

Such a woman, once she was given a chance to comeback, she would only become worse towards Isabella.

So Charlie wanted to give her a one-step solution: divorce Sun Dewang and never return to Aurous Hill again!

On the side, Sun Dewang is full of mixed flavors.

He looked at his wife Xu Liqin and cried to death on the ground several times.

But the young man named Wade was still completely unmoved.

It seems that it is impossible for him to take his life back.

In this way, he can only obediently marry the daughter of Mr. Xue.

But when you think about it, this really isn’t a bad thing.

Although Xu Liqin has been with him for many years, after all, he has no feeling for her anymore.

Although Mr. Xue’s daughter is not beautiful, she is at least young. For people his age, young is more than anything else.

Subsequently, Orvel took Abner and several other younger brothers, directly preparing to press Sun Dewang, Xu Liqin, and Xue Xinlong’s daughter Bella to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to handle divorce and marriage procedures.

Although Carden wanted to stop all of this, he knew he didn’t have this ability, so he could only be forced to accept it.

Just as he watched his crying mother and a few strong men pulling into the car, he couldn’t help shed two lines of tears.

Charlie looked at him at this time, and said lightly: “You and Isabella shouldn’t get a marriage certificate yet, right?”

Carden hurriedly nodded respectfully: “Not yet, the family has always disagreed before, insisting that we have to wait until the wedding is over before we talk about getting the certificate.”

Charlie waved his hand and said, “That’s right, you and Isabella should also go get the marriage certificate by the way, and when you finish getting the certificate, come back for the wedding together.”

Carden’s expression is somewhat embarrassing. We are going to have a wedding together. Isn’t it necessary to have a wedding with my father, my stepmother, and two “new couples”?

Seeing him hesitate, Charlie asked back: “Isabella has completely broken off with her family for you, shouldn’t you get the marriage certificate quickly so that she can rest assured?”

When Carden heard this, he didn’t dare to entangle any more. He immediately agreed and blurted out: “Okay Mr. Wade, then we two will follow along and get the marriage certificate!”

“That’s the truth.” Charlie nodded in satisfaction and said: “Okay, hurry up with her, come back as soon as you are done, I’m still waiting for a wedding drink.”

Chapter 1297

Seeing that Mr. Orvel was about to take these people to the Civil Affairs Bureau, Issac asked Charlie: “Mr. Wade, should I follow along and have a look?”

Charlie waved his hand and said lightly: “You don’t need to go, just wait for a drink with Xie with me here.”

Claire, who was next to him, didn’t speak for a while. Seeing that everyone was taken away, he couldn’t help but ask Charlie, “Charlie, we are here to attend the wedding between Isabella and the Carden. What about his dad. Isn’t it a bit inappropriate…”

Charlie smiled and asked her: “Wife, what do you think is appropriate? If you don’t let Xu Liqin get out of the Sun’s family today, if you don’t give the Sun’s some color today, you think your high school classmate married into the Sun’s family. Will she have a good life afterwards?”

Claire was silent for a moment and nodded gently.

She knew that Charlie was right. If this problem cannot be solved fundamentally, then with Xu Liqin’s behavior style, Isabella will definitely suffer in the future.

At that time, she couldn’t help Isabella anymore, so it’s better to let Charlie solve the problem once and for all.

At this point, she couldn’t help sighing and said, “I just don’t know if Carden will hate us.”

Charlie said lightly: “I helped him so much. If he hates me, then this person is really hopeless.”

Having said that, Charlie waved his hand again and said with a smile: “Okay, let’s go in first and wait. When they finish these trivial matters, the wedding should almost begin.”

Aurous Hill Civil Affairs Bureau.

The seven people looked very embarrassed, and under the leadership of Orvel, they stepped into the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

These 7 people are Carden and Isabella, the young couple who are about to get married today, Sun Dewang, another groom’s official, and his current wife Xu Liqin.

In addition to these four people, there are Sun Dewang’s newlywed wife Bella, who is about to register for marriage, and Bella’s parents.

After Mr. Orvel took them to the Civil Affairs Bureau, the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau hurriedly stepped forward and asked, “How many, what business do you want to do?”

Mr. Orvel glanced at everyone and asked, “Which of you will come first?”

Carden said embarrassingly: “Then I should come first with Isabella, and we will register for marriage.”

“Okay.” Mr. Orvel nodded and said to the staff: “Come on, get the marriage certificate for them both.”

The staff nodded, then looked at the relevant documents of the two and helped them to register their marriage in the system.

Since the two had not prepared their marriage certificate photos, the staff at the scene directly took a wedding photo with a red background for them.

Immediately afterwards, a bright red marriage certificate was also produced.

After getting the marriage certificate, the couple finally breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what kind of farce they are going to stage next, at least the two of them are already married as lovers.

After the staff handed the marriage certificate to the two of them, they asked: “What kind of business do other people handle?”

Mr. Orvel pointed at Sun Dewang and Xu Liqin, and said coldly: “Come on, get the divorce certificate for these two people.”

Both Sun Dehua and Xu Liqin were crying, and they could see that their hearts were very tangled and struggling, but at this moment they did not dare to make any trouble.

Xu Liqin had already cried so much that her eyes were swollen and looked swollen cotton, but she could only tell her personal information according to the requirements of the staff.

After checking the identity information of the two, the staff said: “According to our regulations, when the two are divorced, you must first show your original marriage certificate.”

Chapter 1298

Xu Liqin choked and said, “Comrade, our marriage certificate is at home. Can you give us the divorce certificate first, and then we can make up the marriage certificate later.”

The staff member said: “This is not in line with the process, you two should go back and get it.”

Sun Dewang hurriedly said: “No, it’s too late for comrades. It must be done before noon.”

The staff persuaded: “Even if the two of you have no feelings, the divorce won’t be at this moment, right? If it doesn’t work, you can come back in the afternoon!”

Orvel said at this time: “Little girl, I know Director B@stard of your Civil Affairs Bureau, or I will say hello to him, you can handle it specially and give them a green light.”

After finishing speaking, he pointed to Sun Dewang and said to the staff member: “This Old Master has to divorce and get a marriage certificate from someone else. The banquets at the hotel are set up, waiting for him to go to the wedding. Delay again and some people won’t be happy.”

The staff looked at Sun Dewang in astonishment, and the contempt in her expression was beyond words.

Needless to say, she also know that Sun Dewang must be a bad Old Master who always gave up.

He was so anxious to divorce his wife, it turned out that he was going to hold a banquet and marry someone else right after noon.

Sure enough, it was the scm man among the scm.

Later, she looked at Orvel and said, “If you know our Director, please call him. As long as he nods, I can do it.”

Orvel nodded, took out his mobile phone, and made a call.

After explaining the situation to the other party, the other party immediately greeted him from the office upstairs.

When this Director saw Orvel, he respectfully said: “Oh, Orvel, what brought you here!”

Mr. Orvel smiled indifferently, pointed at Sun Dewang and Xu Liqin, and said: “I brought these two people over to get the divorce certificate, but they didn’t bring the marriage certificate, and the time is relatively short. Can you please help me?”

Director nodded immediately and said, “It’s okay, Great lord, I’ll let someone handle it.”

Then, he said to the staff member: “Tenneria, hurry up and get the divorce documents for these two people as requested by the master Orvel.”

The staff member nodded immediately, and quickly helped the two people dissolve their marriage from the system, and then typed out the divorce certificate.

After getting the divorce certificate, Xu Liqin collapsed to the ground, crying bitterly.

From this moment on, she completely severed her husband and wife relationship with Sun Dewang, and worked hard all her life for this family.

Unexpectedly, it was such a fate in the end.

And the divorce with Sun Dewang is just the beginning, and then she will leave Aurous Hill completely and never come back.

The days that were originally blissful and full of happiness have been brought to such a degree by myself.

She was already regretful in her heart, wishing to smash her face.

At this time, Orvel was really upset seeing her sitting on the ground and crying.

So he said to Abner next to him: “Hurry up and send someone to drive a car and throw this stinky lady out of Aurous Hill’s realm. If she dares to return to Aurous Hill again in the future, you will break her leg and give it to me. Throw her out from Aurous Hill!”

Abner nodded immediately and respectfully said: “Great Mr. Orvel, don’t worry, I will personally throw this lady out of Aurous Hill!”

Chapter 1299

Abner stretched out his hand and drove out the Old Lady Xu Liqin.

Xu Liqin cried bitterly and said: “You…you also let me go home and pack two clothes!”

Abner said coldly: “You are looking for an Old Lady and want to go home and pack your clothes. I will save you a lot of face if I don’t take two of them off you! If you’re f*cking nonsense, I’ll strip you and throw it away!”

When Xu Liqin heard this, she didn’t dare to speak any more, she could only be framed by Abner like a dead dog.

Seeing that Xu Liqin was taken away, Orvel pointed at Bella, hooked his hands and said, “Come, come here.”

Bella didn’t want 1 million people in her heart, but at this time she didn’t dare to disobey Orvel at all.

Only person came to the front, the voice trembled: “Mr. Orvel…Orvel…”

Orvel nodded, pointed to her and Sun Dewang, and said to the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau: “Come, get a marriage certificate for them both.”

The staff member asked dumbfounded: “Huh? Give them a marriage certificate?”

“Yes.” Orvel said: “It’s them, do it now!”

While the staff were surprised, they couldn’t help but strengthen their views. This 50-year-old Sun Dewang is indeed a fighter among the s*umbags. He brought his wife and his new love to the Civil Affairs Bureau together and handled the divorce. And marriage procedures, is this an old thing or a person?

This staff member is a little girl, so she is very uncomfortable with sumbags. She can understand the kind of tall and handsome sumbags. After all, they have good looks and capital, but Sun Dewang is already fifty plus. At 60 years old, people don’t talk about it, and they look ugly, but she didn’t expect to be so s*umbag. Why?

Although she was very dissatisfied with the Old Master in her heart, the little girl still didn’t dare to show it directly, so she could only go through the formalities for the marriage of him and Bella angrily.

Before applying for a marriage certificate, you must first take a wedding photo.

Therefore, the two people looked like a father and a daughter, and they had to stand side by side in front of the red curtain and took a wedding photo.

Bella’s face was very ugly, even though there were tens of millions of dissatisfaction in her heart, she did not dare to show it at this time.

Sun Dewang was in a complicated mood, and the most melancholy right now was what should the child in Bella’s belly do?

Or, after going home, persuade her to beat the child?

At this moment, Xue Xinlong said to Sun Dewang with a depressed expression: “Old Man, I will not say anything about this matter today, but in the future, you must treat my daughter in every possible way, otherwise, Don’t blame me for being rude to you!”

Sun Dewang hurriedly said: “President Xue, don’t worry, I will definitely go all out…”

Xue Xinlong said again: “Besides, the child in my daughter’s belly can’t be killed if she says anything, otherwise, I won’t forgive you! Have you heard?”

Sun Dewang felt depressed.

Isn’t it just a wild species? Why are you not allowed to fight?

What else can this wild species do except to shame him?

However, he did not dare to disobey Xue Xinlong. After all, Xue Xinlong took care of his business. If he really provokes him, it is estimated that the income of the entire Sun family will be greatly affected.

So he can only nod his head and agree. He said: “President Xue, don’t worry, I will definitely not let her kill the child in Bella’s stomach.”

Xue Xinlong was relieved and said: “After the baby is born, if you don’t want to, you can give it to me. We are the old couple.”

Chapter 1300

“That’s great!” Sun Dewang finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

At this time, the staff greeted the two of them and went to the counter to apply for marriage certificates.

Bella is 26 years old this year, and Sun Dewang is 52 years old this year. The difference between the two is exactly twice as long.

The little girl who was in charge of giving them the testimony made her teeth tickled with anger while handing them the certificate.

After the certificate was issued, Orvel smiled slightly and said: “Okay, since the two couples are busy with getting the marriage certificate, let’s hurry back to the hotel. Mr. Wade is still waiting to drink your wedding wine. “

So the four of them could only follow Orvel and returned to Hilton.

At this time, the banquet hall of Hilton was full of friends from the Sun family.

Charlie took his wife Claire and sat on the table closest to the stage.

Sitting on the same table with him is Issac.

After Mr. Orvel brought the two couples back, he ran over to return to Charlie.

Charlie heard that they had already received their marriage certificates, nodded in satisfaction, and said: “I think the time is almost the same. Let’s start the wedding as soon as possible!”

Mr. Orvel said hurriedly: “Xue Xinlong has already gone to find a wedding dress for daughter. At 11:58, the wedding started on time.”

Charlie nodded in satisfaction, and smiled and said, “Today is really auspicious for Sun Dewang’s old thing. He got rid of a yellow-faced woman, married a young one, and still buy the big one and get the small one. In a few months, You can be a dad.”

“Yeah!” Orvel said with a smile, “Mr. Wade still has the means. This arrangement is really perfect!”

Charlie smiled slightly and said: “This person, no matter how capable, don’t look down on other people casually. If Sun Dewang and Xu Liqin weren’t looking down on their future daughter-in-law, they would not cause so many things today. , I hope these two people can learn more in the future.”

Mr. Orvel nodded and said, “Mr. Wade, what you said.”

Claire on the side watched Charlie’s beautiful eyes flow.

Although she also feels that her husband’s play today is indeed a bit weird, or even overkill.

But after hearing what he said just now, she felt that what he did was really pleasing.

Ordinary people may not think of such a solution. This shows that her husband still has a bit of skill and spirit that ordinary people don’t have.

Thinking of Warnia, the eldest of the Song family, when she saw her husband Charlie in the bridal shop, she suddenly felt that her husband now seemed to be very different from before, and he began to exude a fatal attraction to women.

Claire thought wildly for a while, and suddenly the cheerful music of the wedding march sounded on the scene.

This is a male emcee who stepped onto the stage with a bit of a bitter expression and said: “Thank you very much for coming today. Today is a special day because there are two new couples. Today will be witnessed by all of us. On board our sacred marriage hall, let us have the first couple to get married today, the groom Sun Dewang! The bride Bella!”

The entire Sun family’s relatives and friends are embarrassed below.

Although they knew what would happen at this wedding today? But when they heard the emcee call out their names. It was still a little strange.

Seeing that all the family named Sun were dumbed and the scene was quiet, Mr. Orvel couldn’t help but stand up and shouted: “What the h*ll do you want, why don’t you applaud for the bride and groom?!”

The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 1291-1300 - EthicLearner (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.