How Long Is Exoprimal Main Story (2025)

1. How long is Exoprimal's story? - Destructoid

  • 15 jul 2023 · It'll take 55 matches in all to completely get through Exoprimal's “campaign” (which is mostly a series of cutscenes and vignettes that deal ...

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2. Exoprimal - Reviews -

  • Worth playing for ~10hrs to experience some awe-inspiring set pieces. If you ever wanted to fight literally hundreds of dinosaurs at once with awesome mech ...

  • How long is Exoprimal? HowLongToBeat has the answer. Create a backlog, submit your game times and compete with your friends!

3. Exoprimal Review - Gideon's Gaming

  • 18 jul 2023 · Hours Played: 30+ hours (105 Matches played), Type: Full Release ; Reviewed On: Xbox Series X · Platforms: Xbox Platforms, PlayStation 4/5, PC.

  • Exoprimal is a unique blend of PvP & PvE where players use high-tech exosuits to battle hordes of dinosaurs.

4. I hope every multiplayer game copies Exoprimal's best feature

5. Exoprimal review: Dino-sore - Shacknews

  • 19 jul 2023 · It's easy to spend 3-4 hours on the game, see the same raptor waves, complete the same objectives, hear the same "You are completing objectives ...

  • Exoprimal has some exciting ideas, but the good stuff sadly trickles in at a dinosaur's pace.

6. Exoprimal Wiki | Fandom

  • Gameplay · Story · Gallery · Promotional Videos

  • Exoprimal is a third-person shooter game developed and published by Capcom. It is a team-based multiplayer action game in which the player must fight against massive hordes of thousands of dinosaurs and mutated prehistoric creatures. Exoprimal is a player-versus-player-versus-environment game where the player assumes control of an Exofighter, who fights using an Exosuit. Exofighters compete in a series of combat challenges called war games created by the sinister artificial intelligence called L

7. Exoprimal - Review — Analog Stick Gaming

  • 25 jul 2023 · To further push players away from the story is how Exoprimal delivers it. As you return from missions, regardless if you are successful or not, ...

  • Exoprimal was a big surprise out of Capcom when it was first revealed. While its core foundation and gameplay is remarkably solid, the lack of additional game modes and variety can make the title fairly repetitive. Still, Exoprimal largely succeeds with engaging gameplay and a diverse cast of Exo-su

8. 'Exoprimal' Disregards Every Modern Multiplayer Trend, With Great Success

  • 21 jul 2023 · However, once you reach a certain point the entire game explodes open. For the next ten to fifteen hours Exoprimal layers in wildly different ...

  • 'Exoprimal' is the biggest surprise of the year, with a vibrant multiplayer experience tied to an ambitiously detailed story.

9. Exoprimal Review - Prehistoric Warfare - GameSpot

  • 1 aug 2023 · James completed the main story in about 20 hours, fighting hordes of dinosaurs with every exosuit available. Game played via Xbox Game Pass. @ ...

  • Exoprimal keeps its cards close, saving some of its best moments for later.

10. story - EXOPRIMAL | CAPCOM

  • The year is 2043. Three years have passed since the vortexes—rifts in spacetime—unleashed the dinosaur outbreak across the world.

  • Exosuits are grouped into different roles,and players will pilot these exosuits to hold firm against overwhelming dinosaur swarms in online-only,team-based action game modes.

11. Capcom's dino shooter Exoprimal is campy but clunky - The Verge

  • 18 jul 2023 · But Exoprimal melds multiplayer progression with a single-player story extremely well. At the end of every match, you're rewarded with story ...

  • If you loved Jurassic Park, Exoprimal might be for you.

12. Exoprimal reveals its massive twist too late in the game - Polygon

  • 21 jul 2023 · ... main. Exoprimal is at its best when your team is aiming for maximum ... long last, some genuine narrative intrigue. It is a profoundly ...

  • Capcom’s nostalgic romp through the halcyon days of hero shooters has pacing issues


  • in online-only, team-based action game modes. STORY. The year is 2040... Sudden dinosaur outbreaks have engulfed the globe in a crisis ...

  • Exosuits are grouped into different roles,and players will pilot these exosuits to hold firm against overwhelming dinosaur swarms in online-only,team-based action game modes.

14. Exoprimal Review - Niche Gamer

  • 22 jul 2023 · It's a game I'll play every once in a while, but it doesn't get me hooked for long periods of time. The game's main story is pretty fun, and ...

  • Exoprimal has been live for a while now, and I feel like I’ve played enough of it to finally put out a full review.

15. Exoprimal Review - Stronger Story Than Overwatch 2 -

  • 17 jul 2023 · A mediocre story with some insane plot twists is good to peak your interest and keep you going for a while. The repetitiveness of the missions ...

  • BGeek Gaming reviews, news and interview articles, | Exoprimal Review - Stronger Story Than Overwatch 2

How Long Is Exoprimal Main Story (2025)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Views: 5822

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (67 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.