Bubble gum down my throat (And it's a curse) - Chapter 4 - onlythebrave29 (2024)

Chapter Text

Of course, Adora didn’t expect Catra to just magically stop going out and bringing people back, but something about the night she didn't do that seemed more genuine than the rest. But obviously, Catra would prefer sleeping with random women every night, rather than cuddled up with Adora. And honestly, thinking about that was selfish, and Adora shouldn’t be mad. Adora’s not mad. Was Adora mad?

The time was around 8 and Adora relocated to the couch, as sitting in her office chair for 11 hours wasn’t really fun. Catra was at a kindergarten class today, she was mentoring and helping little kids do some chicken hand art, and demonstrating some of her easier techniques. Adora laughed at the thought. Catra with kids. She was too short-tempered for that. But hopefully, Catra wouldn’t murder a 5 year old. She walked around the kitchen and pulled out pasta and put it to boil, and started with Catra’s favorite pasta sauce. She deserved it after a probable long day.

Adora loved making Catra happy, with little sh*t here and there, when they first met, and Adora proved herself useful in the kitchen, and just a good helper over all, Catra said she was a ‘better dormmate than she thought’. It wasn’t long after Catra let her in properly that the two were best friends who both stuck together, through everything. Well not everything.

Catra wasn’t home 3 hours later and Adora was worried. There's no way kindergarten class and a trip for a few groceries should have taken that long. She tries to distract herself with her textbooks and notes, but even that was getting hard. It was 11:30 when she sent her a text asking where she was. It was 11:44 when Catra stumbled in, a smile appeared on Adora’s face, but then she noticed Catra stumbled in with another girl on her lips. Well, there goes that smile. She was pretty, almost 6 feet and blonde, Adora noticed she had brown eyes. Catra deserves that, pretty, skinny, blondes. Not Adora. Adora was overweight and her muscles were growing masculine and she looked so, so ugly. She hated the skin on her arms and her hips, but the could-be-a-model girl stumbling in with Catra, she was perfect. They broke apart for a second, their eyes full of hunger,

“Adora, I’m sorry, could you please get the, the groceries from the car?” She said breathlessly. Adora nodded and within a second Catra and the girl were gone. It was going to be a long night, unfortunately.

She loved Catra, but she hated these nights where they seemed miles apart. Where she heard Catra giving herself to another blonde jock lesbian. She clearly had a type, Adora clearly wasn’t it. But Adora didn’t want anything more than staring into those gold and aqua eyes all day. Surprisingly, she only got through 6 textbook pages before she could hear Catra’s door open and then close. It took another page for Catra to knock on her door.


“Come outside, I miss you dummy.” They both moved to the barstools and Catra served herself Pasta. “You gonna…” She signaled to the pasta.

“Nope, I already ate.” That was a lie, she was trapped in her room all day before she came out to make the Pasta. Catra knew she was lying, but after they fought about it, Catra promised she wouldn’t talk about Adora not eating much ever again. She still, without fail, asks her if she wants a snack every hour, and without fail, Adora always says no. “What happened to her?”

“Eh, we both weren’t that into it. What do you say we watch one of your rom-coms?” Adora’s face lit up instantly, her rom-coms were her life. But then she darkened again.

“I have…work. I don’t think I can today.” Catra put both of her hands on Adora’s shoulders with a mouth full of pasta.

“You…watch…a movie. f*ck schoolwork” That was all Adora could make out. But she gave in and nodded because, who doesn’t want to spend a night cuddled in with Catra and watching one of her favorite movies. Tonight was looking up. They talked about Catra’s kindergarten class she taught today, and surprisingly, she only had good things to say.

“Oh my god Adora, and there was this one kid who looked exactly like you and it was hilarious. I’ve seen your childhood pictures, but she was like, like the future Adora. Her name was Amara, and she made a really, really good turkey hand. Oh, and there was this one guy, oh I hated him. He was an absolute asshole and ripped the papers if he made a small little mistake. His name was George, it fit him. But they were all so small and cute, Adora, I wanted to hug them forever, all of them, except for George.”

“So now you like all kids but have a grudge against a George? You know, Mara’s nephew’s name was George. He’s like, 5. Wait-”

“Adora, if you're about to tell me that child is even mildly related to you I will leave this apartment.”

“Well, not related to me, but yea. It’s a small world.” Adora shrugged as she pulled up her to-watch list and chose a rom-com about two students who meet at a party and become roommates. And then obviously, fall in love. They were about half way through, the conflict starting to arise.

“There's no way this sh*t happens in real life. Absolute fake bs.” Adora shoots her a glare.

“Why can’t it happen? I don’t see any dragons or princesses, so it’s perfectly possible.” Adora shot back.

“Mhm cupid, but it’s almost impossible for two people to both love each other equally. I’d say theirs like, 5 couples in the world that are actually in love.” Adora grumbled.

“Let me watch this in peace without your criticism.”

“Aw, sorry princess, did I ruin your perfect fantasy?” You are my perfect fantasy, Adora thought. But she just furrowed her eyebrows and nodded like a child. Catra opened her arms, asking Adora to fall in them, and she did. She leaned into Catra’s arms and laid down, using Catra’s thighs as pillows. Catra’s hair made strokes in Adora’s hair and her tail wrapped around Adora’s waist in a somewhat protective manner. The movie came to the end when the two love interests had their first kiss of true love. Adora had been kissed, but it was drunk at a New Year’s party. She wanted to find love that wasn’t you know, Catra.

Catra’s hands were growing slower and Adora could feel she was falling asleep. She got up, going to get a blanket for Catra, but the half-asleep cat grabbed her hand right before she could, pulling Adora closer and then hugging her around her waist, pulling her close. Adora propped Catra up and carried her to her room. She laid her down and instructed her to take off her jeans and button down. Catra’s eyes widened.

“No, not like that.” Adora said, adding a bit of a laugh to her voice, to lift the mood. Catra obeyed and took off her clothes, leaving her in lace panties and a matching bra, but she was prepared for having a night with the person who ended up leaving, so it was reasonable. Adora turned around, trying to hide the blush growing on her face. She couldn’t want this.

She made sure Catra was properly asleep and tucked in before she made her way out of the room. She spent the rest of the night overthinking all the times today she could have just confessed her feelings out to Catra. She never did though, and she never will. She’d graduate and find her “person”. And run away as far as she could with them. Away from her undying feelings for Catra. Undying feelings? Noooo, just a small crush. Nothing more. She wanted to have picnic dates, and movie nights, she wanted to snuggle into Catra as they sat in Adora’s childhood bedroom, all of the stuff she loved from the rom-coms. They were possible. Maybe not with Catra. Catra wouldn’t want that.

She wanted their little kittens running around, growing with Catra and Adora. She wanted to change their diapers and teach Catra how to follow. She wanted them both to be at their kids' first days of school, she wanted to see Catra bandage them when they fall and get hurt, she wanted to wipe Catras tears whenever she got too stressed. She had imagined them in so, so many universes. And they always ended up together. Whenever she tried thinking of a future with her middle school of high school girlfriends, it never geeked right, but with Catra? It feels like it was made to be. But it can’t happen. Not in this universe. But there has to be someone for Adora, right? Someone she could bring home and love. Mostly on impulse, she ends up calling Glimmer over. At 3 in the morning, but it’s okay because she's only a few dorms away.

“I want to hook up with someone.” She blurts out the second she opens the door.

“O-kay is that why you called me here because if I have to remind you…I have a fiance and sh*t?” Adora looked back into the dorm as she heard rustling of sheets. She grabbed Glimmer's hand and pulled her outside.

“Let's take a walk, and no Glimmer, you're my best friend, ew. What I’m trying to say is that I haven’t hooked up with anyone in a while. And I really, really want to.”

“Is this just 3am hornyness? Should I call Catra to take care of it?” She smirks knowingly, she’s been on Adora’s case about this since Glimmer saw her staring at Catra longingly when the 3 were having a girls night. (Okay, Bow wasn’t in town, they wouldn’t just leave him out for no reason.)

“Glimmer, oh thank f*ck your here, you have the keycard.” Adora jumps and turns around at the voice to see a girl with shoulder length dreadlocks pulled back into a ponytail. She had deep hazel eyes and her skin was lightly tanned. She had a nose piercing and biceps for days. If Adora wasn’t already a lesbian, she was even more so now. Adora was even prouder to see that this person was checking Adora out just as much as she was to her, there was no question as to whether this girl was gay. She wore a white shirt with a red varsity jacket and flared black jeans, a cigarette between her lips. Adora suddenly felt really undressed in her baggy white jeans and an oversized blue hoodie that said “Treat People With Kindness”. Glimmer cleared the throat and smirked, thinking she just made the match of the year. Lonnie just casually looked over to Glimmer while Adora sputtered and broke her eye contact with the girl. Glimmer pat down her jeans.

“f*ck, no keycard here. I thought you’d have it.”

“You didn’t know when I’d be back, quit the bullsh*t G.” The three of them walked to the main office and Lonnie and Adora sat on the couch while Glimmer was scolded about leaving her keycard at this time in the morning. Lonnie forgot her keycard as well, but she was told Glimmer was going to stay in the dorm. “So…you're in dorm number 176?” Adora nodded. “Right so, like, a few dorms away from us, nice.”

“Mhm.” After a few seconds of silence, Adora added, “what’s your name?”

“Lonnie, yours?”


“You are pretty adorable.”

“How scandalous! Flirting with people at this hour of the night?” Adora jokes, Lonnie laughed, and Adora felt a sense of pride.

“There's a difference between flirting and pointing out facts babe.” Something about this girl was making Adora gayer with every second.

“They're not gonna be able to make a key until morning. At like 8.” Glimmer plopped on the couch between the two. “We can just sleep here on the couch. It’s only a matter of like, 3 or 4 hours.”

“I mean, one of you could sleep in my room, and one on the couch?”

“I’m calling bed, Glimmer here was the one to make the mistake of leaving the card in the first place.” Glimmer groaned but gave in to Lonnie’s conditions. Once they made their way to Adora’s room, Glimmer flopped on the couch and Adora signaled both of them to be quiet, not wanting to wake Catra in the next room.

“Yea there's no way I’m gonna be able to fall asleep at this time. All nighter?” Lonnie asked, plopping herself onto Adora’s office chair. Adora nodded. It was way too late to be able to have a sufficient night of sleep. “Truths?” Lonnie suggested. Adora flopped on her bed and nodded.

“Would you kiss me? Because I really, really want to kiss you.” Adora said, and woah, where the f*ck did that come from. “Wait- sh*t that was-” But before she could finish, Lonnie was on her lap, cradling Adora’s face, closing the gap between them. Lonnie was the first person to kiss her like she really, really wanted Adora. They didn't know sh*t about each other, but Adora getting that physical validation was all she really needed. Their mouths gilded together with anticipation as Lonnie’s varsity jacket slipped off and she was left in her black sports bra. Adora’s had sex before, but it was drunk, and she did have sober sex once, but it was a one-time fling two years ago. Both of their eyes were dark with lust and Adora nipped down Lonnie’s neck, not afraid to make marks. The sounds Lonnie gave her just motivated Adora more. Their time together was cut short when the door opened to reveal a sleep-ruffled Catra hugging her pillow and Glimmer.

Catra’s eyes were as wide as the sun, and Glimmer mouthed, “Damn.”

5 Minutes Ago

“Catra, I’m sleeping in here.”

“What the f*ck are you doing here?”

“I don't know, but Adora and Lonnie are making a sh*t ton of noise in her room.”

“What, karaoke party?” Glimmer scoffed.

“You wish.”

“Alright, let’s go investigate. The sun’s almost rising anyways.”

What Catra didn’t expect was to open the door to her best friend quite close to going down on someone. And oh f*cking hell.

Bubble gum down my throat (And it's a curse) - Chapter 4 - onlythebrave29 (2024)
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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.