4xx issues show a resource’s absence on a Web Server. For example – a server generates 4xx issues when a user requests a non-existing page.
In this case, 4xx errors occur when a user has removed, changed locations, or renamed URLs for a page on a website. However, as their name suggests, 4xx errors have different status codes, which show how servers deal with 4xx scenarios.
In this resource, you’ll learn about 4xx issues, 4xx error status codes, and – how to fix the 4xx problems on a WordPress website.
Introduction to 4xx Issues
4xx errors occur when a specific resource on a server is not found, restricted, or undefined.
As described above – 4xx issues have different variations or status codes, showing more in-depth information about a particular scenario.
In this case, examples of 4xx errors include 400 Bad Request, 401 unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, and 404 Not Found issues.
4xx Error Status Codes
Let’s address 4xx status codes and briefly explain their meaning for specific scenarios.
400 Bad Requests
As its name suggests, a server triggers 400 errors when a user’s request for a page is corrupt, invalid, or undefined.
When this happens, the server fails to process the user’s requests.
How to Fix?
To fix the issue, you may need to clear your browser’s cache and cookies. You can also check if disabling Chrome extensions, checking file sizes, and flushing the DNS cache solve the issue.
401 Unauthorized Requests
Due to unsuccessful, invalid, or corrupted user authentication, a server generates 401 unauthorized error status codes.
Sometimes – 401 errors occur when a server fails to handle users’ valid credentials.
How to Fix?
Supplying sufficient credentials will solve 401 errors on a WordPress website.
402 Payments Required
Among 4xx status codes, 402 errors remained inactive.
As its name suggests, if accessing a page needs payment, 402 error status codes are generated.
How to Fix?
Try accessing the restricted page after you’ve made a payment.
403 Forbidden Errors
The 403 status code indicates if a user can perform specific server operations, such as accessing a forbidden or restricted page.
In this case, users’ permissions, restricted resources, or a server’s misconfigurations may trigger 403 errors.
How to Fix?
Authentication may fail to solve 403 errors for a user. Instead, adjusting sufficient rights to a resource will fix 403 Forbidden errors in WordPress.
404 Not Found Errors
The 404 Not-Found is the most commonly occurring status code among 4xx issues.
A user is presented with 404 errors when a page doesn’t exist on the web server.
In this regard, URL typos, deleted pages, and outdated links create 404 issues on a WordPress site.
How to Fix?
If accessing a page triggers a 404 error, creating the page in question fixes the problem. You can also set proper redirects if a page has been renamed, changed, or moved to another location.
405 Method Not Allowed
Sometimes, a web server doesn’t support specific resource access methods.
As a result, 405 errors occur when a user’s request involves forbidden methods for a specific resource. Also – a 405 status code may occur if a server rejects all user requests or is not configured.
How to Fix?
According to the particular resource, requests should be adjusted based on allowed methods, precautions, and measures to fix 405 issues.
406 Not Acceptable
A 406 Not-Acceptable error occurs when a client requests a different version/format of the resource from one available on the server.
For example, a user may request a page in a different encoding or format, such as a PDF file in a JPG.
How to Fix?
According to the resource type, format, and encoding, changing your request’s measures will fix 406 issues.
407 Proxy Authentication required
A 407 error occurs due to authentication – when a client needs authentication to access a resource on a proxy server.
How to Fix?
Having valid credentials to host the required resource on a proxy server.
Related Reading: 5xx issues, What are They?
408 Request Timeout
If a client fails to provide specific information for a particular duration, the server triggers 408 Request Timeout errors, such as when a process takes longer to complete on the server.
How to Fix?
Following the server’s guidelines solves 408 issues, such as uploading files within allowed size limits.
409 Conflicts
If other programs use a resource on a server because of a particular user’s status, clients asking for the resource may trigger 409 errors.
In this case – although the request is valid, the current state of the resource matters.
How to Fix?
After you’ve cleared the browser’s cache, try the resource again. You can also check if checking URLs can solve 409 problems.
410 Gone
A 410 Gone error shows the permanent unavailability of a resource on a Web Server, indicating that the resource will not be available in the Future.
How to Fix?
Disable your site’s plugins and see if the problem has been fixed. Also, try – checking for corrupted entries in the HTACCESS file to solve 410 issues.
411 Length Required
The 411 Length required error occurs when a user’s HTTP request lacks appropriate content length.
In this case, a server may refuse to accept requests if they don’t meet standard criteria.
How to Fix?
Modifying, adjusting, and managing the content of the requests helps you fix 411 issues on a WordPress site.
412 Preconditions Failed
If a server checks for specific conditions before processing users’ requests, the 412 error is triggered if pre-conditions, measures, or precautions are not carried out or unexpected for the server.
How to Fix?
If you’ve recently changed your site’s layouts, options, or measures, clearing your browser’s cache can solve 412 errors. Also, check if rolling back recent updates can solve the problem.
413 Request Entry Too Large
If a user’s request exceeds a server’s limitation to process actions, a 413 error is generated.
For example – uploading a large file may trigger 413 Request Entry Too Large errors on a server.
How to Fix?
If the error occurred while uploading a large file, ask your Hosting support professionals for assistance.
414 Request URI Too Large
Similar to 413 – a server generates 414 errors if a client’s Request-URL length exceeds the server’s set limit – helping prevent cyber attacks.
How to Fix?
You’ll need to change the server’s configuration files to allow it to process longer URLs. Ask your Hosting support professionals for assistance.
415 Unsupported Media Type
If a client’s request contains an unsupported payload format, the server generates 415 Unsupported Media Type errors.
How to Fix?
Adjust the Content-Type header values in the requested content. Also, determining if the server allows specific actions to be processed will help you fix 415 issues.
416 Requested Range Not Satisfying
If a resource on a server doesn’t support exceeded values in the specified range, the server generates 416 errors against users’ requests, such as requesting a 1000-Bytes image with a range of 500-1500.
How to Fix?
Sometimes, the browser’s cache causes 416 errors in WordPress. Clear your browser’s cache and see if it solves the problem.
417 Expectation Failed
If a client’s request contains the Expect request-header field, the server generates a 417 response if the client’s request is not handled correctly.
How to Fix?
Re-sending the request without Expect Headers can solve 417 errors.
422 Unprocessable Entity
If a client’s request is valid but incomplete, the server generates a 422 unprocessable entity error. A request with missing fields is an example of 422 requests.
How to Fix?
If possible, contact developers’ support for a fixing routine of 422 Unprocessable Entity.
Final Thoughts
4xx errors are created when a resource’s existence on the server is doubtful.
In some cases – a page is available on the server; however, 4xx errors show access levels, restrictions, or configurative issues.
Fixing 4xx errors demands information about the status code; for example, the 404 status code requires a different fix than 406.
However, if you need assistance fixing 4xx issues, let us know for more information about one-timefixes, WordPress maintenance plans, or custom plans.